Chat in English (英語で雑談) part 203

0001名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイWW 5a1d-mO1K)
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2017/10/11(水) 16:05:29.62ID:d8FUuXlR0
    // |ヽ\
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┃休│   ‖
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┃ _ロ==(´・ω・)<drink Ayataka
┃/ (::) ( >oy>o\
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄

Previous Thread:
Chat in English (英語で雑談) part 202

Hey!!! All you NEETs, nerds, YouTube link spammers, pedophiles, neo-Nazis,
Yukorin enthusiasts, Nanako SOS admirers, Part-Time-Preachers,
Diplomats' spoiled sons, losers who can't remember Kanji characters,
Big-boobs fans, Weeaboo from around the world, learners of Japanese
who are too lazy to update their Japanese blogs very often, cunning
linguists, stupid fan girls of Johnny's Boys, Touhou pirates, and
that electrical super-gay who suffers from mental disease - This is your thread!
Let's hope the Internet-addicted housewife will come back soon!

We all wish for permanent world peace!
0012名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 058c-BYga)
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2017/10/11(水) 23:58:44.55ID:ZQiqRiOQ0
It's been a week or so since the name 2chan was changed to 5chan.
Rumor has it that it's to avoid a lawsuit risk, but from the perspective of brand
loyalty, that was in my opinion, the worst decision. The name 2chan has special
place in us, what's called "2channelers." 2chan have underground feel to it.
It's not, hey just change 2 to 5, then everything will be all right kind of thing.
It's said 2chan is getting less populated because of the rise of other social media's popularity.
The name change could spur the trend even more. Are we 5channelers now?
Heck, NO.
0018名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 13be-4FuW)
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2017/10/12(木) 10:54:06.07ID:QqQR3Rhp0
no plobrem.
0031名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウウーT Sa1d-Qarq)
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2017/10/13(金) 00:35:34.20ID:OOzOaz+ka
japanese teenagers seem to tend to buy iphone even when they actually want to buy a different smartphone.
"peer pressure" is what made them do so and i think that it is a bit ridiculous.
if they continue to live their daily lives in such a way in various aspects,
they will eventually be deprived of their natural ability to decide which way to go in future.
they should get what they want to get.
0034名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 41be-4FuW)
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2017/10/13(金) 01:11:23.94ID:Dt81YmrD0
that is like my weight hehehe
0035jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ 7bd1-HnJS)
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2017/10/13(金) 01:38:39.53ID:lpVucbrg0
Just enjoy it. If you take a picture, you're a creep.

In >>27, it would probably be better to write, "I think you should avoid fat rather than carbs."
The two ways you wrote it, can actually both be used in English, and they have slightly different meanings.
I don't think either one is really right for this situation though.
If you say "I don't think you should x" then you're saying "x" isn't a good idea, but you aren't giving
another suggestion and this isn't a strongly worded statement.
If you say, "I think you shouldn't y" then you are saying that doing "y" is a bad idea, and they should avoid it.
That's a stronger statement, but the difference is subtle. Like the difference between "bad" and "not good."

Here's an example: I don't like sweet potatoes. I don't DISLIKE them, but I don't really enjoy them. Occasionally
I eat sweet potatoes but I don't request them to be made. I don't hate sweet potatoes, but I don't like them either.
0036名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 8bcf-B6a6)
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2017/10/13(金) 10:25:14.48ID:Gi7Qyy640
when I thought it over, the meanings of the two was a little different, as you said.

A. I think you shouldn't take fat rather than carbohydrate. あなたは炭水化物よりもむしろ脂肪を摂るべきではないと私は思う
B. I don't think you should take far rather than carbohydrate. あなたは炭水化物よりもむしろ脂肪を摂るべきであると私は思わない

In this case, A is rather right after all, ということですよね?

I have thought it was the wrong sentence that is like "I think that you + verb + not " instead "I don't think that you + verb"

but it's on a case by case basis, なんですね。

0043名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 8bcf-B6a6)
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2017/10/13(金) 13:44:40.95ID:Gi7Qyy640
Which airport?

I've heard that in some Europian countries there are many groups of thieves
who at first speak to a tourist, pretening to be just a man in the street,
while another member of the gang snatches the tourist's bag.
So, the sucker just maybe waryed of fraud.
0054名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 41be-4FuW)
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2017/10/14(土) 01:13:24.13ID:rzMoa9wB0
tonight is 13th friday so i want to have sex!
0055jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ 7bd1-HnJS)
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2017/10/14(土) 03:10:43.94ID:0ioFUQ3K0
I think you guys understand the difference in those sentences. And it's true that "avoid" would
have been better for the original sentence.

Last night for dinner, I made pork chops with corn and apple sauce on the side. It was very good.
0059jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ 7bd1-HnJS)
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2017/10/14(土) 05:57:42.71ID:0ioFUQ3K0
I like to rub it with salt and pepper on both sides, and then cook it for a few minutes per side
in a really really hot skillet. I like to use my cast iron pan because aluminum ones don't get hot enough.

Your food looks pretty tasty too, but the egg yolk looks a little weird.
I have that meal probably once a week or so. The store marks down their bento stuff around the same
time I get off work.
0060名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 99bd-DK+R)
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2017/10/14(土) 10:13:02.45ID:xJ/6g6Lh0
People I hate #1 part2
People who don't answer your questions directely and try to make you feel like dumb ass.

Me "Excuse me sir, does this bus stop at gate 30F?
Sucker "This bus stops from 30A through 30J"
Me "So,, does this bus stop at 30F?"
Sucker "This bus stops from 30A through 30J"
0079名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウウーT Sa1d-Qarq)
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2017/10/15(日) 00:38:34.22ID:IABSZ3jLa
a kind of coffee drink called "goth latte" seems to be hot selling in the uk and australia.
this contains activated charcoal which is very good for human health as it gets rid of toxic substance from human body.
the color combination of black & white also looks attractive for me.
i can't wait for this product to be rolled out in japan too.
0087名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 41be-4FuW)
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2017/10/16(月) 02:22:17.37ID:HQdJA68a0
your milk also become transparent, be care.
0088名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 01a8-DK+R)
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2017/10/16(月) 02:32:13.71ID:BsOm3lJT0
Ask someone to say SILK 5 times. They will go:

Now ask them: “What does the cow drink?”

‘MILK’ will be the swift answer they provide!

Enjoy their reaction after you tell them that the cow drinks water and not milk.
0096名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウウーT Sa1d-Qarq)
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2017/10/16(月) 21:29:52.46ID:GzPXsxX6a
i didn't know that having your skin tatooed has a risk of several serious diseases.
i don't intend to try tatoo myself, i was simply stunned at the fact.
i guess most of young people didn't think carefully before having their skins tatooed.
just as a cool way of expressing themselves...
0099名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 8bcf-B6a6)
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2017/10/16(月) 22:08:21.44ID:jX0c6pe+0
Most English speakers say "shit, shit, fuck, fuck" every few minites
Shit means クソ!(糞) in Japanese. 糞 is crap..
Japanease also sometimes use クソ!when things didnt go well
that is, these two words are totally the same in meaning and a way to use. That's fun :)

0111名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 41be-4FuW)
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2017/10/17(火) 15:45:09.16ID:tfk/6eG/0
these days, the temp is not stable (yeseterday i turned on air conditioner for warmth but at the last week for cooler)
so i dont feel comfortable.
and at the next satuday, high temp will come again reportedly.
0114名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 41be-4FuW)
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2017/10/17(火) 17:23:19.86ID:tfk/6eG/0
that lines up xxxl. so good.
0115名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウウー Sa1d-dNZn)
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2017/10/17(火) 18:25:35.49ID:5n3bMwOca
I was 19 years old happy birthday. I'm happy everyone was and spend the last 10 generations
0125名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウウーT Sa1d-Qarq)
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2017/10/18(水) 09:45:47.54ID:avzlso26a
i meant the display by that.
cartons were piled up, a special signage was set up and
a showcard with shop stuff's recommendation comment was attached to a carton.
i bought 1 and plan to drink it tomorrow morning as the product name is "premium morning tea".
0126jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ 7bd1-HnJS)
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2017/10/18(水) 09:50:08.46ID:YwjfaSNB0
Oh, nice. I hope it's tasty. You'll have to let us know.

I haven't been to a Japanese market since we all started talking about the clear tea, so I don't know
if it's available here yet. If I see it, I'll definitely get a bottle.
0127名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 41be-4FuW)
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2017/10/18(水) 10:00:44.16ID:Pl1AdnfL0
i go to local supermarkets and will take the pics if they are there.
0131名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 41be-4FuW)
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2017/10/18(水) 16:49:09.73ID:Pl1AdnfL0
erection is rather important for me.
0133名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 41be-4FuW)
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2017/10/18(水) 16:58:58.17ID:Pl1AdnfL0
0137jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ 0ed1-gcVe)
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2017/10/19(木) 02:01:58.31ID:3QRSPhWv0
I went to the Japanese market yesterday, but they didn't have any transparent tea.
However, it may be that things are a little up-in-the-air right now, because they are remodeling
the store, so they might not have everything out.
Maybe they'll have it soon. I'm still optimistic!
0140jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ 0ed1-gcVe)
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2017/10/19(木) 06:04:31.57ID:3QRSPhWv0
Do any of you know Ranma ½?
I just found out I can stream it online, so I'm pretty excited. I love that show, and I haven't seen it in
probably a decade.
0141名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 19be-eQhK)
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2017/10/19(木) 07:17:07.98ID:7BLvL/LA0
amazon prime video in jpn is full of anime, such as city hunter series, oishinbo, black jack, esper mami, zambot3,
these videos make us corrupt easily thinking that the monthly fee is 400Yen.
0142jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ 0ed1-gcVe)
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2017/10/19(木) 09:21:02.90ID:3QRSPhWv0
Amazon doesn't have much anime for me, but between Hulu, Crunchyroll, and Netflix, I can watch
most things. Then there are always torrents too. I like using legal services if they're convenient
so I was pretty stoked when I saw Ranma on Hulu recently.
0148名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW e5bd-yLUf)
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2017/10/19(木) 15:24:04.10ID:PcYjiTYe0
0153名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ c18c-aYWJ)
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2017/10/19(木) 23:37:21.13ID:NH7EC1H00
On October 12th, Thursday, President Donald Trump tweeted about the mass
shooting in Las Vegas. He said something like the tragedy last Sunday, but the
tragic incident happened on October 1st.

From my (wrong?) point of view, "last Sunday" at the point of the tweet was supposed
to mean October 8th. But then again, a week starts from Sunday, so October 8th was
this week's Sunday, not last Sunday at the point of the president's tweet?
I'm really confused.

My question is, when you say "last Sunday" on October 12th, Thursday, what date
does it mean?
0154jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ 0ed1-gcVe)
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2017/10/20(金) 01:12:03.43ID:IOM0OHtk0
Yes, I don't torrent nearly as much as I used to because some really good sites have gone down.
That's why it's nice that the legal options have gotten better.

Is that a transparent yogurt drink? Crazy! Does it taste like a normal one?

I don't think anyone really says kek anywhere but 4chan...

It's not clear in that usage. It could mean either one.That's why it isn't good to
use last/this/next [day of the week]. It's usually ambiguous.
0158名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウウーT Sa89-0MKJ)
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2017/10/20(金) 21:37:21.72ID:G/dnT1dIa
i drank the transparent "premium morning tea" at last.
it really smelled and tasted just as milk tea.
if you change the bottle for another one, everybody must believe it is water.
you shouldn't forget this drink contains caffeine as milk tea does.
if you are allergic to it, don't drink it!
0166名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 19be-eQhK)
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2017/10/21(土) 01:53:37.17ID:Y4nCNiSe0
bukkake transparent milk!
0167jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ 0ed1-gcVe)
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2017/10/21(土) 02:17:01.37ID:fUCY2bbo0
Yes, but the usage is a little different than original Japanese. In English, it's probably 90% used to
refer to anime porn, and 9% manga porn. We don't use it to describe people at all. It's a noun.
0180名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ f98d-bcII)
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2017/10/21(土) 15:17:10.15ID:QSnSCNyV0
Good politicians do exist, but they don't get covered by the media
nearly as much as bad ones.

Also, I didn't know this until relatively recently, but the good ones
in the LDP have been persuading Abe to adjust the course to the
right direction. This started early this year, and they seem to have
some limited but positive success. I am counting on them for further
0190名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ d6cf-bcII)
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2017/10/21(土) 18:00:59.93ID:Lz6O6VsK0
We have no chice but LDP as the Japanese liberal politicians are too stupid
One leader of an opposition party, she is an avid supporter of pacifist Constitution,
was once asked on TV, "If the enemy invades Japan, what would you do? "
she replied,
"I will resolve the conflict with words",
"If they are well armed ? you fight with them? "
"No, I dont want to kill anybody, I will rather to be killed than to kill someone "
then she has no idea to protect her old parents or little chidren.
She is ok to die due to her beliefs but parents and children wouldn't die
She didn't realize it because she cared only about herself
Lack of imagination, this is a true picture of Japanese liberal politicians
0192名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 19be-eQhK)
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2017/10/21(土) 18:23:18.82ID:Y4nCNiSe0
hentai talk is rather better than political talk.
these are typically lengthy.
0195名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 19be-eQhK)
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2017/10/21(土) 19:33:10.48ID:Y4nCNiSe0
why in the midst of typhoon? crazy!
0197イギリス人 (ワッチョイ ceb2-t1T1)
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2017/10/21(土) 21:40:51.64ID:Q8dsfTQ30
Selfishly, I hope the typhoon is strong enough to give us a day off work.
On Monday, I have to host chourei at my office. Chourei is one of the worst
things ever created.
0200名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 19be-eQhK)
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2017/10/21(土) 21:58:37.03ID:Y4nCNiSe0
let us hentai!
0206名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 19be-eQhK)
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2017/10/22(日) 00:31:59.33ID:DTQDOipL0
エッチ is made by sanma akashiya.
he says sexual activity evolve like G(自慰:self-job) > H(intercourse) > I(愛:confime love).
0211名無しさん@そうだ選挙に行こう! Go to vote! (選挙行ったか?W 19be-eQhK)
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2017/10/22(日) 15:11:57.27ID:DTQDOipL0VOTE
i went voting and bought tonziru and takoyaki on my way home.
0215名無しさん@そうだ選挙に行こう! Go to vote! (選挙行ったか?W 19be-eQhK)
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2017/10/22(日) 19:09:26.34ID:DTQDOipL0VOTE
so run outside being naked.
0216名無しさん@そうだ選挙に行こう! Go to vote! (選挙行ったか?WW 8122-z7uK)
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2017/10/22(日) 19:41:22.10ID:SE4g88Qp0VOTE
i've come here right now and plz give me a brief summary in 3 lines (ima kita san gyo)
0218名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ササクッテロロ Sp85-EJ5B)
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2017/10/22(日) 22:31:16.56ID:jX8Diqlip
0223名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ f98d-bcII)
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2017/10/23(月) 01:49:23.46ID:WPUBLJ+x0
I don't care about that kind of leftist stupidity at this point.
The increasing number of foreigners is the biggest threat. It needs to be stopped.

And this influx of foreigners is caused by corporate greed and not leftist ideologies.
Unlike the insane western liberals, I think the Japanese leftist parties would actually
decrease the number of incoming foreigners (cheap labor).

I still reluctantly lean toward the LDP because the leftist parties probably have many
stinky policies, and there are some good LDP members trying to stop Abe from obeying
the corporate masters.

But if Abe continues to obey and let in more foreigners,
then I think the Diet Building shoud be nuked by North Korea.
0230名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウウーT Sa89-0MKJ)
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2017/10/23(月) 20:22:54.21ID:qA5SM5+wa
i like cabbages but it takes much time to water and slice a cabbage into pieces at home.
so it is very convenient for me to be able to buy meticulously-sliced, clean cabbage
in plastic pack at japanese supermarkets/convenience stores.
0231名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイWW 7a77-Yg0F)
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2017/10/23(月) 22:56:45.42ID:moOYD5qF0
I know it's a long shot but is there any chance of me being able to marry Tim Kang?
0232イギリス人 (ワッチョイ ceb2-t1T1)
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2017/10/23(月) 23:03:25.37ID:Q5TiHrSr0
Right, I used to be! But now I work full time for a design and marketing agency.
Working freelance was a bit lonely, and I didn't get out much. Except for zangyou
and chourei, work can even be fun sometimes.
0233名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイWW 7a77-Yg0F)
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2017/10/23(月) 23:03:49.63ID:moOYD5qF0
It's been raining non-stop lately...it's really annoying.
0235名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウウィフW FF89-PPE6)
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2017/10/23(月) 23:15:19.62ID:Y2xrpsv1F
I love to sleep with my girlfriend. Her pussy is always wet as like an ice cream got melted and sucks my dick from the top to the bottom. I think she must be the one and have already decided to get together. Guys, please say congratulations to me.
0238名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウウィフW FF89-PPE6)
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2017/10/23(月) 23:40:00.70ID:FrGWrEKJF
That's definitely right! She must be a slut, and I really love to fuck such a bitch:)
I always ask her to do some hentai things and write bad words on her butt. That makes me fuckin excited and I cum inside of her.
0240名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ c18c-nU6U)
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2017/10/24(火) 08:52:36.37ID:7jcbk0Wf0
Ah, I see. It's good to know that you have colleagues now. At least it could be better than sitting at
PC monitor alone all day. Being able to have chances to learn Japanese in your working environment
could be a bonus to add your skill set. Good luck, chap.
0241イギリス人 (ワッチョイ 5596-t1T1)
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2017/10/24(火) 19:36:20.26ID:McpUdfv50
Thank you! My Japanese has definitely improved since I joined this company, since about 95%
of communication is now in Japanese.
Kanji and keigo are still a problem though. Even my co-workers sometimes can't tell me what the
kanji in a name says...
0245名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ササクッテロル Sp85-EJ5B)
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2017/10/24(火) 22:09:38.68ID:71+3YoXsp
I'm not interested in it
0246名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ e5bd-xUNq)
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2017/10/24(火) 22:14:22.28ID:nwTGYM1k0
”Expecial cheep Su-maho" is but using Inter net is high price desu.
0247名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ e5bd-xUNq)
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2017/10/24(火) 22:21:10.95ID:nwTGYM1k0
That would be said it's especially cheep so that its system is only "telephon" and "mail",
but why is there "Internet" in the system? How do I if I push Internet for mistake?
0259名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイWW fa1d-bVje)
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2017/10/25(水) 03:24:01.61ID:JSpPck9Q0
It costs about 700 yen per month since I don't use the mobile communication like 3G or LTE so much
besides I don't make a contract to use the telephone line.
Can that be of any help for you?
I use IP phone instead and it works better than I expected.
0263イギリス人 (ワッチョイ ceb2-t1T1)
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2017/10/25(水) 04:08:22.49ID:tKjcIDgv0
It's been a while〜
I was at a bar a few months ago, and someone I was with ordered fish and chips.
The fish was like McDonald's fish fillet. And the chips were actually potato chips
(the kind from bags, crisps), instead of normal chips.
0265名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ c18c-nU6U)
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2017/10/25(水) 08:46:32.20ID:oppfhIo90
Don't forget 2chan comes first. Even if you forget about your job, don't forget about checking
2ch. Don't put the cart before the horse. Don't forget which side your bread is buttered.on.
Of course, 2chan's side, not your job's side. 2chan is your life.
0271イギリス人 (ワッチョイ 5596-t1T1)
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2017/10/25(水) 16:36:14.82ID:WHSX/o+a0
I miss the ones in the UK. I haven't yet found an authentic 'chippy' style fish
and chip shop here in Japan yet. With the big deep fryers, and a heated shelf
to leave the fish, chips, and scraps to settle for a few minutes after cooking.
0272名無しさん@英語勉強中 (スッップ Sd9a-60+B)
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2017/10/25(水) 17:03:56.83ID:6rE+3P+Bd
can i ask you a question?

This is a sentence from press release of Mofa(ministry of foreign affairs).

「President Trump, together with Prime Minister Abe, is also scheduled to meet with family members of the abductees by North Korea.」

but this is after revised.Original was below

「 President Trump is also scheduled to meet with family members of the abductees who had been abducted by North Korea together with Prime Minister Abe. 」

foreign Twitters said 「Mofa needs a new editor.」,「Abe wasnot abducted.」

Does that mean original sentence was interpreted as Abe was abducted too?
Is thete no room for us to understand the meaning of original sentence as revised one?
0275名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 817e-HarP)
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2017/10/25(水) 17:54:50.27ID:MiQLekXG0
I don't think not a lot of people interpret like the way these Internet critiques did,
but since it's an official statement from our ministry,
leaving little room for misinterpretation is crucial.

By the way, "abductees by ..." in the revised statement is a bid odd to me.
I would say something like "Japanese citizens abducted by"
but maybe it's a matter of taste. I am not a native english speaker.
0279名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 817e-HarP)
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2017/10/25(水) 18:52:54.51ID:MiQLekXG0
I like it, but Lenovo doen's apply security patches regularly.
My phones security is March 1 this year.
Maybe I'm worrying too much but it bothers me.
For iPhone, I just found out that I can get duty free in Japan
so it's relatively cheaper for me to buy there
(although I can't turn off the annoying camera shutter sound...)
0283名無しさん@英語勉強中 (GB 0H25-HarP)
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2017/10/25(水) 19:41:37.59ID:fIlyFHvwH
that's i'm not sure...
when i see someone with broken screen glass,
i feel pity for them as they probably don't have enough money to fix it...
i might be one of these miserable people.
0284名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイWW 8d30-tk1G)
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2017/10/25(水) 21:59:30.83ID:5OvW0frV0
Is it possible to learn English completely without my native language?
I try this method with grammar and vocabulary books for native speaker's kids. but It's really harder than learning English normally in Japan.
What do you think, any suggest?
0291jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ 9bd1-nE1B)
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2017/10/26(木) 01:37:28.64ID:e2qi/kz70
Oh, yeah that explains why it doesn't sound right.

The original is not clear. It seems to imply that Abe was abducted as well, although it doesn't
say that directly. If you think about it, it's easy to realize the intended meaning, but the edited version is not
ambiguous at all.

You are totally correct about "abductees by..."
0294名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 11bd-O+EC)
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2017/10/26(木) 11:39:44.66ID:f265i5wk0
Natto should be eated not too mix, not bacurm, you should feel taste of beans,
and Natto virus. So you must not worry Natto's neba-neba.
0303名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 1b2b-IpCw)
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2017/10/26(木) 17:38:33.35ID:XE1+iQNo0
You seem to be just fluent enough to make yourself understood, so you'd probably be better off finding a group of native friends to talk to.
Native children learn by listening to the people around them and copying their speech patterns; English textbooks can help you refine your knowledge of the language, though.

Of course, you're probably going to have to turn to the internet to find people to speak with.
A lot of people are using a chat program called Discord these days, and it may be your best option; it supports both text and voice.
Once you've got that, you can go to discord.me to find public servers to join. Thankfully, the vast majority of them seem to be English.
You probably won't attain perfect English just from chatting online, but it will help you become a little more comfortable using it.
It's also nice to have a diversion from textbooks.

Good luck.
0305名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 11bd-Na5b)
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2017/10/26(木) 19:59:54.38ID:Zy1zKVgB0
I’ve already lost weight like 3.5kg by practicing “no carbo method”. Well technically I only take toast or rice in the morning but still no carbos after that.

Hopefully I’ll lose more 5kg by the end of this year.
0345名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイWW 13db-mGjJ)
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2017/10/28(土) 09:55:55.15ID:js7sa9km0
Does your country have a culture festival?
in Japan,recently,some school hold such a festival near my house. I feel it's so noisy,especially,sound made by a band which was oragnized by high-school students.
I like festival but I dislike to be disturbed my calm holiday.
0348名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 13be-+6cV)
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2017/10/28(土) 12:30:39.92ID:U06el+Vg0
0353名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワントンキン MM53-tN/E)
垢版 |
2017/10/28(土) 18:58:51.93ID:d9Or7hXJM
all women are whores.

if you pay with money, it's called prostitution.
if you pay with your life, it's called marriage.
0369名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ニククエ a9a5-kf9/)
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2017/10/29(日) 17:41:24.17ID:R9ETexhq0NIKU
Do you talk to guys in the future?
0370名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ニククエ 13bc-xXVv)
垢版 |
2017/10/29(日) 17:53:05.60ID:+sVcZRb40NIKU
>How come hopeless?
no hopefull
0372名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ニククエ 13bc-xXVv)
垢版 |
2017/10/29(日) 18:15:24.98ID:+sVcZRb40NIKU
this has everything to do with this guy being a total idiot.
Its just.... supremly idiot.
0377名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ニククエ MM53-tN/E)
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2017/10/29(日) 23:16:13.56ID:aUQKfkMxMNIKU
Holy moly, those Japanese singers are freakin' cute and their voices are fantastic!

0390名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 13be-+6cV)
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2017/10/30(月) 01:18:20.31ID:hWRCYIue0
Sa95-CNDy is a troll?
0407jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ 9bd1-nE1B)
垢版 |
2017/10/31(火) 01:49:47.28ID:ict/CJHt0
Some schools might do a cultural festival similar to the Japanese style festival, but they're not that big or
well-known. However, we tend to celebrate the holidays of different cultures throughout the year, like
Cinco de Mayo and St. Patrick's Day and Oktoberfest. For some reason they mostly involve drinking.

That's amazing. You're hilarious. I love it!

I've never seen that word.

You're asking for examples of easy Japanese dishes? How about something like ochazuke or
Japanese-style omelette?

The one on the left is cuter, but you're right they have great voices. How old is this? I wonder
what they look like now.
0417名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 13bc-xXVv)
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2017/10/31(火) 16:41:26.51ID:DGxs9Oju0
I haven't taken vaccine even when getting flu.
0418名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 13bc-xXVv)
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2017/10/31(火) 16:45:40.67ID:DGxs9Oju0
Sometimes I hear saying "gosh" , but especially only by women. Is this word for
using women?
0419名無しさん@英語勉強中 (スフッ Sd33-Ff+b)
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2017/10/31(火) 17:35:03.93ID:X6jK0Hdxd
I think it isn't a murder to kill people who wanted to die.
For such the people, it's much more painful to be forced to live longer.

But anyway, the mass murderer must be just a serial killer, not like Dr.Kilico.
0427jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ 9bd1-nE1B)
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2017/11/01(水) 01:32:11.43ID:HWesY2+Y0
>>408 >>409
I think it's more like saying "You're exactly right," but I would need the rest of the sentence to be sure.

It is a pretty popular activity.

Anybody can use it, but it's not very common. It's a very mild word. Maybe women see it as dainty or
girly or something. I'm not sure.

>>425 >>426
0428名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ebcf-nu9H)
垢版 |
2017/11/01(水) 10:41:11.66ID:IjO1BqHu0
im >>408

the full text is "I think this pretty much nails it."

the text which the upper one is the answer to is a statment about the pros and cons of otaku cultue.

"You're exactly right,"or " good job" or awesome."
the all upper meanings of words look appropriately for me as the reply to that text

in the first place, why "nail it "means to praise or agree with?
0429名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウウーT Sa95-YYNr)
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2017/11/01(水) 22:15:08.42ID:JUZYO9F+a
there seems to be a very conservative community in the world
where people are not properly taught how to impregnate someone.
men, grown up in such a community, sometimes think that
just sticking theirs in or sticking theirs in & pissing is enough...unbelievable.
0438jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ 86d1-9Rqp)
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2017/11/02(木) 07:20:32.40ID:at277zOS0
It's not unheard-of but I don't think it's very common.
However, many expressions are kind of regional, so maybe in another part of the country, it's
more common. I'm in California.
0442jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ 86d1-9Rqp)
垢版 |
2017/11/02(木) 07:59:13.39ID:at277zOS0
I guess that usage is more common than what I had in mind. I was thinking of using it as a reaction
when someone tells you something. The way he did it is more common, so I don't know why I didn't
think of it. In his case, it means like, "If you thought that stuff was bad, this is even crazier." or something.
So it's not too uncommon to use it when you're talking about a list of things like that, and you want to
make a point to say how the next thing you're about to say is the most extreme.

Don't say it every day, but it's not super rare.
0453名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ c2bc-SaAB)
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2017/11/02(木) 19:03:52.40ID:Za542n720
I 'm vegetarian. I dislike and can't eat foods killed the animal.
I had seen cooking clubs, they are alive and their eye move light and left, then
cut and boil.
0460名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 52b7-ix91)
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2017/11/02(木) 20:13:59.56ID:/LT7O51f0
factory farming and keeping pets IS objectively fucked up
I think so much of my generation of fellow Americans whole self-identity is based on
contrasting the waste and gluttony image.
They aren't reaching it by their own reason, the reaction is obvious , thats why all their energy is so easily co-opted.
In this age of consent-communication virtue signaling will come to a net loss to the progression of mankind.
0461名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 52b7-ix91)
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2017/11/02(木) 20:20:38.54ID:/LT7O51f0
what's with the change to 5ch? Can't find any english info on why.
You put tv on 2ch to plays games/vhs is what I always believed. what dose the 5 mean?
>to be one up on english 4chan
0466名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウウーT Saa5-7bFm)
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2017/11/02(木) 22:27:26.64ID:r0hGg+Hma
tomorrow is my birthday and an recruitment agent just sent me an email wishing me a special birthday fulled with joy and laughter.
what would my life have been like if i had studied much harder when i was young...?
i can't stop thinking about such a thing.
0480名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワンミングク MM92-x3Hc)
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2017/11/03(金) 17:31:00.95ID:M0LlS7srM
This conversation really cracks me up.

Jack Reacher: You're old enough to drive?
Sandy: I'm old enough to do a lot of things.
Jack Reacher: I'm on a budget, Sandy.
Sandy: [perplexed] What?
Jack Reacher: I can't afford you.
Sandy: I'm not a hooker.
Jack Reacher: Oh, then I *really* can't afford you.
0490名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワンミングク MM92-x3Hc)
垢版 |
2017/11/04(土) 13:04:39.75ID:6KgZNzzIM
Have you ever heard of the phrase "real man" ?

It actually means "good slave."

That's how women manipulate men. It's called shaming tactics.

If you don't bend over backwards to give women what they want,
you are not a "real man."

There are tons of thirsty men out there working their ass off
to be a "real men." How gullible they are is just beyond me.
0492名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 3d4d-7bFm)
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2017/11/04(土) 16:34:20.66ID:H0fdjVqb0
When asked why he wants to climb Mt. Everest, a famous British climber replied, "Because it's there."
If you ask me why I want vagina, I would answer," Because it's there."
0507名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワンミングク MM92-x3Hc)
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2017/11/04(土) 22:40:33.24ID:HGswiKrOM
As opposed to popular belief, happiness doesn't
have anything to do with marriage.

You might believe it does, but in all actuality it does not.
It's just a delusion. Society imposes the idea on you so
they can put you in a lifelong slavery.
0516名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウウーT Saa5-7bFm)
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2017/11/05(日) 10:27:49.56ID:GP3bPmFTa
i want to dispose of my old laptop pc.
but if i throw it away as a usual garbage, it costs me a bit (the city office charges me the service fee).
there are several private companies which buy your old pc,
so i asked one of them for the estimate on its website but i haven't heard from them yet.
0528名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 3d4d-7bFm)
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2017/11/05(日) 19:20:14.62ID:K1eifv920
I think it depends.
Kisses as greetings such as cheek kissing are permissiable, if they are done in a short time.
But as for kissing in public by couples, I totally agree with you.
It should be strictlly prohibited because it is part of sexual acts.
0559名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウカー Sa69-g930)
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2017/11/07(火) 21:17:58.90ID:apTLmtGha
Wanna fuck small slut pussy
0581名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウウーT Saa5-7bFm)
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2017/11/08(水) 23:49:17.46ID:X1kUytP8a
people have made a fuss about apple's new iphone. good.
but what about the new ipod touch?
i can't wait for the release of the 7th generation.
i have continued to use the 5th for close to 5 years and there seems something wrong with it.
0584名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ df8c-vLjR)
垢版 |
2017/11/09(木) 00:17:44.35ID:dLRQj/+F0
Your wife was fired based on what's called last hired, first fired policy?

If you and your wife shared your/your wife's car to your workplace then you'll
be in trouble when your wife get a new job somewhere else, unless you have two cars.
Now you have only one source of income. Can you survive?

You had to be the one to be fired, because you post on 2chan at work. :P
0586jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ ffd1-Kfl6)
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2017/11/09(木) 02:18:05.80ID:yQjN0MLy0
I guess it happens fairly often in the US, but this is the first time that I have seen it happen to
someone I know. Thanks for your good wishes!

Telecom. The company is like a brokerage for business telecom services. Internet, phone systems, etc.

Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. I love dressing up!

Yes, that pretty much explains it.
We did drive together, but she has her own car. Unfortunately, this means our costs will go up because we
will have to pay for gas for 2 cars to commute every day instead of one. The good thing is, we live with my
grandmother because she needs help, so we don't have to worry about rent and utility bills.
0588名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ df8c-hrF0)
垢版 |
2017/11/09(木) 14:08:56.22ID:dLRQj/+F0
Lucky you.
Free lunch, and breakfast for that matter is not so common in Japan except, as far as I know, for
some IT companies like Rakuten (e-commerce platform, whose logo is put on Golden State Worriers
jersey as it has just become a sponsor for the NBA club. They want to expand business worldwide )
and Google Japan.

It's good to know you don't have to rob a bank for money. The holiday shopping season is
coming up and I guess American ppl have lots of things on their shopping lists.
You need to keep an eye on your wife, though. I have heard lots of news where a former
employ comes back to their workplace with AK47 for revenge.
You don't want to see her on CNN and Tump mention your wife, like, crazy woman enjoyed her
shooting spree.....
0594名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ df8c-hrF0)
垢版 |
2017/11/09(木) 17:52:12.62ID:dLRQj/+F0
A fifty year old single mom was fired after a photo where she flipped the bird at Trump's motorcade
when she was riding a bike went viral. But now it's reported that she is getting scores of job offers
from her potential employers, who I believe are anti-Trump.
One of the ways to be competitive on U.S. job market might be to disrespect Trump.
0600jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ ffd1-Kfl6)
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2017/11/10(金) 02:25:43.50ID:Nfh2ipSi0
I am pretty lucky. I don't think the free food thing is very common. I certainly never worked at any other
company that did it. It's probably only small, young companies with mostly young people. We like perks.
My work also hosts free yoga 3 times a week, which is pretty nice since a: It's a nice workout, and b: I get to
stay on the clock without doing work for an hour.

Don't worry, just do what you can! Everyone is at a different level.

Honestly that at least sounds like a pretty rounded diet. Plenty of people eat worse than that. I wonder if
a bit more carbohydrates might be good to give you energy, though. No rice?

I'm pretty sure that's exactly what I do every single time too. It's definitely not over the top at all.
0604jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ ffd1-Kfl6)
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2017/11/10(金) 08:01:05.75ID:Nfh2ipSi0
I love okonomiyaki, even with bonito freaks. There used to be a restaurant near my house, but it
recently closed and now there is a curry shop there instead. I don't know any other place
to get okonomiyaki, so that's pretty disappointing.
0606名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ df8c-hrF0)
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2017/11/10(金) 15:48:37.02ID:WeRoZyQb0
You definitely should take all the three yoga classes a week if you are paid during the lessons.
Yoga, in Japan tend to be for women or girls. Men who are eager to join such classes could have
a different purpose, like enjoying staring women in tight outfit. Some yoga poses are sexy and resembles
sex positions like doggie style.

>running into the ocean with your clothes on

Does this mean to put yourself in an awkward position?
I guess this is something to do with him taking to a post in the future as of that post.
0607名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ df8c-hrF0)
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2017/11/10(金) 16:03:57.80ID:WeRoZyQb0
After giving it some thought, I think I understand what it means.
Usually you need to put your clothes off (and maybe put on a swimsuit) "before" running into the ocean but
for somer reason, he somehow respond to the future post. The right order is mixed up....
That's what it means, I guess?
0608名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ df8c-hrF0)
垢版 |
2017/11/10(金) 16:37:51.78ID:WeRoZyQb0
Going to gym is not my cup of tea.
First of all, it is an American custom. They eat a lot and actually there're lots of fat people in U.S.
Look at that the size of a single serving. Now wonder they get fat. For American, working out is to
burn the excess of calories they intake through binge eating.

On the other hand, Japanese foods are healthy and are served in the right portion, so you don't need
to do exercise. I'd say people who go to gym is fooled by marketing or ads that try to
spread images that going to gym is cool. Walking on treadmill is the most ridiculous thing to do.
That's what hamsters do. You should walk outdoor, sensing the nature, feeling nice breeze, instead of breath in the
the smell of sweats of gymgoers indoor.

You can build your muscles without using machines at gyms. You can do push-ups, sit-ups,
and other exercises using your own weight, not relying on machines. The time it takes to go to and
from gym is a total waste. Drinking protein is what fools do. Nothing is better than balanced diet.
If you're not a body builder, you don't need to take protein pills and drinks.
0615名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ df8c-hrF0)
垢版 |
2017/11/10(金) 18:08:32.60ID:WeRoZyQb0
Asians are Asians. No mattar how much muscle you gain, you're still Asian, and Whilte
women don't see you as a potential boyfriend. It's not the matter of muscles after all.

You are stupid enough to think if you build muscle, you can go out with a white woman?
Dream on....

I love Asian girls by the way.
0616名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ df8c-hrF0)
垢版 |
2017/11/10(金) 18:26:59.83ID:WeRoZyQb0
There is only one way to go beyond the racial boundary, and it's not building muscle.
It's MONEY. The more you get rich, the more chance you'll have to get married with a white woman.

Look at famous people's interracial marriages, wife being white and husband black or asian, then you'll get my point.
0641名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ポキッーT Sa23-ouqv)
垢版 |
2017/11/11(土) 21:45:26.80ID:tne070tOa1111
i just watched the music video of "flying get" performed by akb48 on youtube.
i'm afraid that i wasn't excited at the song at all and i yawned a big yawn while watching.
1 thing i was surprised at is that this song was released more than 6 years ago.
0642名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ df8c-vLjR)
垢版 |
2017/11/12(日) 00:39:20.58ID:6+rVppZC0
I'm a liar. To be honest, I'm chubby. I lay on a couch the moment I finish eating
dinner. I often eat oily snacks between meals. You can tell why I get chubby.
You can punch my ab and it wouldn't hurt at all, because my thick layerof fat absorb
the impact. Fat works better than six pack when it comes to self defense.
0649名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウウーT Sa23-ouqv)
垢版 |
2017/11/12(日) 21:13:27.71ID:xLA4XWtfa
i spend most of the working hours sitiing at my desk
so i make it a rule to go out and eat outside during the lunchtime especially on a sunny day.
the sunlight in november is comfortable to me.
sometimes a sudden gush tries to blow away my bento.
0658名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ df8f-ouqv)
垢版 |
2017/11/13(月) 01:06:18.72ID:17s5aAJS0
It's getting difficult for me to write or speak in English. I'm really sad.
0664名無しさん@英語勉強中 (US 0H63-vLjR)
垢版 |
2017/11/13(月) 08:30:30.04ID:7Vr7E1ipH
anyone here play airsoft
0666名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 5fbd-eUVz)
垢版 |
2017/11/13(月) 10:13:27.66ID:iVhRPZjm0
I also have holiday only 7 days on this month.
Long time day-off isn't there! It's a slave labour!
0673名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウウーT Sa23-ouqv)
垢版 |
2017/11/13(月) 23:01:43.90ID:JzMx4a2Da
yesterday, when i went to the office in the morning, i spotted a long queue of people.
i wondered what was going on there and noticed they were waiting for the opening time of a pachinko store.
the long line was spectacular and looked like the one when nintendo switch was released the other day.
0677jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ ffd1-Kfl6)
垢版 |
2017/11/14(火) 02:39:19.53ID:oQp04LZ10
>>606 >>607
You are correct that part of the reason I like yoga is because of the pretty girls it tight clothes.
However, that's not the entire reason. It's realaxing, and nice excercise sometimes.

I didn't mean to confuse you with "running into the ocean," so I'm sorry about that. It wasn't supposed
to be an expression, I meant it literally. I just wanted to come up with something ridiculous that a person
would not normally want to do, since he was so gung-ho about it. I just thought it was funny.

I haven't been there so I can't answer from experience, but I have also heard that Oakland is not so great.
I'm sure it has it's good and bad areas, just like any big city. Are you going with a group? Stick together,
ignore any stranger that tries to talk to you on public transit, keep your wallet and phone close, maybe
in front pockets.

Do you think that's why people go to the gym?
0678jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ ffd1-Kfl6)
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2017/11/14(火) 02:46:17.77ID:oQp04LZ10
electric oven = microwave

I have always wanted to, but I've never gone. It seems like a lot of fun. There's an airsoft store
pretty close to where I grew up, but I never had the money, and now I don't know if my friends
would want to.

I'm not selling anything though.
0681名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 7fbe-ED7J)
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2017/11/14(火) 07:18:02.96ID:hz+ODrBc0
yes. and chicken
0688名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 5fbd-rEGc)
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2017/11/14(火) 18:02:22.59ID:9/ojCnUv0
I died laughing
By the way, she looks 40 years old lady
0690名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 5fbd-rEGc)
垢版 |
2017/11/14(火) 18:18:39.56ID:9/ojCnUv0
This type of women never be able to get married. That is for sure.
0696名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ df8c-vLjR)
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2017/11/14(火) 20:41:22.23ID:UUMs2yRn0
Thanks for answering the question regarding "running into the ocean."

Wasn't it staged? The man could be the woman's son, which doesn't make it less
normal, though. They sort of look alike.

If this is real, then the man felt good about it and let her continue to do that?
The woman has to be mentally ill. I still don't understand why he felt good as
the woman is not an attractive young woman.
0712jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ ffd1-Kfl6)
垢版 |
2017/11/15(水) 05:32:16.22ID:+fhHSNw50
This weekend, someone got my debit card information and ordered pizza 24 times all over the country.
Each order was between $40-60, so it was about $1,200 total (about 13,600Y).
That's a damn lot of pizza.
0715名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ df7d-ea84)
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2017/11/15(水) 09:08:47.16ID:YT8s3PVZ0
I'm not sure Kevin Spacey should be included in the series of recent revelations.
To me, he is just a gay guy with a long history love/hate relationship.

The most disturbing one is the Louis C.K. case.
I enjoyed his standup in this year on Netflix, and
from it I thought he is sort of a thoughtful/philosophical person.
But he is turned out to be jsut a male controlled by his penis.
0716名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ffcf-ySnM)
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2017/11/15(水) 12:21:04.61ID:sIID0Ocv0
I'm sorry to hear that

I was also stolen my card information the other day, but the credit card company
prevented criminal one inch from using the card.
According to my bankers, he/she was going to use it at Universal Studios Japan in Osaka.
I have no earthly idea where it was stolen
0718名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウウーT Sa23-ouqv)
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2017/11/15(水) 13:14:45.96ID:Ajhm+BXRa
a young boy says "wrist watch? i don't need to wear it. only the clock function of my smartphone is enough.".
a young girl says "PC? i don't need it. i can do everything with my smartphone what you do with your PC.".
well well well.
how many devices will smartphones deprive us of in our daily life?
0722名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ df8c-vLjR)
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2017/11/15(水) 22:56:55.98ID:rWPRQi6u0
One possibility is that your wife has been frustrated since she lost her job and enjoyed the shopping
spree to let off steam?
Seriously, though, I hope you've got to the cause of the problem and took preventive measures already.
Hopefully, you'll get reimbursed.
0723名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ df8c-vLjR)
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2017/11/15(水) 23:07:04.42ID:rWPRQi6u0
Do you know the most recent case reported of child molestation by him to a young boy?
The mother of the boy, currently 18 years old held a press conference accusing
the actor. Kevin tried to distract attentions from his sexual abuse to boys in the past by
confessing he's gay.
0724jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ c6d1-ijJr)
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2017/11/16(木) 02:26:46.12ID:F9mnTbbd0
Luckily my bank is also good. They already gave me back the money and a new card is
on the way.
I'm glad your bank was able to save you too!

She must travel fast, because some of the orders were a thousand miles away.
0732名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウウーT Sa05-AWKa)
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2017/11/16(木) 12:07:57.52ID:lDOOmvSia
my dad handed me a A4 sized booklet case the other day.
he told me that going forward, it would be mine.
i opened the case and there were a collection of old silver coins which were placed neatly side by side.
most of them were what you call anniversary coin and now i am wondering how to deal with them.
0733名無しさん@英語勉強中 (スップ Sd82-R1CE)
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2017/11/16(木) 15:26:28.94ID:UdEqT53Yd
I think most of you write well enough that you can just post on reddit or something and chat with native speakers.

It would probably help way more than those online English conversation services staffed with South East Asians whose English is barely intelligible.

Like I checked out the Native Camp thread and I'm just shaking my head at the thought that people actually pay for that.
0734イギリス人 (ワッチョイ 9196-2fy2)
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2017/11/16(木) 16:16:09.88ID:nxRRFJoa0
Near Arashiyama in Kyoto, I went down a sidestreet and found a pie shop...
The name was something like "Jerry's Pies" and there was a British flag above
the entrance. That was a strange experience. Maybe if I could import the equipment,
I could open a real Fish & Chip shop. I've been to HUB, but it's just oven cooked
fish and chips, I think.
0737名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウウーT Sa05-AWKa)
垢版 |
2017/11/16(木) 19:45:45.17ID:FO/Rdrrqa
in 1990's, i saved data to CD ROM.
in 2000's, i got to know external portable hard drive
and so i started to save data to it.
in 2010's, i save data to small size USB flash memory
which is very useful and easy to carry with me.
i get excited when i think about what kind of device is the next big tool for saving data,
exept for cloud technology.
0738名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 6d63-EvbJ)
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2017/11/16(木) 20:24:19.05ID:Hh/Eb9O70
I know what you mean. I'm learning Japanese and have the same problem.
I'm not terrible at it, I can at least hold a conversation or express myself enough so that someone who speaks little English can understand, but I'm just an apathetic person who doesn't have any opinions.
It's bad enough that I barely say anything in English, but in Japanese I just often don't know how to express myself even when I want to.
And I feel like just talking to Japanese people, them knowing that I'm a foreigner who "doesn't understand" makes it so much harder to become friends with anyone.
Like people wouldn't want to talk to me anymore once they've heard all the "novelties" from the strange world known as "anywhere but Japan."
0749名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイWW 821d-zeDX)
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2017/11/17(金) 06:09:46.44ID:nM1SiwjP0
Thank you. This simple sentence is decent enough to write.
You must have studied Japanese a lot.
It's too hard for me to hold a conversation in English.
I'm jealous.
There is something I've been thinking about a friend - definition of a friend.
(A)friend(s) means 友達 literally, but I feel some differences between a friend and 友達
To become friends is easier than become 友達.
友達 is more like good friends or close friends.
It's hard to make 友達 for me tho.
0766名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 6d63-EvbJ)
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2017/11/17(金) 17:58:28.62ID:T+bssenm0
>You must have studied Japanese a lot.
Not really. I've been studying for less than a year.
I've made some good progress, I guess, but I'm never happy with it.
It's way harder for me to have a verbal conversation than a written one, for that matter.
When you're just typing you can take your time to think out everything and look up a word if you need to.
When speaking you don't have that luxury.

>(A)friend(s) means 友達 literally, but I feel some differences between a friend and 友達
I don't quite get what you're getting at here.
Maybe there are just cultural differences that define what a "friend" is.
Although I wouldn't say I have very many friends at all. I have one best friend, a handful of sort-of-friends, and over a dozen acquaintances.

You can snag some at least decent looking white girls by just being Japanese.
I mean there are race chasers of all kinds, but there's plenty of decent looking white girls who would go crazy for a Japanese boyfriend.
Of course, if you're ugly, you'll need to lower your standards accordingly. But at the same time, the uglier they get, the more rabid they get for a Japanese boyfriend.
0776名無しさん@英語勉強中 (スッップ Sd22-tkS5)
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2017/11/17(金) 22:04:49.69ID:BKZ31xQQd
I want to eat BBQ.
0784名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 25a8-SXe8)
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2017/11/18(土) 01:27:26.26ID:CC614mH40
Some kind of time machine is coming out of people asses
0799jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ c6d1-ijJr)
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2017/11/18(土) 10:14:58.52ID:+vOVy4hz0
That paper container is called a "carton" in English. We have them too for smaller sizes.
You can see some in the first picture. https://i.imgur.com/Obe3LqJ.jpg

For Canadian milk, you have to buy a pitcher like this:
and you save the pitcher and just buy a new bag. I have tried it, and even though it looks
like the bag will spill, it actually works just fine. Then you only throw away the bag, so it
creates less waste.
0801jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ c6d1-ijJr)
垢版 |
2017/11/18(土) 10:46:05.80ID:+vOVy4hz0
I think the idea of apologizing for being off schedule by such a small amount is pretty funny,
but I can understand why they did it, since the train system is famous for being perfectly
on time.
0803jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ c6d1-ijJr)
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2017/11/18(土) 10:49:21.03ID:+vOVy4hz0
I really enjoyed chatting today but I'm about to leave work so I will probably be gone
for the weekend. I'll try and remember to check in on my phone. Have a great day!
0815名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 6d63-EvbJ)
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2017/11/18(土) 17:29:21.65ID:2XZnPjQM0
It really is getting colder.
Not quite as cold as I'd like, though.
Here in Sweden where I live it rarely gets cold enough for it to snow.
Pretty sad considering when people think of Sweden,
snow is probably one of the first things that come to mind.
0833名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 25a8-SXe8)
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2017/11/19(日) 00:31:08.28ID:7MSTIZvN0
In japan, 95% of japanese people can't speak english at all. I don't have an english speaking friend. I'm eager to talk with people in english. But I'm too shy to go to an international party held in Roppongi and Shibuya. I hate these places.
How can I practice english in this country. Holly shit.
0847名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 6d63-EvbJ)
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2017/11/19(日) 17:59:46.16ID:u+7o5RLZ0
I'd probably choose invisibility as well.
But if I could get the power to never need to sleep, eat, or drink, then I'd go with that instead.
Invisibility also wouldn't work versus infrared cameras. Invisible or not, you still emit heat.
0850名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイWW 821d-zeDX)
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2017/11/19(日) 19:20:38.64ID:5wIcKPVU0
Wait are you from Sweden?
I've heard that the building industry is so progressing there like the concept of passive house.
It's way too cold here even when you are in a room.
I've never seen such a plastic bag of milk but I want to try it someday.
It seems that you must treat it carefully especially when you transport and stock it up.
We got the Internet. Do you know what ”language exchange” is like?
You can help people who want to learn Japanese, or any other languages, and then they would help you in return.
Are you on any social media? Let’s get partners and chat!
0859名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 6d63-EvbJ)
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2017/11/19(日) 20:15:36.07ID:u+7o5RLZ0
Yep, I'm from Sweden.
I haven't heard about those so called passive houses, though.
All I know is that the capital where I live, Stockholm, has a serious housing shortage.
All the immigration into the country makes it hard to find somewhere to live.
And the few places that you can find are really expensive.

Oh, and if you or >>833-san have any social media or Discord (a very popular free chat program,)
then we could talk and help each other with the respective languages we're learning.
0864名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ cdcf-cjtC)
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2017/11/19(日) 22:54:12.57ID:ASI88J2v0
hey native speakers.
Is it appropriate to say "take off" when I want you to take off your jacket?
Without an object of prepositon off, does that just sound like ordering taking off (from runway) ?
How about just saying "put off"?
Which is better , put off or take off ?
0871名無しさん@英語勉強中 (HappyBirthday! cdcf-cjtC)
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2017/11/20(月) 02:45:22.85ID:0yQz8AK10HAPPY
then, how about "take off" only without "your jacket" ?
which sounds right "take off" only or "put off" only ?

I was surprised you don't have an interst in soccer.
Soccer must be most popular sport in Sweden.
You didn't care when Sweden beated Italy in worldcup playoff ?
The loss of Italy was relatively a big sports news even in Japan.

I guess even people who don't care about soccer in dailylife
get excited when it comes to worldcup.

person like you is common in Sweden?
0873名無しさん@英語勉強中 (HappyBirthday! 6d63-EvbJ)
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2017/11/20(月) 03:14:47.10ID:7xPeqzgF0HAPPY
Do you mean as a sentence on its own? Neither would be correct.
"Take *it* off" ("it" being the jacket, if it's obvious from context) would be fine.
"Put off" doesn't work. You *put* on clothes, but you *take* them off.
The only instance I can think of where "put off" would be when used as an expression.
"I was put off by the color of her shirt" - meaning "I really didn't like the color of her shirt" for example.

Yes, I believe soccer is the most popular sport here.
I heard about the Sweden vs. Italy world cup match, but I didn't know we won until you told me just now.

I don't know if people like me are common, but most people I personally know don't care about sports either.
0874名無しさん@英語勉強中 (HappyBirthday! cdcf-cjtC)
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2017/11/20(月) 04:49:09.54ID:0yQz8AK10HAPPY
thanks. then when i said just take off, a person who was talked to would feel like being ordered to
take off (from a runway) if possible?

>I heard about the Sweden vs. Italy world cup match, but I didn't know we won until you told me just now.

uwahahahahaha(japanese expresion of laughing)

>I don't know if people like me are common, but most people I personally know don't care about sports either.
Really. Have you ever heard of Ibrahimovic, world famous FW player?
As you can see, he is valcan and islamic descent. he looks some kind of white but
pretty different from average swedes.
Does that something to do with swedish indifference to national squad?
you think Ibrahimovic is not one of you?

As for scandinavian soccer player, 18 year old genius boy, Martin Ødegaard is often featured.
He has 100% viking looks.
You must not have heard his name.
0875名無しさん@英語勉強中 (HappyBirthday! 6d63-EvbJ)
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2017/11/20(月) 06:17:55.93ID:7xPeqzgF0HAPPY
If you just tell someone "take off" then unless you're pointing to their jacket,
it could be interpreted as you telling them to get lost (that is to say, to go away.)
You should say "take IT off" or "take THAT off" if you don't want to sound vague.
And if you want to make it a little nicer, you can add a "please" at the start or end of the sentence.

I have heard of Ibrahimovic, but only through news headlines and the likes.
I have very, very little interest in soccer, so naturally I know very little about it as well.

As for our supposed nationwide indifference to a multinational team,
I don't know for sure. But since Sweden seems to be dead set on being extremely politically correct,
I doubt that even people who aren't okay with it would want to speak out for fear of facing repercussions.
0878名無しさん@英語勉強中 (HappyBirthday! 1d4d-AWKa)
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2017/11/20(月) 11:40:05.77ID:ddZP+1ul0HAPPY
It is very tough for me to learn those phrasal verbs by heart because in general, each one has a lot of different meanings.
On top of that, I'm often at my wit's end for what is best when I choose one from among those which have similar meanings.
So, I make it a habit not to use them as much as possible.
0881名無しさん@英語勉強中 (HappyBirthday! 1d4d-AWKa)
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2017/11/20(月) 16:28:08.55ID:ddZP+1ul0HAPPY
Who are you referring to? Me? If so, I'm very happy with your comment.
What I keep in mind is to compose as long English sentences as possibe, no matter how redundant they are.lol
I've read a couple of books on writing techniques and they unanimously say," the shorter,the better when you write sentences."
However, I don't believe them because ironically, their sentences are in fact long when they develop their argument.
Making the most of relative pronouns and adverbs, I want to acquire a good command of English someday.
0883名無しさん@英語勉強中 (HappyBirthday! 6d63-EvbJ)
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2017/11/20(月) 17:09:52.40ID:7xPeqzgF0HAPPY
Japanese also sort of has them in the form of verbs such as 書き取る、走り出す、
and 飛び出す just to name a few.
But don't worry about having a hard time learning them, because to me,
these kinds of verbs don't make any sense either. When I first saw 引き取る
I saw "draw take" which I thought meant "pull in" or "reel in" and then it turned
out it meant "to take over/take custody of" which was a total surprise to me.

Expressions are another thing that are annoying for learners of any language.
Especially pinpointing the exact nuance of it. An English learner might find out
"oh my god" is an expression of surprise, but might not know you can also use it
in basically any scenario. You can use it when you're angry, when you're scared,
when you're bored, when you're happy, you name it.
0885名無しさん@英語勉強中 (HappyBirthday! 1d4d-AWKa)
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2017/11/20(月) 18:45:55.15ID:ddZP+1ul0HAPPY
Thank you for responding to my post. You must be a native speaker.
As an earnest learner of English, I'm a bit excited to have an opportunity to converse with you. lol
Frankly speaking, your story was literally an eye opener to me because I've never thought about how hard foreign people learn Japanese.
Now that I've realized we are even in that we are having a hard time in learning a second language, I'll follow your advice.
I'll study phrasal verbs in a more relaxed manner. Did I make myself understood? Sorry for my poor English!!
0887名無しさん@英語勉強中 (HappyBirthday! 6d63-EvbJ)
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2017/11/20(月) 18:55:46.10ID:7xPeqzgF0HAPPY
I'm not a native speaker, though. I'm Swedish, but I've been speaking English
fluently for about 8 years now.
Although Nordic languages and English are extremely closely related,
so some of the most fluent non-natives you'll find are from Northern Europe.

I'm glad my little anecdote was interesting. But honestly, it must be just as hard
for Japanese people to learn English, since the two languages are basically total opposites.
Just today I thought about how hard it must be to wrap your head around the difference between
"in" and "on," especially in fluent usage. We say we're on a train, on a plane, and on a bike,
but we say we're in a house, in a car, in a good mood, in a rush, and so on.
I imagine it must also be really hard to get used to all the articles (a, an, the, etc.)
and needing to almost always use "I" and "you" when these are omitted almost all the time in Japanese.

Your English is perfectly understandable. The only mistake I can see is
"I've never thought about how hard foreign people learn Japanese"
because I assume you meant "how hard *it is for* foreign people *to* learn Japanese."
If not, then it's still a correct sentence, but it sounds weird. It implies all foreign people who learn Japanese
study it hard, and that you thought about how hard they study. Like I said, it's not wrong, but it sounds weird.

If you have any other questions about the English language then I'd be happy to answer them.
0888名無しさん@英語勉強中 (HappyBirthday! Sd22-tkS5)
垢版 |
2017/11/20(月) 19:00:07.88ID:qyGWg/cWdHAPPY
Since November 18 ,I have been hospitalized for appendicitis and prohibited to eat anything. So, I miss my favorite foods very much.
0890名無しさん@英語勉強中 (HappyBirthday! e1bd-JNqm)
垢版 |
2017/11/20(月) 19:22:41.43ID:tdkMZv9C0HAPPY
A-ha-n, a-ha-n, a-ha-n, a-ha-n,
0891名無しさん@英語勉強中 (HappyBirthday! 6d63-EvbJ)
垢版 |
2017/11/20(月) 20:10:22.68ID:7xPeqzgF0HAPPY
I'm not that familiar with 5ch/2ch (do you guys still call it 2ch, even now?)
but I'm wondering if there's a thread like this one but for Japanese learners to chat or have their writing corrected.
I don't see one in the thread list, but maybe I didn't look hard enough.

That sounds terrible. I hope you get better soon.
0893名無しさん@英語勉強中 (HappyBirthday! Sd22-tkS5)
垢版 |
2017/11/20(月) 20:43:44.54ID:qyGWg/cWdHAPPY
Thank you.
0894名無しさん@英語勉強中 (HappyBirthday!W 25a8-SXe8)
垢版 |
2017/11/20(月) 21:05:31.91ID:3/AsJ9xw0HAPPY
I like IKEA, but I prefer Nitori.
I admit IKEA excels any other home centers at wooden furniture, but all other stuff in Nitori is superior to IKEA's counterpart.

*I'd appreciate it if you notice mistakes above.
0895名無しさん@英語勉強中 (HappyBirthday! 6d63-EvbJ)
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2017/11/20(月) 21:20:40.04ID:7xPeqzgF0HAPPY
I admit (that) IKEA *is better* at *making* wooden furniture *than any other home center*,
but all other stuff(/everything else) *at* Nitori is superior to IKEA's counterparts.

The "that" is optional but excluding it is a little colloquial, likewise "all other stuff" is also
pretty colloquial while "everything else" is more formal in style.
There's nothing wrong with being colloquial, but "excel," "superior," and "counterpart"
are all more formal/less colloquial words. Mixing the styles isn't wrong, but it's very much
like writing 「ニトリのやつはIKEAのやつより上手いであります」

(Pardon me if I got that wrong, I just wanted to try to illustrate the difference if possible.)
0898名無しさん@英語勉強中 (HappyBirthday! 1d4d-AWKa)
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2017/11/20(月) 22:29:05.21ID:ddZP+1ul0HAPPY
I thank God for letting me meet a person who seems to be friendly and cheerful. lol

So, you are Swedish. Speaking of Sweden, my knowledge toward your country is limited to the one most ordinary Japanese people have.
Having said that, there are two things I'm most interested in about it.
One is that although you country is famous for its high-walfare system, what is a negative aspect about that ?
That's because I've learned that your people tend to get divorced easily.
And the other is how you treat old people when they get terminally ill because I personally think the concept of " vitalism" is now prevailing
in Japanese siciety, which is " the longer you live, the better it is."
0899名無しさん@英語勉強中 (HappyBirthday! 6d63-EvbJ)
垢版 |
2017/11/20(月) 22:40:09.55ID:7xPeqzgF0HAPPY
>One is that although you country is famous for its high-walfare system, what is a negative aspect about that ?
The first would be that it's very easy to abuse. You get quite a lot of money, especially if you live with your parents,
and if you meet certain criteria (for example, if you have a mental illness) you may not need to work at all to earn that money.
So there is a decent portion of the population that simply abuse the system and get money without working at all.
This is EXTREMELY prominent with immigrants who come here and simply act like parasites, never bothering to properly
learn the language or adopt to the culture, let alone work.

>That's because I've learned that your people tend to get divorced easily.
I don't know why that is, but it seems plausible. Divorce rates are going up in every western country, but if they're particularly
bad here then that might be because women almost always receive the best outcome from a divorce. They take 50% of
a pre-divorce household's assets and income and then (if they get custody of any children) they can also demand alimony
from the husband. Maybe divorce rates are also higher because we are a very atheist country that don't see marriage as anything
holy that shouldn't be broken because God doesn't want us to.

>And the other is how you treat old people when they get terminally ill
In the west, while we do treat the elderly nicely or at least decently, we definitely don't
show them the same level of respect as Japanese people do.
I believe it's very common (not in every case, but still common) for old people to be put into
retirement homes so they'll be cared for by the staff there. I don't know whether the old person's
pension pays for the care or if their children pay for it, but it definitely isn't common for old people
to live with their children and grandchildren here.
0905名無しさん@英語勉強中 (HappyBirthday! 6d63-EvbJ)
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2017/11/20(月) 23:27:31.84ID:7xPeqzgF0HAPPY
They're all in the same language family; the Germanic language family.
However, I think Swedish and English are much more similar than German and either of the other two.
German has grammatical genders and is, in my opinion, much more complex than English.
However, because they're all related and share some vocabulary, if you speak any of these three
languages then learning one of the other ones should be easy.
That said, I don't speak German as I don't have any interest in the language.

Thank you for the compliment, however I would not be confident as a teacher since my path to
English fluency is primarily through exposure and knowing what "feels" right rather than the
technicalities that make languages work as they work, so if someone were to ask me questions
that involved linguistic terms beyond my current (basic) understanding I would be completely
unable to answer them.
Furthermore, I can only speak Japanese at roughly an intermediate level, and I'd probably make
many mistakes while doing so.
0906名無しさん@英語勉強中 (HappyBirthday!WW 0224-Nbfe)
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2017/11/20(月) 23:43:11.30ID:YujSPe4H0HAPPY
It must be like the relationship between Japanese and Koreans.
Both can easily master the other language because of grammatical similarities.
By the way,your Japanese is not in intermediate level but in completely advanced level.
I have to admit that your Japanese is far better than my English as a second language to the extent that it is hard to believe that you are non-japanese.
0907名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 6ecf-RjUU)
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2017/11/21(火) 00:44:46.80ID:Ty0GSMOw0
I learned German a little at college as a Second Language program
so I might kind of suitable for Swedish to learn

> I can only speak Japanese at roughly

You dont look like that way
You appear to understand some phrase that the Japanese English learners
are commonly confused when speaking English
0909名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 6d63-EvbJ)
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2017/11/21(火) 01:02:42.97ID:lPx63cgW0
I could likely hold a conversation in Japanese, but I'd sound very unnatural
and I would no doubt make some mistakes.
I mean, I would definitely be way better off than a fresh-off-the-boat English
teacher who barely speaks a word of Japanese, and I'd at least try not to say
anything rude and not translate everything mentally (I know you don't need to
say 私 and 貴方 like we do in English) but I'd still only barely manage.
0910jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ c6d1-ijJr)
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2017/11/21(火) 02:36:11.40ID:Qcq6IrG+0
Who knows? We would need more information. Just based on what you said, probably not.
Did he give a reason for inviting you?

I would choose transforming power.

The milk bags are sturdy enough that they don't break easily just from carrying them around.
You put the entire bag into the pitcher, and then cut the corner, so there's no chance to spill until it's
in a stable container. I just realized there is no cap though. The hole is just exposed all the time.
That seems like it would be a problem.

You can't escape trolls on the internet. Best to ignore them.
0911jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ c6d1-ijJr)
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2017/11/21(火) 03:10:46.40ID:Qcq6IrG+0
"take off" is completely right. "put off" sounds really weird. If you said that, people
wouldn't understand.

That's pretty much where I am too. I studied Japanese for 4 years, but I've forgotten
a lot of it in the last 10 years.
0912名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ cdcf-cjtC)
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2017/11/21(火) 05:15:13.88ID:19oHlXw70
On a radio program, one japanese university professor was talking about his experience.

He said "take off" in his class. Then one foreign student, probably from eastern europe corrected a
mistake and taught him "put off" ,laughing.
"Take off" would mean "fly from a runway" in that case .

Something didn't seem right for me and I looked it up on the dictionary and found out "take off"
seemed to be correct.
From his story, it's not clear wheter he said just "take off" or "take off objective (for example,
So I wanted to confirm if "put off" makes sense when it's used as intransitive verb.

take off your coat○
put off your coat×

how about
take off ?
put off?

All in all, even English speaking Europeans sometimes make a mistake.
Japanese are not confident about English, so the proffessor assumed he made a mistake.
0913jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ c6d1-ijJr)
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2017/11/21(火) 05:53:54.61ID:Qcq6IrG+0
If you just say "put off" or "take off" by itself without more to the sentence, then "put off" doesn't
mean anything, and the only way to interpret "take off" is telling the person to go away, just like
our Swedish friend said.
If you say "take it off," it is colloquially understood to mean "take your clothes off."

I can't think of a situation where a single phrase could be confused for either taking off clothes, or
flying in an airplane.
0915名無しさん@英語勉強中 (スッップ Sd22-tkS5)
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2017/11/21(火) 08:14:05.26ID:7NQIBYvmd
I've been admitted to hospital for four days.
I'm so bored that I spent almost all the daytime sleeping.
I want to practice English writing,but there is nothing to write about .
0916名無しさん@英語勉強中 (スッップ Sd22-tkS5)
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2017/11/21(火) 08:14:56.20ID:7NQIBYvmd
0917名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイWW 02a3-Nbfe)
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2017/11/21(火) 08:48:26.55ID:XTbNEh4b0
The best way to improve writing skills is paraphrase the sentences in grammar books.
For instance if there is a sentence like "I wish I lived near my school", then you gonna write sentences using this phrase relating to your life such as "I wish I could leave the hospital now. "
0919jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ c6d1-ijJr)
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2017/11/21(火) 10:50:23.82ID:Qcq6IrG+0
By the way, "spent" can also be used and the sentence is correct, however the meaning
is slightly different. If you say "spent" then you already went through the whole day with
just sleeping.
If you say "spend," then you have already been sleeping in the day, but it also means you're
still in the middle of doing that, too.
全部の日寝た vs 全部の日寝ている
0921名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ a981-IKRN)
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2017/11/21(火) 11:07:40.19ID:bK8oqxJB0
Looks like you guys have been working hard on teaching and learning
how to write good English. Keep up the good work!
0924名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ a981-IKRN)
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2017/11/21(火) 15:18:19.71ID:bK8oqxJB0
Six sex acts with a bitch!
0925名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ a981-IKRN)
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2017/11/21(火) 15:20:05.57ID:bK8oqxJB0
I never get sick of sex with a bitch!
0927名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ a981-IKRN)
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2017/11/21(火) 15:28:50.32ID:bK8oqxJB0
Jack and Pattie went to the mall
They got themselves a big pink vibrator
Jack wanted to jack off with it
But Pattie insisted he used it on her

Jack the Jackoff king is famous at school
For his ability to jack off several times in a row
While Pattie is renowned for her performance
For she excels in her performance of petting
Any guy she happens to spot on the street

Oh well, they just love to do
Six sex acts with sick bitches and guys on the beach.
0928名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 1d4d-AWKa)
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2017/11/21(火) 16:18:14.45ID:N7ohMHY90
I apologize for the late reply and thanks for such a detailed explanation.
Honestly, I left my dictionary in my workplace, so may make a lot of typos, which means I can't make even a single sentence without the dictionary. lol
You know, I don't mind telling people how stupid I am at all because one of my life philosophies is " Honesty is the best policy."
Oh, it's almost time that I have to go see the doctor. I'll write the rest of my reply later.
0929名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ a98c-Jw6i)
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2017/11/21(火) 16:44:58.72ID:q9yEujqa0
I know how you feel and I may react the same way, but it hasn't passed even 24 hours, so you
don't need to be sorry. This reminds of the train that left 20 seconds earlier than departure time
and appolized, whichmade the headlines in western media.

Do you mean you use a paper dictionary or a portable electronic dictionary? In either case,
you can use online dictionary as long as you have Internet access. I just thought it doesn't matter if you left
at your workplace. Anyway, you don't have to reply to me (and don't be sorry about not replying to me).
I just wanted to write something in English. Keep enjoying conversation with the person from Sweden.
0930名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ cd8f-AWKa)
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2017/11/21(火) 17:07:14.36ID:GUk740qk0
I wonder how foreign people living in Japan make Japanese friends.
One day, I was chatting with my friends from Europe at a café, then a man suddenly approached and asked us how we got to know each other.
He told us that he married a Japanese woman and moved to Japan from America a few months ago. He says it's hard for him to find a community where he can get Japanese friends. I couldn't give him good advice..
0931名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 6d63-EvbJ)
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2017/11/21(火) 17:27:00.70ID:lPx63cgW0
Good morning, everyone.
Or rather, I suppose it's late afternoon or early nighttime for you, but still.
It's snowing here! It's snowing a lot, actually.
It's been a long time since it snowed in November, and really long since it
snowed this much. Although knowing the local weather here, it'll all melt
away in a couple of days.
Shame, since I love snow.

I do this for Japanese too and it seems to work pretty well.

Don't worry too much about spelling errors. Even if you misspell something
and end up making it into another word, people who are fluent in a language
can correct those errors in their head and figure out what you meant.
And in the worst case when the spelling really does make it hard to tell what
you're trying to say, we can always just ask you to clarify what word you meant.
You can't learn a language without making a lot of mistakes. Believe me, I know.

I'm curious how non-Japanese people make friends with Japanese people in general.
Even over the net, even when you can speak decent Japanese and he can speak decent English,
it seems like making friends is really difficult. I wonder if this is just something westerners
like myself think is a shame or if there are a lot of Japanese people who wish they could
make foreign friends too.
0946928 (ワッチョイ 1d4d-AWKa)
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2017/11/21(火) 20:03:43.80ID:N7ohMHY90
How nice of you to say so! By the way, Are you the person from Sweden, or >>929?
I'm cofused over who is who. lol
I tried to respond to >>899 last night, but gave up halfway because I repeated trials and errors again and again to come up with appropriate expressions.
As a result, I stayed up until 2 o'clock and my struggle came to a dead end. You see, my job starts at 7 o'clock.
Bingo!! I overslept and was late for work. What a fantastic day I had today!
0947名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 6d63-EvbJ)
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2017/11/21(火) 20:16:04.86ID:lPx63cgW0
Yep, I'm the same guy. You can tell by the ID at the end of my post.
What kind of expressions were you trying to come up with?
Sorry to hear you overslept. I hope you manage to do well at work, even with so little sleep.
I woke up at 8, then went for a walk at 10 to enjoy all the snow we're getting here
for once, and then I came back at around 11:30.
I'm not sure why but all this snow has put me in a really good mood.
But I'm a little sad knowing that it won't last. There's been a trend the last few years
where the snow melts just after a few days, then we have long periods without any
snow. And since I plan on going to Tokyo again this year during the period where
we're most likely to see snow that sticks around, I bet I won't be seeing much more snow than this.
0954名無しさん@英語勉強中 (AUW 0H12-Lcni)
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2017/11/22(水) 00:28:07.45ID:xOE0Ie5BH
Just a couple of hours ago someone recommended me to come here. Though, from what I see, here is nothing interesting. I’d better go somewhere else. Seems like I rather like hiking, trekking, mountain-climbing and what not.
0958jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ c6d1-ijJr)
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2017/11/22(水) 02:33:33.19ID:a7UMj8F/0

Good luck. What kind of place are you going to?

I love hiking and spending time outdoors. I used to go out in the woods a lot more before I moved
to where I am living now. I'm in the city now, so it's harder to do those things, and my knees have
been giving me trouble lately.

I like both but I guess it depends on my mood. Most of the time I'd probably pick sushi.
0962jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ c6d1-ijJr)
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2017/11/22(水) 03:33:32.57ID:a7UMj8F/0
I think mostly it's just the unfamiliar texture. We don't have any foods similar
to that, so there's nothing to compare to. Personally, natto reminds me of slimy litle eggs
from the movie Aliens.
0970topic 5点マン (ワッチョイ 6ea7-HbzS)
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2017/11/22(水) 09:47:39.06ID:rQ0MDIgt0
↑ You're a nice guy, retarded though.
just beat it.
0974名無しさん@英語勉強中 (US 0H0a-jW/K)
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2017/11/22(水) 12:28:31.41ID:pvqgUvANH
>>864 >>871>>873>>874>>875
"Put off" is also a phrasal verb but it has a completely different meaning than what you have stated; it means to postpone, leave till/for later, procrastinate, delay, etc.
This is different than the phrase "to be put off by" which isn't actually a phrasal verb

theres this thread but it hasn't got much attention

>Swedish and English are much more similar than German
As a native English speaker who doesn't know German or Swedish, German definitely sounds closer to English than Swedish to me.
It could just be the shared vocab or the lack of exposure to Swedish,
but there are times when I hear a German sentence and can almost decipher it whereas I can't say the same for Swedish.

I can see an instance where "take off" could be interpreted as a command to take an airplane off, but it would need to be in the context of aviation. For example a VIP passenger telling a pilot to take off.
Of course such a situation is really rare, and I'm not surprised if a native speaker couldn't think it up.
As a side note, "take off" can be generalized to mean to depart. "We're taking off" doesn't strictly have to mean that an airplane is taking off; it could mean that a boat is leaving port or a group is about to leave.
0976名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 6d63-EvbJ)
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2017/11/22(水) 17:19:33.29ID:M8HL9ej50
Oh yeah, you're right. I know "put off" can be used to mean "postpone something"
but I was thinking of it in a context where you'd only say "put off" and nothing else.
I know "be put off by" isn't a verbal phrase either, but it's the only other instance I could
think of where "put off" means anything.

I can roughly understand some German sentences as well, but the average English-only
speaker might have an easier time understanding German due to exposure they may have
gotten from it being spoken in countless WW2 movies and such. At the very least, they'll
be more familiar with how German sounds than how Swedish sounds, so they can adjust a
little to the radically different pronunciation and try to pick out words here and there.
As for the vocab, both English and Swedish share a lot of borrowed vocabulary from German.
0984名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウウーT Sa05-AWKa)
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2017/11/22(水) 20:18:00.53ID:PBmUlqDDa
i got to know "童貞を殺すセーター(ニット)"(a sweater to kill the virgins) last night.
it might be the cutting edge of the sweater design and be considered fashionable,
but i felt that a woman's body is exposed so much that it is simply a sweater to bewilder the virgins.
0992名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ a74d-h3cN)
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2017/11/23(木) 01:22:48.66ID:58nhMKvb0
Hi, dude.
Are you happy now?
Oh, you don't have to pretend to be happy.
You see, we are best friends, so you can tell me everything and anything when you have sad things.
I'm ready to console you anytime.
0993名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ITW 0H8f-MBqy)
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2017/11/23(木) 01:26:40.24ID:3dd+qo7TH
Let's see...
0994名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ a74d-h3cN)
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2017/11/23(木) 01:39:33.48ID:58nhMKvb0
Hi, dude
You can count on me any time if you have any problems.
That's bause we are bosom friends.
Oh, there is one thing I can't help you with. It's concerning money.
You see, I'm very poor, so plase knock on someone else's door when you need money, OK/
0998jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ bfd1-sSls)
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2017/11/23(木) 04:16:28.20ID:MLSaivMD0
I know the feeling. Unfortunately, the truth is we can never go back, and if you spend your energy
trying to, you'll just stress yourself out and get depressed.
It's better to focus on making your life into something that makes the "you" of today happy.
1000名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイWW 07bd-FKuQ)
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2017/11/23(木) 04:38:45.55ID:Q8ld7oxf0
suck my d@#k
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