Chat in English (英語で雑談) part 204

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0449名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 9963-nS8X)
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2017/12/04(月) 17:45:59.88ID:jpGAmNod0
Yep. Happens when I drink too much without filtering out with any water.
My body feels sick and poisoned, so I should drink some water to filter out the
alcohol. But if I drink anything I vomit it back up and get dehydrated.
It's like my body is trying to kill me.
0453名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウエーT Sa52-MMs3)
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2017/12/05(火) 00:36:53.62ID:bXHpKbMga
it's december and i need to prepare new year's greeting postcards.
in recent years, just emailing my acquaintances or contacting my friends via LINE on january 1 has been enough,
but even so, i feel i need to send the postcards to some people.
0457jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ ded1-0/3r)
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2017/12/05(火) 02:28:42.75ID:u4X41Dvb0
I'm pretty sure that most things you'd find at a Chinese restaurant in America,
aren't actually Chinese at all. That's probably why you don't see them in other countries.

If you go to a Chinese restaurant, do you feel like what you are eating is really what someone
else would be eating across the sea of Japan? I accept that it's basically "pretend Chinese."
0458jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ ded1-0/3r)
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2017/12/05(火) 02:29:50.06ID:u4X41Dvb0
I don't know if it's true, but I heard that the main thing keeping the postal system
going in America, is all the constant junk mail that companies send everyone everyday.
It's strange that something nobody wants is paying for such a useful service.
0464名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アークセーT Sxbd-JjO2)
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2017/12/05(火) 18:01:58.85ID:yqJB/81zx

habu win!

hi is the KING again!
0465名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 6abe-u3G4)
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2017/12/05(火) 20:59:30.19ID:yFxa4XG10
LGBT themed drama will be broadcasting on NHK BS.
one of the actor is Baruto who engaged in Sumo wrestler.
0466名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 66cf-0/3r)
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2017/12/05(火) 21:12:19.00ID:dDLlXSma0
chigaudaro hage
0471jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ ded1-0/3r)
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2017/12/06(水) 03:54:30.67ID:Yg/MrFGp0
I always ignore the racist comments but that's not really funny. 180 square km have burned, 150
buildings have been destroyed, 27,000 had to evacuate and almost 200,000 people don't have
0472jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ ded1-0/3r)
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2017/12/06(水) 04:11:43.89ID:Yg/MrFGp0
By the way, you want to say "the usual annoying gaijin and HIS wife," not "its" wife.
We don't use the indefinite article "it" when referring to people very much. It's better
to use "his/her." Or if you aren't being specific about the gender, then "their" is good.
0476名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウエーT Sa52-MMs3)
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2017/12/06(水) 18:26:54.33ID:PnmMeiPXa
is there someone who can explain why old 5-story towers at japanese famous temples stood still
while modern buildings/houses broke and collapsed when large scaled earthquakes happened in japan in 1995 or 2011?
the towers should've been built more than 1,000 years ago and the materials used should mainly be wood,
not iron or steel or carbon fiber!
0477名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ f1c7-MMs3)
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2017/12/06(水) 18:52:23.45ID:BMjfoiHr0
I don't know why, but even judging from a layman's view, your comment sounds a lit strange to me.
That's because the softer substances are, the more likey they absorb shocks.
0478477 (ワッチョイ f1c7-MMs3)
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2017/12/06(水) 19:05:26.77ID:BMjfoiHr0
correction lit → bit , likey → likely
0479名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ f1c7-MMs3)
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2017/12/06(水) 19:17:29.92ID:BMjfoiHr0
Could you do me a favor?
Please take a glance at a thread titled " 英作の添削してちょ” and correct my translation if you have a spare time
You can find original Japanese scripts for it if you look up above.
Thanks in advance!
0495名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ffcf-F7Qh)
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2017/12/07(木) 01:21:22.16ID:L/j1Gp0P0
Get lost!
/邪魔するな!◆Go away.と同じ意味だが、より荒っぽい表現。
0496名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アークセーT Sx8b-F7Qh)
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2017/12/07(木) 01:28:30.95ID:EFSigUj6x
learnning English is hard espacially for japanese like myself
because English and japanese language are completly different each other,
and thats why we English learner are easily got mentally ill.
no wonder this thread is fulled with lots of jerks and morran. we are frustrated.
despite of the fact that we japanese have been studying english from junior high to college for about 10years,
we cant talk with english speakers and scaerd about talking to them.
its not worth it . its not fair. i want more simple world.
i am thirsty, i sqwash lemon, i got lemoneed. i am happy. something like that.
but reallity is thatno matter how many lemons i spwash,
my glass is empty. only couple of lemon seeds are in my glass.
so that sometimes i think that waht i am sqweezing is not lemmon, but tennis ball.
im sad. my hart is broken,
its like ellepfant trying to fly like a bird.
if that kind of ellepfant out there, i willing to buy him a airline ticket and let him fly all over the world.
because i can tell his hopeless and agny.
0499jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ bfd1-HquM)
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2017/12/07(木) 02:38:52.39ID:vSurp9bj0
In that case, it is actually appropriate to use "it" because when you say that, you
are basically taking away my humanity so I know you are trying to be insulting.
So good job! I just wanted to make sure you were doing it deliberately.

I assumed "lit" was supposed to be "little" and it still worked perfectly.

Are you talking to me? I can't promise I'll have time but I'll try to take a look!

All of them are fine. "Get lost" has the most aggressive feeling, but it's still relatively mild. If you really
wanted to be mean, "fuck off" is the way to go.

That looks tasty, but I agree it seems a bit pricey.

Your post has some mistakes but I can understand you perfectly. What's stopping you from going
and talking to people in English more often? Is that what you want?
0504名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 7724-bQxm)
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2017/12/08(金) 02:05:22.10ID:9WL4z8u20
This one keeps writing mean comments.
This should have better things to do rather than posting nasty things.
Also 57bd-kURK must be the same one.
How can one write such rude comments?It' completely beyond comprehension.
This should think whether it can say same things in front of the person before posting.
Anonymity reveals your traits, so this should reflect on itself by revisiting its previous comments.
0510jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ bfd1-HquM)
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2017/12/08(金) 04:12:59.04ID:EGHMxmqY0
This is one of the things I love about this website compared to most American ones.
On this board, everyone agrees that there is no place for people to troll and be mean.
I've grown up living with this kind of thing. It's just water off a duck's back. It means nothing to me,
I just ignore him. But I love that everyone else also generally ignores him. Or if you do speak up,
you all are talking about how it's not appropriate, instead of just insulting him back. That's what would
probably happen on an American board.
0521jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ bfd1-HquM)
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2017/12/08(金) 11:00:29.03ID:EGHMxmqY0
That's a good one too! Unfortunately, "fuck off" is the strongest version I can think of.
There are other ways to tell someone to get lost, but they're more complicated.
You might want to try switching up the insults though. If you repeat the same things, it becomes
less effective.
Plus, if you really want to offend someone, you should try to be specific. If you insult
my culture, it doesn't really bother me because it's too vague.
0529名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウエーT Sadf-Y1z7)
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2017/12/08(金) 22:14:27.44ID:vrTE6Qgua
today, my boss handed envelopes to me and my co-workers one by one.
you know, a paper was inside each envelope and you could tell by the paper
how much money you earned as a seasonal bonus.
i have carried mine with me but i haven't opened it yet because i am afraid to know the amount i got.
0537名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 77a8-hzqg)
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2017/12/09(土) 01:08:48.56ID:mbsgRq2w0
It is too funny that whenever I speak English, people tell me that I don't have a japanese accent. So I respond like "then which country accent do I have?"
But they answer like "I don't know. Your accent is not like that japanese people have, anyway"
0538名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 77a8-hzqg)
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2017/12/09(土) 01:14:31.78ID:mbsgRq2w0
I don't know why I don't have a japanese accent even though my first language is japanese and I was born and raised up in Japan.
Besides, I have never tried to imitate American accent or British accent or Aussie accent.
It seems I have my original accent that nobody has.
0539名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 978c-gcK6)
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2017/12/09(土) 01:26:15.08ID:BYcKAQ0G0
I'm just wondering how "go fly a kite" sounds? Is it used mainly by old people?

Yes, the Korean girls' Japanese sound natural, but you might have a different impression
when they speak Japanese in conversation.
He is the their dads' age. To think many men these days get married in their thirties, though,
he would be a pretty young dad for them.
0541jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ bfd1-HquM)
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2017/12/09(土) 02:12:27.98ID:MbYAPvj00
Do you mean because that sauce is for chicken?

I get a bonus on the 15th. It's supposed to be somewhere between 1-5% of my salary,
I heard. So, that's $360-1800. It's not a ton, probably just work out to an extra paycheck.
Still, I'm excited to see. I've never worked somewhere that gave that kind of bonus before.

To me that one feels kind of old-fashioned. I think most people would understand your intent
if you said that, but they might not take it very seriously.
I can understand what you mean about the girls' Japanese. It can be easier to hide an accent
when you're singing.
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