> In Japan, many apartment houses and car parks skip 4. Many hotels skip
> the 13th floor, similar to some western hotels. There is also much wordplay
> involved such as 14 can become J?shi, also known as "Enough death" (十死),
> 24 can become nishi, also known as double death (ニ死), 42 can become shini,
> also known as "death" or “to death” (死に), 43 can become shisan which
> sounds like shizan, also known as stillbirth (死産), 45 can be shigo, or “after
> death” (死後). 9 is also skipped, especially hospitals, due to the sound "ku"
> being associated with the word "to suffer" (「苦しむ」 "kurushimu"). Another
> example is, 43 + 4 = 47 shizan shi Shuraudo which means "stillbirth death
> shroud" (死産死被い). The number 49 is considered to be an especially unlucky
> number as it is evocative of the phrase "To suffer until death." (「死ぬまで苦しむ。」
> "Shinu made kurushimu.")


あと、14, 24 .... なんか生まれてことかた、聞いたことないわ。