Chat in English (英語で雑談) part 204
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0195名無しさん@英語勉強中 (AUW 0H3f-3rsG)
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2017/11/25(土) 07:43:43.48ID:gdN5RK58H
*scratches head*
0196名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイWW 5fa3-9d8p)
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2017/11/25(土) 07:47:29.48ID:jl2MSjNa0
I'm going to be a pen someday.

I cannot type this sentence by voice typing because it is too unnatural.
It will automatically correct like this.

I am going to be a pain someday
I'm going to be up then someday
I'm going to be a pain someday

it's impossible to write lol
0197名無しさん@英語勉強中 (AUW 0H3f-3rsG)
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2017/11/25(土) 07:50:35.60ID:gdN5RK58H
*eyes wide open*
0199名無しさん@英語勉強中 (AUW 0H3f-3rsG)
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2017/11/25(土) 07:58:48.73ID:6Qr5sESsH
* nods *
0201名無しさん@英語勉強中 (AUW 0H3f-3rsG)
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2017/11/25(土) 08:07:22.88ID:y3SLFhWDH
0202名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ a74d-h3cN)
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2017/11/25(土) 08:41:33.67ID:yTpyMQ920
You must be in a place where there is little oxygen.
0203名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ a74d-h3cN)
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2017/11/25(土) 09:18:02.06ID:yTpyMQ920
Or you must have so fat a body as not to be able to breathe enough.
0204名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 7fcf-5mWG)
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2017/11/25(土) 09:41:26.57ID:qJfsc7qK0
Japan has apologized to china and provided your country about 45 billion dollars until now.
So, China also should stop invading Tibet, Uighur and Mongolia immediately and should
apologize them, give them an enormous amount of money, just as Japan did, please.

if that helps, Japan has been carring out ODA to China even now
0206名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ a74d-h3cN)
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2017/11/25(土) 10:56:24.62ID:yTpyMQ920
You are stupid enough not be able to make out that human consciousness toward" what is good and what is bad" has changed in accordance with times.
Nowadays, we are liveing in a time when such a concept as " humanity" is spreading all over the world.
So those who commit crimes agianst humanity should be severely punished.
On the other hand, the time when Japan advanced into China is so-called an era of "imperialism"
One of the characteristics of this era is, as it were, the survival of the fittest, which means the strong prey on the weak.
You should not evaluate historical facts on the basis of modern values where you stand on.
0207206 (ワッチョイ a74d-h3cN)
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2017/11/25(土) 11:05:50.65ID:yTpyMQ920
correction make out → understand
0210名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ a74d-h3cN)
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2017/11/25(土) 12:57:46.10ID:yTpyMQ920
Millions of Chinese?? Why do you Chinese like to forge lies concerning numerals? Huh?
First of all, you should learn historical facts sincerely and should not exploit them for the purpose of gaining political benefits.
The so-called Nanjing masscare is a typical example of your being a liar.
How could the Japanese military kill three hundred thousand Chinese when the population of Nanjing city at that time were approximately two hundred thousand ? Huh?

Although we are living in a time when fundamental human rights should be thoroughly respected, only China is invading neighboring countries and regions in an anachronistic manner.
In the couse of time,your contry will be ostracized from internatinal comminity. I
0211名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ a74d-h3cN)
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2017/11/25(土) 13:20:26.66ID:yTpyMQ920
whatever you say, I set him up as a Chinese.
That's because I just wanted to practice English writing. lol
0213名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 7fcf-5mWG)
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2017/11/25(土) 13:37:33.00ID:qJfsc7qK0
i know he is chinese
because i have argued about this kind of subject against many chinese on the internet
and every one of them said just the same thing every time as if they had
somehing like a list of potential Q & A on this subject for defending themselves
0218名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ a74d-h3cN)
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2017/11/25(土) 15:12:07.58ID:yTpyMQ920
You have to bite your lower lip slightly when prononceing f-sound and v-sound. As for r-sound, I've learned you have to pull your tongue to the back of your mouth, not roll it up.

Shake it out: E-sound is omitted. The former t-sound turns into soft d-sound or r-sound while the latter t-sound is omitted.

Get it out: the former t-sound turns into soft d-sound or r-sound. The latter t-sound is omitted.

World: l-sound before a consonant is called " dark L ", whose sound is similar to "u".
0219218 (ワッチョイ a74d-h3cN)
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2017/11/25(土) 15:16:10.90ID:yTpyMQ920
correction get it out → get out
0220218 (ワッチョイ a74d-h3cN)
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2017/11/25(土) 15:23:35.89ID:yTpyMQ920
correction bite the lower lip with your upper front teeth.
0223名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 678d-5mWG)
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2017/11/25(土) 16:37:26.37ID:NsfHq9aR0
Retard: "I hate bullying!"

-China is bullying Tibet.
-Japan bullied China in the past.
-Therefore, I, a Japanese, should not accuse China of the ongoing bullying. Fuck white bullies, but let's kiss China's ass, they got money and power.

I think a lot of the problems in today's world are caused by this kind of retard logic.
0224名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 678d-5mWG)
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2017/11/25(土) 17:11:22.65ID:NsfHq9aR0
Many people attack China's human rights problems, but I don't care about those matters.
I don't care if millions of Chinese people get killed in China at the hands of the communist party. It's their history.
China just needs to listen to the Dalai Lama and his people and do what ought to be done.
High level autonomy is what they have been wanting, and no more than that, if I'm not mistaken.
0225名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 678d-5mWG)
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2017/11/25(土) 18:02:34.12ID:NsfHq9aR0
A few years ago, I watched some documentary about reviving Buddhism in China. They seemed to be great people.
I think east asians go wrong when they throw away Buddhism. Koreans have become ill because they threw it away in the 17th century or something.
0226名無しさん@英語勉強中 (AUW 0H3f-3rsG)
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2017/11/25(土) 18:32:02.27ID:UT2AO8HFH
Mom. As shown, I totally outsmarted all of them this morning. I had a blast.
ー Naughty Naughty ー
0230名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 2763-l6Tq)
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2017/11/25(土) 21:25:17.28ID:cO/FgPXk0
I don't know how much you guys use a dictionary when you write your posts, but from my fluent
perspective you all seem to speak really good English.
Maybe you've heard of the habit a lot of Japanese people have of saying that a non-native speaker
can speak really good Japanese if they can speak it at all, even just basic phrases with a thick accent,
but as someone who's personally tired of getting compliments like that in spite of how bad I know my
Japanese actually is, I really do think you guys are doing a great job.
Keep it up. I'm cheering for you.
0231名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 5f25-KEHB)
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2017/11/25(土) 21:33:05.02ID:jPdP2qdZ0
These imflammable topics are not suitable here.
Because you will likely be embroiled in quarrels and just keep writing unproductive things.
Furthermore, it is waste of time for most people to read these layman's political views.
If you wanna talk about histrical issues, create a new thread.
0232名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウカー Sadb-Tsrw)
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2017/11/25(土) 21:38:27.28ID:xUZnNrfwa
Asking this question is kinda rude,but I’m curious about your occupation and age.
I mean I wanna know what kind of people there are,and speak English really fluently.
Sometimes I wonder some people aren’t Japanese because of their natural English sentences.
0233名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 2763-l6Tq)
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2017/11/25(土) 21:42:56.95ID:cO/FgPXk0
I don't think that's rude to ask. Seems perfectly fine to me.
Although I'm not Japanese, and I've been speaking English fluently
for several years so I probably don't count. My fluency has been getting
a little worse lately since I spend a lot of time reading, thinking, and speaking
Japanese, so I'm getting a little rusty at articulating myself in English as good
as I used to.
0237名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ a74d-h3cN)
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2017/11/25(土) 22:06:19.35ID:yTpyMQ920
I've been looking forward to reading this swedish guy's posts lately because I learn a lot from them.
0240名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 2763-l6Tq)
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2017/11/25(土) 22:39:41.29ID:cO/FgPXk0
I can't quite tell if you two are being sarcastic or if you genuinely enjoy my posts.
I could make a handle name if you want, but I really don't believe I contribute anything
of value enough to justify putting on a name.
Sure, I'd be happy to answer any questions you have, but I'm not sure if a name is required for that.
0242名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 2763-l6Tq)
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2017/11/25(土) 22:47:40.67ID:cO/FgPXk0
What about it is condescending? The only condescending or snobbish thing I can recall saying
is me repeating that I speak English fluently, but it's not like I'm trying to brag when I say that.
If you were to tell me "I speak Japanese fluently and think so and so" then I don't see anything
snobbish about that if it's relevant to the conversation.
0243名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ a74d-h3cN)
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2017/11/25(土) 23:46:34.91ID:yTpyMQ920
You don't have to sweat the small stuff. Just ignore >>241's remarks!
It can't be helped. " So many men, so many minds", as the saying goes.
0245名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ a74d-h3cN)
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2017/11/26(日) 00:02:26.15ID:i6pNuK8C0
Then, what are you?
0246名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウエーT Sa1f-h3cN)
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2017/11/26(日) 00:15:36.40ID:7wvD/BR7a
i placed an order with amazon for an apple's product though it is not a high-end model.
it's been quite a while since i ordered with them the last time,
and i was stunned to know that now i can pick up the goods at selected convenience stores near my house 7/24...!
0249名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ a74d-h3cN)
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2017/11/26(日) 01:31:26.47ID:i6pNuK8C0
It was just my guess from a couple of posts which had had certain characteristics peculiar to his writing
0252名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイWW 5f1d-ww/+)
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2017/11/26(日) 02:38:15.09ID:TS5SVyK60
Which one of the series is the best for you?
I like 7 a lot.

I’ve been into Pocket Camp from どうぶつの森 lately since it released 4 days ago though.
It seems not to have ガチャ feature, which give you random items.
I heard that Hawaii started a talk whether ’loot boxes’ are gambling or not.
0253名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 0733-Tsrw)
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2017/11/26(日) 14:05:20.14ID:CIM6B4560
I posted as 232 yesterday and i was sorry to forget putting my information down.
I’m 22years old Japanese student and I enrolled English conversation school.
I want to improve my English skills not only speaking but also writing.
I think thinking things in English even in your daily life is really effective so I’m here to chat with you guys :)
0256名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ a74d-h3cN)
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2017/11/26(日) 16:02:46.61ID:i6pNuK8C0
As for me, the more things or topics are complicated, the more likely I think them in Japanese first and then literally translate them into English.
For this reason, I tend to make a lot of English sentences with an abstract noun (S) + to be(V) + an adjecttive (C).
0257256 (ワッチョイ a74d-h3cN)
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2017/11/26(日) 17:10:54.07ID:i6pNuK8C0
If you let me, I'd like to explain about what I mentioned above more specifically.
Please take a look at the following two sentences.
(1) My eyesight is poor
(2) I have poor eyesight.
I've learned a book that we Japanese are prone to compose a sentence like (1)
while most native speakers of English would be likely to say (2)
0258257 (ワッチョイ a74d-h3cN)
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2017/11/26(日) 17:18:26.80ID:i6pNuK8C0
correction learned → learned from
0259名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 2763-l6Tq)
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2017/11/26(日) 17:28:20.68ID:Fi9/i1Yc0
Both of those sentences are fine, but the tone is somewhat different between the two. "My eyesight is poor" sounds like
a reason or explanation for something (imagine you were to put a し at the end of that sentence) or that you're specifically
focusing on your eyesight, like if a doctor asked you "do you have any physical defects or disabilities?" then it seems like
that sentence would fit right in as an answer. It also feels a little more formal than the second sentence, but maybe that's
just me, and maybe it's just because it admittedly does sound less like what a native would say.

Although to be honest, if someone were to say either to me and I don't know anything about them, I wouldn't think they're
not a native for posting the first sentence, and I'd only even really think about it in a scenario like this when you have 2
sentences that mean the same thing but have slightly different tones to them.

Either way, you could say either sentence and there wouldn't be anything wrong with it. The tone might be slightly different,
but tone and nuance in language is something you won't learn and fully grasp until you're nearly fluent, and at that point it's
all about nailing that last part (tone and nuance) to become a fully fledged fluent speaker.
0268名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 2736-aoL3)
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2017/11/26(日) 19:24:19.49ID:0BpqJth+0
No. If you constantly work on, your fluency in english will improve, but
what I meant was there are people who can improve faster than others.
And, the level of fluency I assume is quite high, like working in an environment
where the primary language is English, and not having any major difficulties in
written/oral communications.
0270名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 5fa3-KEHB)
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2017/11/26(日) 20:17:25.59ID:tYxvIjvV0
I would prefer coffee.
Recently, it is discovered that drinking coffee has some health benefits.

By the way, I don't what "thiking in English" actually means,
but it is beneficial to keep writing or saying something from the bottom of your heart.
Language is there to convey your thought, thus, keep doing this inevitably lead you to the point that "thinking in English".
0271名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ a74d-h3cN)
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2017/11/26(日) 20:23:04.28ID:i6pNuK8C0
Before complaining to him, you guys should be ashmed of yourself.
Such responses show how little you read materials concerning English on a daily basis. lol
0287名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 5fa3-KEHB)
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2017/11/26(日) 22:51:40.61ID:tYxvIjvV0
As far as I know, the person has never revealed the gender, so you should avoid assuming one way or the other.

I completly agree that pointing out trival grammatical mistakes are useless or even detrimental,
because people learn a lot from mistakes.
This thread should be the place to write freely without fear of being graded by someone.
There are few places in this society where any kind of mistakes are allowed, but that is not a good thing especially regarding to learning language.
0288名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 2736-aoL3)
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2017/11/26(日) 23:10:21.56ID:0BpqJth+0
> because people learn a lot from mistakes.
In that case, isn't it necessary for someone to point out these mistakes
(at least if he does it politely unlike the so-called axxhole above)?
Otherwise, you don't realize that you've made mistakes.
0289名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 2736-aoL3)
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2017/11/26(日) 23:20:12.53ID:0BpqJth+0
In any case, I don't think it necessary to point out these mistakes on this thread.
This is not a thread for that.
If you need any feedback on your writing, you can find more suitable places.
It is evident from our writing that we are non-native writers
who are not really qualified to point out others' mistakes.
Also, to me this is a thread for posting random thoughts without
worrying too much about getting nitpicked in my writing.
(When I post things on SNS, I took much more time even if the post is short).
0290名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 2763-l6Tq)
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2017/11/26(日) 23:23:27.86ID:Fi9/i1Yc0
I think you could point out someone's mistakes if the other person asks for it.
Alternatively, if you're going to point out someone's mistakes without them asking for it,
you should at least be polite about it. Being nice goes a long way.
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