Chat in English (英語で雑談) part 204

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0347jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ bfd1-sSls)
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2017/11/29(水) 02:50:30.64ID:l7TLnci40
Maybe a vinyl patch kit?

I agree that green tea should mostly be left alone, but I do things to black tea. For example, I like
Assam tea with just a tiny bit of milk and honey. Sometimes I add a little sugar if I make iced
mint tea.

I drink way more tea than coffee, but I have coffee sometimes too. The reasons are different.
Usually I drink tea because I enjoy it, and coffee because I want the caffeine.
Although sometimes I do just enjoy a cup of coffee for its own sake.
0357名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ニククエ a74d-h3cN)
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2017/11/29(水) 20:16:16.29ID:Ufuo44cu0NIKU
I encountered English for the first time when I was in junior high. Looking back on those days, the alphabet whetted my appetite for the language to some degree.
But if I had to say, I didn't want to learn it because the grammar was all Greek to me.
On top of that, I was not an earnest student, so always got an F in English tests.
At that time, I was forced to study English because it was a required subject for entering sinior high and university.

to be continued. ....
0363名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイWW 1124-z351)
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2017/11/30(木) 04:01:17.78ID:hVfR3Asx0
Same thing could be applied to English.
If you don't use it on a daily basis, it will quickly deteriorate.
Doing some exercise everyday is the only way to keep your health.
But actually it is too cold to do some exercise.

By the way, is there anyone using OK Google features.
It's a little bit weird to talk to your smartphone,
but they even tell a joke when I asked them to talk something interesting. I hope they can be a good partner to train English someday.
For now they have limited capacity to keep conversation. I'm fed up with asking " what time is it now or tell me something interesting".
Still it is a good tool to exercise English skill.
0364名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 66cf-JjO2)
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2017/11/30(木) 10:02:19.86ID:Z5NKIaoi0
>>359 jump on a train

I am frightened to hear that.
Because I just have heard of an user of 4ch suffered serious physical injury by "jumped on a train"
The inhabitants of the board who knew the user used that phrase when talking about the accident.
I wonder if "juming on a train"could be used in the either case of 飛び乗る and 飛び込む?

0365jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ ded1-0/3r)
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2017/11/30(木) 10:06:04.18ID:Y/To1hco0
Please continue, I was reading!

You're totally right about practicing language. In English, the expression is "Use it or lose it," and I
have seen it myself. I studied Japanese for 4 years and I never got to be fluent but I could get along
very well and hold a conversation in Japanese. But I have barely used it in ten years so I often
forget simple words.

As for Google Now, I agree it always feels weird talking to my electronics. I never thought about
using that to practice English though. That seems like a good idea but I guess you're right,
there isn't much variety that it can say.
0366名無しさん@英語勉強中 (スップ Sd0a-fH+e)
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2017/11/30(木) 11:57:42.80ID:yIejwTMod
Unko tinko manko
0368名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイWW a9c9-ebjE)
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2017/11/30(木) 15:00:01.46ID:+tdttzsn0
hello everyone,how's it goin'???
0371名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 894d-9GJZ)
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2017/11/30(木) 17:18:31.22ID:jxhGJSPf0
♫ When I was young, I'd listen to the radio waitin' for my favorite songs ♫

There were two events waiting for me to make a complete turnaround in my life. What if I had not come across that song back then? Probably I wouldn't have been involved in Englsh for this very long.
It happened this way. After going into senior high, I met knid of a strange teacher whose appearance looks like Shimoda Kageki. Do you happen to know of him?
Anyway, he was an English teacher and asked us students to bring our favorite record to school at the first English class.

to be continued....
0378名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 66cf-JjO2)
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2017/11/30(木) 21:30:19.28ID:Z5NKIaoi0
maybe he works for hire
he is here everyday
most people can not do like what he is doing on a whim
it's the same with "Let's Talk about Political Issues"thread on this board
everyitime I post there, someone always disturb me with meaningless post
0379名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウエーT Sa52-9GJZ)
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2017/12/01(金) 00:36:07.72ID:+pehdaoya
i am thinking about signing up and taking part in some online game, say, fantasy world game.
i am being a bit tired of working at the office and being myself everyday.
i want to enjoy another me in a completely another world such as a wizard
who can heal injured village people or attack evil monsters with its special magics.
0381名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW f1a8-Kp+y)
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2017/12/01(金) 01:24:12.09ID:RKGjHmRe0
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0383jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ ded1-0/3r)
垢版 |
2017/12/01(金) 02:57:41.90ID:U2RevE4N0
I'm sorry it didn't work out. Will your work replace it, or would you have to spend
your own money if you want a new one?

Anyone can copy and paste though ;)

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0388名無しさん@英語勉強中 (US 0H52-8b4z)
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2017/12/01(金) 14:06:57.36ID:020i2wVhH
English speaking people also have ascii art, but the two have some major differences.
English ascii art usually only makes use of the original extended ascii character set in a mono-width font while the Japanese AA can use a wide range of characters from a Gothic style font.
0391名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 894d-9GJZ)
垢版 |
2017/12/01(金) 19:02:05.03ID:0CaAoJ6M0
I have a question.
I forgot what you say in English when you imply the sexual organ indirectly like あそこ.
Thank you in advance for your response.
0392391 (ワッチョイ 894d-9GJZ)
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2017/12/01(金) 19:04:02.23ID:0CaAoJ6M0
how you say it in English
0393名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 9963-nS8X)
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2017/12/01(金) 19:07:19.76ID:YGYOJyR10
I believe "my you-know-what" will work if it's otherwise clear you're talking about your genitals.
I can't really think of any other ones at the moment. Why would you want to indirectly talk about
genitals, anyway? In casual conversations you can just straight up say it without problems, while
in more formal settings (e.g. news or medical reports) they usually use specific terms, ranging from
as blunt as penis/vagina to sexual organ(s) or genitals.
0395名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 894d-9GJZ)
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2017/12/01(金) 19:38:41.26ID:0CaAoJ6M0
That's it! The word " you know what " is exactly what I was looking for.
You see, I chatted with a person from Brazil in a chat room today.
He (or she) told me that he is studying Japanese now and in the course of our conversation, he asked me if there were dirty words even in Japanese.
And I said, " Of course! Do you happen to know みみずせんびき?"
Next time when I see him, I'm going to explain what it is like, but am afraid of my being indecent if I use the word " penis" bluntly. lol

For your reference, みみずせんびき consists of two words, that is to say, みみず and せんびき.
みみずmeans earthworm, and せんびき, one thousand, respectively.
You know, it represents a type of women'e sex organ with which you can savor a kind of sensation as if one thousand of worms are moving inside it when you insert
your penis into it.
Did I make myself understood?
0396395 (ワッチョイ 894d-9GJZ)
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2017/12/01(金) 19:40:22.99ID:0CaAoJ6M0
correction >>391>>393
0397名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 9963-nS8X)
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2017/12/01(金) 19:50:10.14ID:YGYOJyR10
>but am afraid of my being indecent if I use the word " penis" bluntly. You don't need to worry about that at all.
While I can't speak for the whole world, let alone Brazilians (I'm not Brazilian, so) I don't think there's any
problem with using the word "penis" when defining a phrase or word. Some people take offense to swears that
mean penis (like dick, cock, etc.) but penis is fine. If you want to say it less bluntly but more matter-of-factly,
you can just say "male genitals."

>Did I make myself understood?
I understood the words but not the meaning of them. It's a woman's sex organ that feels disgusting to insert your
penis into? I assume this is a slang word? Then you should state it at the start so it becomes easier to understand
that you're defining a word that may not necessarily make sense, just like how "creampie" (中出し) might not
make sense to an English learner if it isn't explained that it's a slang word.
0400名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW f1a8-Kp+y)
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2017/12/01(金) 19:54:02.71ID:RKGjHmRe0
AA stands for ass anal
0401名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 894d-9GJZ)
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2017/12/01(金) 20:35:50.11ID:0CaAoJ6M0
Yeah it is one of slang words when you call what is called 名器 in Japanese.
Disappointingly, I don't know what it is called in English, but the meaning is tatally opposite to your speculation.
It feels as if you are on cloud nine when inserting your penis into it.
I've realized how hard it is when you explain about Japanese words to people from abroad. !!
0403名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 9963-nS8X)
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2017/12/01(金) 20:57:56.14ID:YGYOJyR10
Ah, I should have taken the clue that it was a good feeling from the fact you used the
word "savor" but I was unsure if that's the nuance you were going for.
>I've realized how hard it is when you explain about Japanese words to people from abroad. !!
Don't worry, there are words in all languages that are difficult to describe the exact meaning
of in other languages. I don't know for sure, but I think that "awkward" would be hard
to accurately describe in Japanese, since it can be used for all kinds of situations. 違和感 might
be the closest approximation.

Anyway, if I understood right, then if you'd like to describe that word to that Brazilian person,
I'd describe it as: "it refers to a pleasurable feeling that feels like "one thousand earthworms
wriggling around inside of it," when inserting ones penis into the vagina of a woman who
possesses such a vagina."
But I'm not entirely sure if that's right since I don't know the exact meaning and it seems like
something very hard to describe. Also, at least here in the west, we don't really like the idea
of something feeling like a ton of earthworms wriggling around on top of our penis, so even if
it does feel really good, it might still sound disgusting no matter how you try to word it.
0407名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 894d-9GJZ)
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2017/12/01(金) 23:04:57.76ID:0CaAoJ6M0
Thank you for your advice, but I've changed my mind not to do such a childish behavior. lol
I took this oppotunity to look into what the word "mimizu senbiki" is derived from.
According to Google, it is a type of vagina who has a lot of folds inside it.
In short, " a lot of folds " is likend to " mimizu senbiki",but as you said, it might be an analogy which get across to only Japanese people.
By the way, there were a few words in your posting I've never made use of, so I'll copy them by hand later.
You posts are really useful for my English study! Thanks a million!
0408407 (ワッチョイ 894d-9GJZ)
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2017/12/01(金) 23:09:48.52ID:0CaAoJ6M0
who has → which has
0410名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アークセーT Sxbd-JjO2)
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2017/12/02(土) 02:02:04.15ID:lce3nf08x
japan, poland, senegal, colmbia.
do you know what this mean?
0424名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アークセー Sxbd-Kp+y)
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2017/12/03(日) 00:53:37.34ID:P5R1hyq+x
Yesterday I went to a fuking cheap Izakaya. Karage and highball cost only 150 and 100 yen respectively. When I bite one of that karaage, I noticed that inside was kind of reddish.
I thought it was not completely cooked but I didn't care about it and eat it because I was drunk.
Sure enough, this morning I almost died. I was in the toilet for 2 hours. My stomach is still fucking hurting. I will never go to indecent Izakaya.
0426名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ITW 0H3e-fDZp)
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2017/12/03(日) 02:41:55.15ID:MQKR8J5jH
Ohh... that reminded me of another one of
my years-long questions.
Does anyone here know General Tso's Chicken?
I think it is widely, if not universally, available
in Chinese restaurants in the US,
but is nowhere to be found in Japan.
I even doubt that there is an official Japanese
translation for the dish, and I find it very weird that
what seemed to be a very popular Chinese dish
over there has virtually no presence whatsoever in Japan.
Any ideas, folks?
0438名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 894d-9GJZ)
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2017/12/04(月) 11:43:19.38ID:+ZeXbA970
Maybe, but even if so, I think it is a minor reason.
I've heard Miyadai Shinji, who is a famous sociologist, developping his arugument why pornographic animation
has been popular with quite a lot of young men since around the 90's
According to him, many of them have been diappointed in girls in real life situations.
As a result, they have been seeking for virtual girls who are match for their ideals.
I think it has some bearing on what you say.
0439438 (ワッチョイ 894d-9GJZ)
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2017/12/04(月) 12:18:32.39ID:+ZeXbA970
correction  diappointed→ disappointed
I have a bad habit of not making sure if there are any spelling mistakes in my writing before posting.
0444名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 9963-nS8X)
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2017/12/04(月) 15:30:21.78ID:jpGAmNod0
Two days ago I went drinking with my friend and I drank way too much again.
I ended up being horribly sick all of yesterday and vomiting 11 times.
My friend was really drunk too and ended up tripping on his way home and when
he woke up yesterday he said he had split his lip and had bled a lot without even
knowing it. We both need to get ourselves in order.
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