「Nagasaki slang 」でぐぐったら、こんな俗語が出て来た。「大きなおなら」
(Urban Dictionary )

To fart extremely loudly, or with an abundance of odor.
Of course this is in reference to the 1945 atom bomb. Can also he used with Hiroshima, depending on mood.
「特別に大きな音、または臭いのおなら、原爆由来で、状況により『 Hiroshima 』も使える。」

break the ice
to get to know a person or people by avoiding awkwardness

break the ice
To fart for the first time in front of your significant other.  ← fart (おならが出て来てる)
”I've been dating her for a year, and I'm still scared to break the ice."
<by West Coast Urbanite September 12, 2016>

「挨拶した後あっちこっちで『おなら』をすれば(a Nagasaki a Hiroshima )、気まずさは無くなるよ(break the ice)」