Chat in English (英語で雑談) part 205

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0001名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイWW ca24-wpzq)
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2018/01/01(月) 09:07:06.35ID:WkdCaekD0
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Previous Thread:
Chat in English (英語で雑談) part 204

Hey!!! All you NEETs, nerds, YouTube link spammers, pedophiles, neo-Nazis,
Yukorin enthusiasts, Nanako SOS admirers, Part-Time-Preachers,
Diplomats' spoiled sons, losers who can't remember Kanji characters,
Big-boobs fans, Weeaboo from around the world, learners of Japanese
who are too lazy to update their Japanese blogs very often, cunning
linguists, stupid fan girls of Johnny's Boys, Touhou pirates, and
that electrical super-gay who suffers from mental disease - This is your thread!
Let's hope the Internet-addicted housewife will come back soon!

We all wish for permanent world peace!
0437名無しさん@英語勉強中 (トンモー MMe9-gm/z)
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2018/01/19(金) 23:39:06.27ID:B6fwLD4/M
You're totally no class.
0438ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/19(金) 23:42:49.75ID:qvnpurTyH

Are you a bloody damn Chinasad or a Koreabitch.
0439ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 00:17:31.57ID:Dkg+F2njH
I think the only thing that pisses a Japanese more than me saying I love British penis is saying they are Chinese. I don't do this unless you really piss me off or act non-Japanese.
0440ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 00:43:03.11ID:Dkg+F2njH
I think it pisses off Japanese girls when I pay attention to other Japanese girls. But if I'm not satisfied, I'll get satisfaction elsewhere ..
0441ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 00:48:07.39ID:Dkg+F2njH
Basically when I'm not satisfied there is serious real damage done to everybody so satisfaction is basically my number one priority.
0442ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 00:52:16.39ID:Dkg+F2njH
Do I just fucking see a picture of a girl at the goddamn nurse's office at school. Wow

I never thought I could enjoy good life like this. See, basically until maybe a few days ago my life was very hard.
0443ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 01:07:27.17ID:Dkg+F2njH
Basically there is nothing I can't really defeat to achieve happiness and relaxation. The path I walked before had basically 0 width.

Even so, I managed to do it it seems. If I can walk on such a narrow path, and I have a lot of experience doing so, there is basically not really a problem.

If the path gets narrower over time, well that's just bad universe design. If it says the same width, well that's boring. So it basically has to get wider.

Now if the path is getting wider, and I know how to walk paths with basically 0 width, what the fuck is the problem?
0444名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 3ddf-3Ttg)
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2018/01/20(土) 01:18:07.83ID:XbAB5ajj0






We, DMM On Line English Conversation School, had not given you customers a lesson until 2015 during the Christmas season and the period before and after New Year's Day, but we have heard a lot of valuable and instructive advice from customers.
For that reason, after careful consideration, we decided to give lessons during this same period in 2017 as we did last year.
However, we expect a lot of teachers will take holidays during this period.
We are going to ask teachers all over the world to give a lesson so that all of you can have a lesson, but it is probable that all the lessons will be booked earlier than usual.
We hope you will soon book lessons because the lessons are not large in number.
※ If all the lessons are booked on the day, we are not going to issue tickets to take extra lessons.
0445ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 01:19:22.67ID:Dkg+F2njH
Any place that bans me is basically asking me to die. Garbage Chinese HelloTalk suspended me, so I deleted my account and all my shit, now that place is a giant shithole.
0446ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 01:22:33.60ID:Dkg+F2njH

We hope you will soon book lessons because the lessons are not many.
0447ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 01:26:25.56ID:Dkg+F2njH

If you are talking to Japanese I would use more polite language, but if you are talking to foreigners I would use more sharp language like the one I suggested in >>446 ..
0448名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウオー Sa13-gm/z)
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2018/01/20(土) 01:31:54.81ID:12zUFtjJa
Just get out.
0449ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 01:39:04.29ID:Dkg+F2njH
Basically, as long as I am happy and relaxed, there will never be a serious problem, same goes for North Korea.
0450ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 02:15:23.24ID:Dkg+F2njH
Goddamn Sony .. you release too much shit I can't afford so I go to Walmart.ca to look at $1 hot dogs. Big fat hot dogs down my throat. Yummy.
0451ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 02:18:34.41ID:Dkg+F2njH
Wow that huge TV I dragged home through the snow is the most popular TV on the website .. this is hardly surprising.

0453ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 02:28:57.84ID:Dkg+F2njH
Well I guess the website says it weighs about 24 kg. Not sure how I had the strength to pull it up and put it on the stand. I guess this is like the time I swam more than about 250m across a Japanese river in Kanto and had to be rescued ..
0454ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 02:36:32.82ID:Dkg+F2njH
How did this happen?

Well ..

Story time.

So I was walking somewhere in Kanto after losing basically all my stuff except my passport.

I lost my jacket but suddenly the weather was very warm so it was not too bad.

Walking along (there were some weird things that happened here so I'll skip that part for now .. but I think I was so hungry and thirsty I was absorbing energy from other people. I usually picked the fat ones though.)

I eventually ran into a man there. He said いいてんきね。。

He said a phrase I heard before: ゆっくりしっててね。Well I suppose that's a saying from Touhou, and trust me I spent more than about 2000 hours listening to Touhou.

But he asked me something like since the weather is nice, it feels like you could even go for a swim.

I said maybe tomorrow.

He laughed.

But then I saw the river, and it looked like the (very big) boat heading this way knew I was about to do something, so it turned out.

Then I swam .. with shoes on.
0455ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 02:38:54.65ID:Dkg+F2njH
I made a typing mistake.

That boat *turned* around, as if it knew I was about to do something.

I didn't want the boat to turn around for nothing, so I jumped.
0457ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 03:16:27.25ID:Dkg+F2njH

Oi, to the gallows with you.
0458ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 03:57:23.83ID:Dkg+F2njH
I command my body, which the same as commanding the entire universe ..
0459ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 03:58:35.77ID:Dkg+F2njH
which is*

One of my strong signatures is making this kind of typing mistake. If you see this signature, you may find me.
0460名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW d5bd-q/KO)
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2018/01/20(土) 04:17:43.81ID:eXS9IxpK0
Don’t be rude. ゆえ is saving this thread.
0461ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 04:24:38.57ID:Dkg+F2njH

I save Japanese old woman crossing the street by shining a laser into the Chinese driver's eye, causing him brain damage and death. His car is used for military bomb exercise.
0462名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW d5bd-q/KO)
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2018/01/20(土) 04:37:08.21ID:eXS9IxpK0
Chinese are nemesis for the world peace.
0463ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 04:43:55.78ID:Dkg+F2njH

I have said this twice basically.

China, Russia, Black people, no good.

Luckily, Chinese are killing each other at breakneck speed.

Chinese women now can't even product milk, and basically all the milk powder there is fake and poisoned. They probably need to spend $3,000,000 on a child just for milk powder.
0464ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 04:48:41.20ID:Dkg+F2njH
Because China is so backward, it has affected their bodies. Men can't produce sperm, Women can't make milk for the babies. And the women demand millions of dollars from the men which they don't have. It is far worse than Japan.
0465名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイWW 23a3-7i+s)
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2018/01/20(土) 04:50:24.13ID:Qg8jtC+10
I can't understand why you've thought this article is important.
It just says he changed his view after being advised by more conserevative
Or you're impressed by the detailed description regarding alleged expletive

Anyway, may favorite news sites are BBC and the New York Times. The latter is doing very good job exposing many issues.
0466ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 04:59:38.83ID:Dkg+F2njH

Basically from what I remember, Trump is basically behaving like crazy person. He reminds me of how I change my decisions all the time.

I am always changing, and he always change everything at the last minute. People never know what he is going to do, just like I don't know what I am going to be doing maybe even 5 seconds from now.

I remember at a time where America was not doing so well, the only news site that didn't seem to collapse and become low quality was Washington Times. I think at that time even the New York Times became degraded.

So this is why I have strong impression of Washington Post.

The British news site that has the strongest impression on me is The Guardian ..

I read Nikkei Asian Review and Financial Times when I need a Japanese perspective or even just something Japanese to read.

When China piss me off I watch China Uncensored on YouTube

This is also British anti-China YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQm5FZMforg

That video there is where I learned about all the milk powder smuggling, and my mom confirmed to me it was because Chinese women now can't make milk.

Personally I never ate any milk powder when I was an infant. But I think I remember learning to walk was incredibly hard for me.
0468ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 05:14:01.50ID:Dkg+F2njH
I have a suspicion that China might actually be controlled by Russia. The whole communist thing was Russia's idea.
0469ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 05:16:13.48ID:Dkg+F2njH

As long as I am listening to this Japanese music basically everything is ok.

It would be boring if there were no mysteries in the world.

Though I have a feeling our opinions are more similar than you think.
0470ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 05:38:42.34ID:Dkg+F2njH
Everything Samsung we buy always has a serious fault somewhere. Probably enough is enough ..
0471ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 05:57:56.27ID:Dkg+F2njH
In a recent very hardcore Samurai game (Koei Tecmo), there was a long journey that resulted in killing the British Queen's eyes in the end.

I completed basically all the main story missions, and well a good number of side missions. This game was played by me during a very critical time ..

The last 2 chapters of the story were 2 sieges on Osaka. At first I didn't understand what was going on, but I remember it may have been people from Osaka who scared the shit out of me back in April 2015.
0472ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 06:00:24.64ID:Dkg+F2njH
The irregular movement of people who were probably Osaka people (Osakans?) scared the bloody crap out of me. This was April 2015, in Japan. That night I thought the sun would never come up again ..
0473ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 06:02:30.72ID:Dkg+F2njH
However, before I deleted my account, I met some Osaka people on "HelloTalk" and I was not scared of them any more. I was able to see the cute side of them.
0474ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 06:03:45.77ID:Dkg+F2njH
To be very precise, this last encounter with Osaka people occurred probably maybe within the past 37 days.
0475ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 06:10:18.15ID:Dkg+F2njH
Why do I always mention Osaka?

Well, maybe story time again ..

My dad's only brother, who is younger than him, went to Osaka with his wife before 2004.

In 2004 when our family visited China, we stayed for about 2-3 days in Osaka. So basically Osaka is the first time I went to Japan.

I remember many people had blonde hair and I never saw that many pretty girls in Canada or China, or even on TV.

The distinct thing I remember about Osaka from what I've seen recently is that they are Japanese.
0476ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 06:21:37.12ID:Dkg+F2njH
That uncle I mentioned in my last post is no longer in Japan. His wife was unable to find a job I believe after graduating with her master's degree in Japan, so they went back to China.

Their child though was born in Japan shortly before they left.

That's Dong Yu, the one I mentioned in an earlier post (I can't be bothered to look for it now, just use CTRL+F "Dong Yu" or something.)

That's the series of posts I made explaining the origin of my name which seems to be ゆえ at least for now.

Dong Yu says he misses me, though it's hard to imagine since the last time I saw him was in 2011 (when all of this started) and he was I think not even in kindergarden ..
0477ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 06:25:39.66ID:Dkg+F2njH
Ah, I hate having to pause this music and wait for the anxiety to come back before I continue playing it ..

This is not normal anxiety. This is Japan-depravity anxiety. No one has an anxiety even remotely similar to mine.
0478ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 06:30:22.59ID:Dkg+F2njH
I need Japan, and I have a strong feeling that Japan needs me.

Will I be able to accomplish anything regarding this without having even a direction or goal?

Well, to be honest, I have already accomplished more than I thought was possible, and some of my wildest dreams have come true.
0479ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 06:36:28.14ID:Dkg+F2njH
To be honest, I think this is just simply Separation of Anxiety. When me and Japan get separated, we both get anxiety. That's all there is to say.
0480ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 06:37:05.85ID:Dkg+F2njH
Separation Anxiety ****

Always make mistake in most critical moment. auisdfsuirgggi
0481名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウカー Sa21-UumK)
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2018/01/20(土) 06:56:17.82ID:6N0qIVENa
I really need a girl friend because I want to have a sex.
0482ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 07:01:23.72ID:Dkg+F2njH

I hope you become happy. Basically, I want Japanese to be happy. When I see happy Japanese, it makes me happy.
0483ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 07:06:06.42ID:Dkg+F2njH
I have something I want to write here, maybe it is just so that I can come back and look at it if I forget.


I believe in English we say the expression "pay attention". This is the same for US and UK English ..

This expression is interesting because usually the only other time we use the word "pay" is basically with money.

So attention can have value, like maybe money, maybe.

Personally my attention is pretty hard to get and hold. I've never seen anyone harder to satisfy than me so probably my attention is the most valuable currency of all.

So when I pay attention to Japan, I am actually paying a lot of very valuable currency.

But Japan helps me back. It is mutually beneficial.
0484ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 07:12:43.51ID:Dkg+F2njH
Of course, my relationship with Japan is not a business relationship. It is a nonspecific relationship. There is no way to describe this relationship at all, which I strongly believe.
0485ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 07:29:08.90ID:Dkg+F2njH
Wow, I have had this Japanese steel cylinder basically touching my asshole for so long I barely feel it anymore. But without it I feel much worse.

Yes I wear the tights and the cylinder when I am sleep. And yes I also listen to the music when I sleep.
0486ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 07:31:31.24ID:Dkg+F2njH
And yes, I have very good quality sleep. Remember that time I slept so good I forgot how to walk and my body was basically dead?
0487ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 07:49:38.77ID:Dkg+F2njH
Hmm, I notice if I don't pay attention to something, it can seriously wilt.
0488ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 07:55:53.43ID:Dkg+F2njH
Well, on the Gamers Nexus Youtube Channel (Gamers Nexus is probably my favourite non-Japanese PC hardware news organization).

Well on that channel


There is basically a list of related channels .. these are basically the best PC hardware news channels, so you can select for yourself if you wish.

I don't know any Japanese news program that provides information about PC hardware, well at least not ones that speak English or simple enough Japanese that I can understand .. I guess subtitles could maybe help

Well what I wanted to say is ..

I like to read Gamers Nexus article instead of video.
0490ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 08:19:26.66ID:Dkg+F2njH
I feel like I forgot to give important info.

My first name in Chinese (Yue) has same pronounciation as moon.
0491ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 08:22:26.93ID:Dkg+F2njH
Hmm I am getting pictures of ろり and already I'm starting to be bored ..
0492名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ab4b-PnwZ)
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2018/01/20(土) 08:25:33.56ID:PpXxXtRb0
      r;ァ'N;:::::::::::::,ィ/      >::::::::::ヽ
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      l        _,, -‐''二ゝ  l::::l f゙ヽ |、 This is not your personal blog.
        レー-- 、ヽヾニ-ァ,ニ;=、_   !:::l ) } ト
       ヾ¨'7"ry、`   ー゙='ニ,,,`    }::ヽ(ノ  Write it on a back of a leaflet.
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0493ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 08:26:57.28ID:Dkg+F2njH
Well after more searching I found the Legendary picture. I guess if I get bored I just look at that again.
0494ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 08:35:38.91ID:Dkg+F2njH
Well I am dancing in my white transparent thigh band tights with a solid steel cylinder from MISUMI

between my goddamn buttocks in very close contact with my anal sphincter and I think this is working against the bore dom ..
0495ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 08:42:33.00ID:Dkg+F2njH
Jesus Christ .. Crisis Averted .. '('
0496ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 08:47:21.59ID:Dkg+F2njH
So basically what saved the world just then was the Legendary picture .. I already had multiple copies of it in my phone but I almost couldn't find it ..
0497ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 08:50:09.34ID:Dkg+F2njH
Perhaps this was the reason why I received that picture yesterday .. maybe this is Steins;Gate or Haruhi Anime and my future me is helping myself.

But I think I will use a more interesting world structure than that .. for sure ..

So basically the future doesn't exist unless it's experienced, at least right now.
0498ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 09:02:40.87ID:Dkg+F2njH
I can't find who sent that picture

Anyway, I give up.

I want drink something .. I'll add maybe 0.1g of green tea to this water.
0499ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 09:18:33.96ID:Dkg+F2njH
I think what I could have done was just eat a goddamn instant noodle.
0500ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 09:21:50.12ID:Dkg+F2njH

0501ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 09:42:48.65ID:Dkg+F2njH
I think if I was in Japan boredom would be an issue. All I have to do is stand near a Japanese person.
0502ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 09:43:22.82ID:Dkg+F2njH
Would not *** be an issue omfg
0503ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 10:12:20.96ID:Dkg+F2njH
I looked in the mirror and I really look like a Samurai. Unless I said something no body would ever be able to tell I was not Japanese.
0504ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 10:13:03.21ID:Dkg+F2njH
Well, a cute samurai wearing japanese girl tights .. and a shaft in his ass.
0508ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 10:56:18.19ID:Dkg+F2njH

Goddamn Chinese these days .. クソ。
0510ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 11:17:30.14ID:Dkg+F2njH

You do realize you're asking for a lot of punishment? I'm God, don't you know?

By the way, for the Japanese: It looks like Osaka-based Zenmarket is trying to compete with Tokyo-based Tenso ..
0512名無しさん@英語勉強中 (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 11:20:05.57ID:Dkg+F2njH

I'm not Chinese. Do you know how much suffering happens to people who offend me? You're about to find out, dear.
0513ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 11:43:12.10ID:Dkg+F2njH
The thing Chinese are most proud of is that they want the right to say they are the same nationality as me.

Basically nothing hurts them more when I say I'm not Chinese.

Oh and here's a tip: Chinese people are not capable of saying "I'm not Chinese" in a natural way.
0514ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 11:46:22.32ID:Dkg+F2njH
I just got the idea to say "I'm not a fucking Chinese" on my job profile. Where did I get this idea from? さああ。
0515ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 11:48:53.19ID:Dkg+F2njH
When I say I'm not Chinese, the Chinese lose the only accomplishment they have: tricking me into being born there.
0516ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 11:51:59.75ID:Dkg+F2njH
It might have been a more interesting if pureblood Japanese gave birth to someone like me, the apparently perfect Japanese. An unusual Japanese.

Eh, I always have a knack of taking advantage of an unbalanced situation.
0517ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 11:54:09.64ID:Dkg+F2njH
Let's go all the way. Let's see if I can say the next sentence.

I am an unusual Japanese.
0518ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 11:54:48.23ID:Dkg+F2njH
It worked. I can't say "I am Japanese" but I can say "I am an unusual Japanese".
0519ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 11:56:50.74ID:Dkg+F2njH
0520ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 11:58:04.29ID:Dkg+F2njH
Since we're here, why not try the next sentence.

My nationality is Japanese.
0521ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 11:59:27.93ID:Dkg+F2njH
Not bad.

I am an unusual Japanese. My nationality is still Japanese.

It would explain why for basically everything I always like the Japanese version the most. Simple explanation for simple facts.
0522ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
垢版 |
2018/01/20(土) 12:00:40.79ID:Dkg+F2njH
Let's try a bonus sentence.

I am the only perfect Japanese.

I can tell you right now that this is fine.
0523ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
垢版 |
2018/01/20(土) 12:08:40.61ID:Dkg+F2njH
Now, was I really born in China? What exactly happened at my birth?

I suspect one day we'll find out.
0524ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
垢版 |
2018/01/20(土) 12:12:24.42ID:Dkg+F2njH
This would explain why I always seek out Japan and have an unbreakable bond with Japan .. because I'm the fucking only perfect Japanese.
0525ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 12:14:17.64ID:Dkg+F2njH
Now this Japanese song I am always listening to, if I imagine someone from the same country as me is singing it, it sounds much better ..
0526ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 12:15:10.57ID:Dkg+F2njH
Fuck me, I wanna go home ..
0527ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 12:18:35.34ID:Dkg+F2njH
I'm unable to say I think anything else after "I'm the only perfect ... " than "Japanese".
0528ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 12:19:49.78ID:Dkg+F2njH
0529ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 12:21:27.98ID:Dkg+F2njH
It would explain a shitton of things .. like why I learn hard-to-learn Japanese so easily.
0530ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 12:24:22.19ID:Dkg+F2njH
Today is January 19, 2018. Basically exactly 335 months after my birth.
0531ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 12:28:37.99ID:Dkg+F2njH
How about this sentence:

I'm the first Japanese.
0532ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
垢版 |
2018/01/20(土) 12:29:25.13ID:Dkg+F2njH
That's easier to say. ひとつめにほんじんです。
0533ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
垢版 |
2018/01/20(土) 12:31:25.12ID:Dkg+F2njH
No wonder Japanese always try to treat me with incredible courtesy .. I'm the first Japanese.
0534ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
垢版 |
2018/01/20(土) 12:35:25.52ID:Dkg+F2njH
And I speak better British English than the mother of the Queen of England ..

I've seen Japanese speak other languages better than foreigners. This must be my personal version of that ability ..
0535ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
垢版 |
2018/01/20(土) 12:36:58.46ID:Dkg+F2njH
This is why that Japanese woman wrote the best stupid country writing I ever saw .. because we Japanese are far better than even natives at other languages.
0536ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
垢版 |
2018/01/20(土) 12:37:46.50ID:Dkg+F2njH
We Japanese. We the Japanese people. Our nation Japan. Our country Japan.

Writing this feels very natural.
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