That's almost half the market price. I always wonder how they make a profit out of such cheap snacks.
Good job on buying all of them by the way, technically you left none for a child who may have wanted one.

Speaking of self-checkout machines, I once saw them back in Canada when I was on a short program for learning English.
It was my first time using them and I had no idea about what was the proper procedures to follow through.
I couldn't find any traditional cashiers at that time, and everything was written in stupid English and I was so lost.
I just had been standing in front of the machine like an idiot until a shopkeeper came and told me how I use them.
It was so embarrassing to the fact that even a 5-year-old child (I saw him) knew how and I didn't.
Ever since then I've been keeping myself from using it even if I see it available at any shop. In short, fuck that machine.