
546 名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ラクッペ MMcb-0clj) [sage] 2018/11/30(金) 00:25:24.15 ID:u6u/koLlM
Recently I'm enthusiastic at chatting with worldwide people through 'BlackBerry messenger.'
I have only poor vocabulary,but somehow,the conversations are established usually.
I think to have a large of vocabulary is not so essential for conversation,but It's still difficult for me that to read articles of newspapers,or reading section of TOEIC.

547 名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウウー Sa47-8FR7) [sage] 2018/11/30(金) 14:48:36.28 ID:u2RaMejDa
Recentlyは現在形では使わない。These days にしろよ

548 名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウウー Sa47-8FR7) [sage] 2018/11/30(金) 14:51:46.67 ID:u2RaMejDa
I think toとは言わない。 I think that にしてthat 節の中は完全文にしろよ

549 名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ラクッペ MMcb-0clj) [sage] 2018/11/30(金) 16:53:14.92 ID:u6u/koLlM
I think (that) to have 〜のつもりだったんですがだめでしょうか。
