Chat in English (英語で雑談) part 205

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0001名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイWW ca24-wpzq)
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2018/01/01(月) 09:07:06.35ID:WkdCaekD0
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Previous Thread:
Chat in English (英語で雑談) part 204

Hey!!! All you NEETs, nerds, YouTube link spammers, pedophiles, neo-Nazis,
Yukorin enthusiasts, Nanako SOS admirers, Part-Time-Preachers,
Diplomats' spoiled sons, losers who can't remember Kanji characters,
Big-boobs fans, Weeaboo from around the world, learners of Japanese
who are too lazy to update their Japanese blogs very often, cunning
linguists, stupid fan girls of Johnny's Boys, Touhou pirates, and
that electrical super-gay who suffers from mental disease - This is your thread!
Let's hope the Internet-addicted housewife will come back soon!

We all wish for permanent world peace!
0532ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 12:29:25.13ID:Dkg+F2njH
That's easier to say. ひとつめにほんじんです。
0533ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 12:31:25.12ID:Dkg+F2njH
No wonder Japanese always try to treat me with incredible courtesy .. I'm the first Japanese.
0534ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 12:35:25.52ID:Dkg+F2njH
And I speak better British English than the mother of the Queen of England ..

I've seen Japanese speak other languages better than foreigners. This must be my personal version of that ability ..
0535ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 12:36:58.46ID:Dkg+F2njH
This is why that Japanese woman wrote the best stupid country writing I ever saw .. because we Japanese are far better than even natives at other languages.
0536ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 12:37:46.50ID:Dkg+F2njH
We Japanese. We the Japanese people. Our nation Japan. Our country Japan.

Writing this feels very natural.
0537ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 12:38:31.06ID:Dkg+F2njH
But I'll never let anybody forget I'm not just a regular Japanese, I'm the first Japanese.
0538ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 12:43:23.18ID:Dkg+F2njH
Which means, the Japanese other than me today are my descendants ..

So we're basically family ..
0539ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 12:49:08.44ID:Dkg+F2njH
I am Japanese.

0540ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 12:51:06.28ID:Dkg+F2njH
No wonder I have the ability to unite all the Japanese .. well this is unbelievable and anyone else would not be able to handle this information, perhaps. Luckily I'm Japanese.
0541ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 12:53:27.37ID:Dkg+F2njH
No wonder Japanese feel safe at all times when I'm around. No wonder. No wonder.

I was Japanese all along..
0542ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 12:55:01.08ID:Dkg+F2njH
The remaining question is why was I taken to China ..
0543ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 12:56:04.09ID:Dkg+F2njH
When I get Home, we're fucking taking revenge. It will be the most hardcore revenge you ever saw.
0544ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 13:09:22.00ID:Dkg+F2njH
Let me redefine the meaning of the numbers:

0 - me
1 - Japan
2 - Japanese girl
3 - Japanese mother
4 - Death to enemies of Japan
5 - substitute for the word "me"
6 - perfect Japanese girl
7 - well, basically, me
8 - infinite Japanese power
9 - the biggest number, which is another way of referring to me
0545ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 13:10:59.44ID:Dkg+F2njH
Let me clarify:

8 - Infinite power of Japan, this power can only be used by Japanese.
0546ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 13:15:57.09ID:Dkg+F2njH
No wonder I have the ability to defeat other Japanese .. because i'm the first..
0547ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 13:17:11.67ID:Dkg+F2njH
Good news, my fellow Japanese .. God exists, and he's Japanese.
0548ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 13:20:43.74ID:Dkg+F2njH
No wonder I find Japanese of all ages cute. They're all ろり to me, basically.
0549ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 13:33:12.58ID:Dkg+F2njH
Let me update the relative power distribution.

Me - 2
Other Japanese - 1
Everyone else - 0
0550名無しさん@英語勉強中 (トンモー MMe9-gm/z)
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2018/01/20(土) 17:18:04.99ID:Nu3XpFghM
Every japanese posters get togather for
getting this hddntai chinese out of here!!!!!
0551名無しさん@英語勉強中 (トンモー MMe9-gm/z)
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2018/01/20(土) 17:24:04.39ID:I9DACP2lM
You're offending.lol
0555ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 21:00:01.63ID:Dkg+F2njH
My favorite author is probably the one who wrote the Haruhi Suzumiya books ..

My favorite non-Japanese author most likely JK Rowling, author of Harry Potter.
0557ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 21:12:32.18ID:Dkg+F2njH
There is particular novel that sticks out in my mind ..

The Nomad, by Simon Hawks (Dark Sun series, Tribe of One subseries, Book 3)

This is basically American book.

In this world, people who want to become stronger become dragons. But that's the easy way to power.

The only person who can defeat the dragons is someone who becomes an Avangion. But avangions are much harder to become than a dragon ..
0558ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 21:21:55.59ID:Dkg+F2njH

I think this is, well, basically, Dungeon & Dragons book. In America it is called D&D, and it is very very well-known.
0559ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 21:26:57.28ID:Dkg+F2njH
I just realize one of my High School teachers was most likely Japanese. Well, I was able to guess the next word of his sentences the easiest.

Basically I was always in class saying out the next word of his sentences. No one thought it was annoying apparently, so no one said anything.

I guess that's how I got voted Most Likely to Cure Cancer in last year of high school, well for the yearbook.

He was Chemistry teacher.
0561ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 21:32:24.37ID:Dkg+F2njH
How did I hear about Facebook?

In Chemistry class, one of the girls once sent me an email to get "Face book".

At first I thought it was stupid name, but it's maybe somewhat something now.

This was basically when no one knew about Face book.
0562ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 21:34:13.52ID:Dkg+F2njH

What about Japanese Nappa ? Maybe just add lots of Nappa.
0563名無しさん@英語勉強中 (トンモー MMe9-gm/z)
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2018/01/20(土) 21:41:18.44ID:dvwueU1UM
A lot of fuck you to you.
0564名無しさん@英語勉強中 (トンモー MMe9-gm/z)
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2018/01/20(土) 21:44:29.99ID:dvwueU1UM
You're poor bad boy.
0565名無しさん@英語勉強中 (トンモー MMe9-gm/z)
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2018/01/20(土) 21:49:39.69ID:dvwueU1UM
So expensive in all place recently?
0568ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 22:18:52.36ID:Dkg+F2njH

Now there's the kind of insult that makes me feel good .. ありがとう、つんでれさん
0569名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW d5bd-q/KO)
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2018/01/20(土) 22:19:05.86ID:eXS9IxpK0
Daikon is hard to grow....
0570ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 22:21:23.07ID:Dkg+F2njH

I think he means just use something in place of the Daikon .. for example, I might have just used Nappa instead of Daikon..

For example, I use instant noodles to substitute for a real Japanese meal ..
0573ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 22:34:44.72ID:Dkg+F2njH

That's quite たかい。I've eaten full meals in Tokyo for less than that ..
0574ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 22:46:41.15ID:Dkg+F2njH
So LinkedIn banned me for saying I'm Japanese .. I think Chinese fuckers complained and gave LinkedIn $5 Billion Dollars to ban me.

I guess this is the day LinkedIn becomes a shithole ..
0576ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 23:00:48.68ID:Dkg+F2njH

Almost as expensive as a Chinese wife charges her husband for sex.

Good thing I'm not Chinese. I'm Japanese.
0577ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 23:04:13.08ID:Dkg+F2njH
When I was in San Francisco, this Chinese woman was trying to attract men by using pictures of Japanese women.

Nothing pissed her off more than when I basically said I'm not Chinese.

She said, "even though I'm a prostitute, I still look down on you"

She's probably dead now. Good fucking riddance.
0579ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 23:08:28.18ID:Dkg+F2njH

Cultivate, grow, raise, farm, plant ..

It's not easy to find a better word than what you used.
0581ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 23:20:13.03ID:Dkg+F2njH

I'm not Chinese. I'm not Chinese. I'm Not Chinese.

I was never Chinese.

I was always Japanese.

See how good I fucked up your country?
0582ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/20(土) 23:32:29.36ID:Dkg+F2njH
Basically, I think I made all the Chinese and China-allies fall into my trap.
0584名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウオー Sa13-gm/z)
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2018/01/21(日) 00:39:02.31ID:GeWZd/Jga
Tell us about yourself more.
0585ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/21(日) 03:29:31.76ID:tuFVp7Z3H

My instinct tells me non-Japanese are not capable of saying the words "my only nationality is Chinese, and I am not a Chinese .. " in a natural way.

For example, if a Chinese says Japanese is one of their native languages, they will be sure to add Simplified Chinese as well.


Today my Chinese caretaker took me to a Chinese supermarket .. and there were Pakis and Chinese everywhere. The Cantonese were happy to see me probably because our country enslaved them in the past.

I was wearing my surgical mask, white with basically neko design.

I just threw shit into the basket while my mom was taking a piss. By the time she came out, we were done shopping.

And some people will spend too much time shopping and still buy just garbage.
0586ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/21(日) 03:32:03.88ID:tuFVp7Z3H

Fucking typo, but I guess it works. Basically there are certain sentences describing that person's own nationality that people are not able to say naturally.

Tell them to say "I am not Chinese." with a straight face.

Or, にほんじんですよ。People pretending to be Japanese are most likely not to type only just this sentence. They will add something stupid to the end of it.
0587ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/21(日) 03:34:39.10ID:tuFVp7Z3H

I said out loud, "looks like everybody here is almost dead."

The woman behind me was sexually excited.
0588ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/21(日) 03:45:03.29ID:tuFVp7Z3H
My Chinese caretaker, basically I call her "mom", she's the strongest Chinese of all. But I defeated her with help from another Japanese.
0589ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/21(日) 03:46:25.70ID:tuFVp7Z3H

I even managed to get her to give me $10, even after I told her "I am not Chinese. I am Japanese."

Not even Jesus can accomplish that.
0590名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW d5bd-q/KO)
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2018/01/21(日) 03:58:13.45ID:pH/B1KjW0
I want a hot muscle dude right now and fuck me hard like there is no tomorrow.
0592ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/21(日) 04:04:09.59ID:tuFVp7Z3H
We can probably overthrow Chinese government with a little help from the Cantonese ..

Basically, the parts of China we invaded still has our influence.
0593ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/21(日) 04:05:03.22ID:tuFVp7Z3H
Just continue pushing the battle lines from the war. I bet those lines are basically still there ..
0594ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/21(日) 04:06:56.21ID:tuFVp7Z3H
Since I defeated my mom, she is basically under my control .. she cleans the mess when I piss the ground.
0595ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/21(日) 04:09:18.50ID:tuFVp7Z3H
She is from Southern China .. most likely some area we raped before.
0597ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/21(日) 04:12:15.13ID:tuFVp7Z3H

You'll be our slave some day. Unless of course you died.
0599ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/21(日) 04:16:10.50ID:tuFVp7Z3H
Chinese people usually don't have access to me directly so they try to find my signal however they can. After I sometimes say something to my mom, she talks to her relatives and basically spreads the influence.

She doesn't want me to give attention to any Chinese other than her, basically.

So whatever information she passes on in this game of broken telephone is what reaches the ears of China.
0600ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/21(日) 04:17:37.07ID:tuFVp7Z3H

You seem to be out of Sync. Are you a Haafu?
0601ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/21(日) 04:20:55.65ID:tuFVp7Z3H
And no, I don't approve of Haafu.

We Japanese are not even sexually compatible with the other people.

Haafu are mistakes.
0602ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/21(日) 04:22:25.12ID:tuFVp7Z3H
Basically, I want to see relatively pure Japanese, not be diluted with bull shit.
0603ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/21(日) 04:23:43.58ID:tuFVp7Z3H
I guess what I am saying is keep the Haafu out of Japan.

I want at least Japan to be somewhat pure.
0604ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/21(日) 04:28:23.24ID:tuFVp7Z3H
When Japanese men impregnate non-Japanese, we are spreading Japanese influence.

However I am too pure, non-Japanese basically make my penis soft.

So I will not do this job with my own body.

But when Japanese women give birth to Haafu, that is a travesty because we are investing Japanese resources to raise diluted-blood garbage.
0606名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW d5bd-q/KO)
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2018/01/21(日) 04:33:02.58ID:pH/B1KjW0
I want to grab hot muscle dude’s bubble butts and enjoy it
0607ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/21(日) 04:37:12.03ID:tuFVp7Z3H

There is no post 611 ..
0608ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/21(日) 04:38:44.80ID:tuFVp7Z3H

I am sexually compatible with all Japanese, even Japanese Youkai.
0610ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/21(日) 04:56:40.50ID:tuFVp7Z3H

Please get this Nigger out of here.
0612ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/21(日) 05:08:54.44ID:tuFVp7Z3H

Didn't I dox myself?

No harm comes to me no matter what I do, so whatever.
0613ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/21(日) 05:27:34.57ID:tuFVp7Z3H
The local police here know me very well .. they are probably worried I can't protect myself so I bet they are always trying to prevent me from getting hurt, lol.
0614ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/21(日) 05:53:47.74ID:tuFVp7Z3H
My mom is stronger than the Chinese leader .. she maintains posture and recovers optimism better and faster.
0615ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/21(日) 05:57:47.39ID:tuFVp7Z3H
I saw the chinese leader break posture as he walked off the stage .. as if maybe he was faking the whole thing.
0616ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/21(日) 06:00:31.82ID:tuFVp7Z3H
If only we could understand each other better ..
0617ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/21(日) 06:02:52.13ID:tuFVp7Z3H
When I was in Japan, I remember hearing the duration of the Ma in Arigatou Gozaimasu was basically perfect. I haven't heard perfect Arigatou Gozaimasu in quite some time.

But it seems somehow I learned how do to a perfect Arigatou Gozaimasu ..
0618ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/21(日) 06:07:41.75ID:tuFVp7Z3H

Now it's rare for me to need to say Gozaimasu ..

So instead I focus on the duration of the Jou in Daijoubu.
0619ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/21(日) 06:13:56.49ID:tuFVp7Z3H
Fuck, a few minutes ago what I should have done was said Daijoubu. だいじょうぶ。
0620ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/21(日) 06:15:16.07ID:tuFVp7Z3H
0621ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/21(日) 06:23:45.87ID:tuFVp7Z3H
I saw the article on NHK world and it made me so sad.

0623ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/21(日) 07:00:27.07ID:tuFVp7Z3H
Basically the reason I throw insults is because I run into so many people pretending to be Japanese so unless you're very Japanese sometimes I just assume you're not Japanese.
0625ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/21(日) 07:39:49.20ID:tuFVp7Z3H

I just used it because I thought it was an easier way to understand which word I mean ..

Basically if I type Hiragana I have to switch back and forth between ABC-mode and Hiragana mode ..

sometimes I just use ABC mode ..
0626ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/21(日) 07:48:22.29ID:tuFVp7Z3H

I don't mind when Japanese create words like ぱそこん from English words like computer .. so w/e
0628ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/21(日) 08:28:24.58ID:tuFVp7Z3H
I am Japanese .. more Japanese than anybody.

This sounds rediculous but it is the simplest explanation .. and it makes me feel more relaxed.
0629ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/21(日) 08:32:02.53ID:tuFVp7Z3H
It would explain why I can defeat other Japanese .. foreigners can never defeat a Japanese ..

and it explains the number 7.
0630ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/21(日) 08:34:25.20ID:tuFVp7Z3H
I could go in depth here .. but I am instead going to watch some NHK World. I don't think I've ever seen my home country TV program with sub-title.
0631ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/21(日) 08:50:13.67ID:tuFVp7Z3H
It's too sad ..

I will do something else I think.
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