Chat in English (英語で雑談) part 204

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0548名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイWW 7724-HbTR)
垢版 |
2017/12/10(日) 09:28:36.82ID:f8F7iXew0
What's going on in the UK?
Northern Ireland will have no hard border with the south, at the same time they will have no regulatory differences with the other parts of the UK.
This effectively means that the UK stays in the EU at least economically, doesn't it?
So they are going to pay money for EU just to control the number of immigrants?
I cannot understand what they are trying to achieve with huge amount of time and efforts exhausted.
Sovereignty might be the issue, but do people still have same opinion they've shown in the referendum?
If they take a vote at the final stage of brexit, it seems better to hold another referendum now to save time.
0552名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウエーT Sadf-Y1z7)
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2017/12/11(月) 00:34:23.40ID:OmkXgVRpa
i decided to sell my laptop pc that i formerly used.
so i contacted a recycling company to ask for the quote to see how much they can pay for the pc.
it was more than a couple of weeks ago and i haven't got a reply from them since then.
they seem to be famous in the industory but what the heck is going on...no reply? no way!
0553名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 57bd-p110)
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2017/12/11(月) 00:58:53.78ID:ZrZwJvrJ0
Let me guess... it’s hard off right?
0559名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 57bd-p110)
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2017/12/11(月) 22:27:17.67ID:ZrZwJvrJ0
It’s karma!
0562名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウエーT Sadf-Y1z7)
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2017/12/12(火) 00:00:09.87ID:yIDTirDna
i will have a job interview the day after tomorrow
but i haven't studied the company or thought about how i would present myself.
the reputation of the company on internet websites is quite bad
and it makes me reluctant to work on it.
0564jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ bfd1-HquM)
垢版 |
2017/12/12(火) 02:19:23.54ID:VaWXoE4Y0
I had to put that in a translator, and it said "bird aristocracy" so I still don't know what you mean.

>>558 >>560
Thanks for your concern guys. Everything is fine where I am, the fires aren't too nearby. The air
has been really dry, and sometimes it gets smoky outside if the wind blows my way. But I'm
not very close to where the fires actually are. Here is where I am: https://i.imgur.com/6O28wxa.png

I'm an android fanboy so I don't really pay attention to Apple. I don't know how the sales of the X
have been, but I can say my coworker got one and she really likes it.

I hope everything turns out ok!
0567名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 9fbe-1yCt)
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2017/12/12(火) 08:00:53.03ID:bEu3kZuB0
i paste davastated situation of california showed at a news program in jpn.
this magnitude was caused via high pressure staying long at the western u.s. and blowing dry and fierce wind from inland toward ocean direction.
0568jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ bfd1-HquM)
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2017/12/12(火) 10:23:12.16ID:VaWXoE4Y0
I live right under the "o" in Los Angeles on 171212075209.jpg
171212075205.jpg is actually really pretty

I have a friend who lives by Ventura (ベンチュラ) and has had the fire much closer.
Last Tuesday night, she shared a video on Facebook where she could see the light
of fires over the hill on the horizon, and the smoke there has been much worse.
As far as I know, she isn't in danger, but if the fire is close enough to see at night,
that isn't good.
0571名無しさん@英語勉強中 (デーンチッ ffcf-F7Qh)
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2017/12/12(火) 13:49:37.71ID:XbHQy0VW01212
now i have watched the map that you uploaded
Ventura is just a little way from the fire!
there is a hill between your friend's house and the fire, .isnt there?
it's good that she is OK, though.
i can only pray for getting the fire under control at once.

now switching on CNN, it is broadcasting only about Pres. Tramp

0572名無しさん@英語勉強中 (デーンチッ 9fa3-bQxm)
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2017/12/12(火) 19:11:17.63ID:AeiRIdaM01212
It's extreme weather in both ways around the globe.
Some cities see heavy snow and other cities are suffering from dry and windy condition.
My town is completely covered by snow with almost 0 degree C temperatures.
This means temperature plummeted neary 30 degree in just three months.
0574名無しさん@英語勉強中 (デーンチッ MM1b-p110)
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2017/12/12(火) 20:18:29.23ID:L+0jPtu4M1212
It’s karma! They chose Trump for president. That’s why.
0579名無しさん@英語勉強中 (デーンチッW 57bd-p110)
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2017/12/12(火) 21:39:58.54ID:PqpgkfJJ01212
He is white. So he is a racist.
0580名無しさん@英語勉強中 (デーンチッT Sadf-Y1z7)
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2017/12/12(火) 21:56:14.94ID:AfH2vn7Ma1212
since october i have continued to practice driving a car (going to a driving school).
this saturday, i drove in a freeway at 50 miles per hour which mustn't be that fast for most drivers,
but i felt a little scared.
i was relieved i could drive back to the school safe.
0581562 (アウアウエーT Sadf-Y1z7)
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2017/12/12(火) 22:05:19.95ID:AfH2vn7Ma
thank you.
one thing i always think is a problem is that however good the interviewer are,
you will not work "closely" with them after joining that company unless you are hired for managing position.
you will work closely with total strangers you didn't meet at the interview
and in some cases you can't get along with them at all.
0585jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ bfd1-HquM)
垢版 |
2017/12/13(水) 02:18:45.31ID:jvpwY6d00
Yes, there is a hill, but she saw the fire reach the top of the hill. It's crazy.
I think that part of the fire has died down though. She said the air has been a little
clearer this week. The wind changed.

We had an unusually rainy spring so lots of plants grew, and during the dry summer
and fall, all the little weeds and grass and stuff in the hills died and became dry.
That makes bad conditions for fires to easily spread.

You're thinking of Florida with the Hurricanes. It's still America, but it isn't related to
the fires in California.

Hang in there! You'll get used to it. I remember when I was learning and 30mph felt fast.

That is definitely true. All you can do is hope that the interviewer thinks about how your
personality will fit with the people you're going to work with.
0588名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 77a8-UXyN)
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2017/12/13(水) 08:00:37.86ID:M+9/KM4p0
Sometimes I wonder if American native speakers can perfectly understand what british people speak with their own thick english accent.


Hey jook, could you watch this and tell me how well did you understand what the actors said in the movie? Maybe can you tell out of 100%?The video lasts
For me, I could catch only the words of "fuc○ing" even though I've studing english 5 years and fairly understand american english. British english is freaking hard to listen to.
0591jook ◆jook7sIb7g (ワッチョイ bfd1-HquM)
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2017/12/13(水) 09:24:14.14ID:jvpwY6d00
In the first scene, that guy has a really thick Scottish accent. Nobody can understand a thick
Scottish accent like that. I understood maybe 30-40%.

Then the narrator talks. Ewan McGregor is Scottish too but his accent is much milder. I can
understand him perfectly.

The next man has a thicker accent again, but not as bad as the first guy. but I can still
understand him fine. However, I am a bit familiar with Scottish people anyway so I
didn't have trouble understanding him. I can definitely see how it would be hard.

Then we have Ewan McGregor narrating again. He's easy.

Then back to the first guy. I could understand him this time because I was more prepared for it.
He said, "Right! Nobody move! That lassie got blasted, no cunt leaves here til we find out what cunt
did it."

Since I already watched the whole video, I thought maybe I would be used to the accent, so I tried
watching the first scene again. I couldn't understand any more, still about 30-40%.
see how it would be difficult for some people though.
0595名無しさん@英語勉強中 (US 0Hdf-gKiJ)
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2017/12/13(水) 15:17:31.54ID:nhtFpNS4H
I'm an American, and I can understand about 90% of the first guy, 100% of the narrator, and 100% of the second guy.
The understanding isn't perfect; some of the words I couldn't give you a definition of, but given the context I can fill in the blanks and get a good idea of what was the intention.
I've found that English speakers generally can understand a wide range of accents, but really thick ones that have a unique lexicon and morphology can require getting used to.
For example, I had a professor in university that had a really thick Indian accent which I could not understand for about two weeks, but
after having classes with him for that amount of time I could start to make sense of what he was saying.
0613名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 1224-j8nJ)
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2017/12/14(木) 02:29:41.91ID:DfENtlRJ0
The more l learn, the more l feel the gap between the 1st and 2nd languge.
It' not hard to understand conversations from faint sound of the radio in the first language,
but I need clear sound in English.
This is because it's difficult to predict what they say and guess the words if I cannot hear some parts.
This become especially clear when I hear somethng completely unpredictable like >>588.

Anway, it's too cold!
What's this temperature!
It's still December according to the calender...
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