なんでも翻訳してやるから英文持って来い 21

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0001名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ ff39-csEB)
垢版 |
2020/04/20(月) 14:34:05.22ID:QRswlid00
0196名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 5b39-f9m4)
垢版 |
2020/05/21(木) 14:44:56.98ID:O9icSCha0
>> (1) Four thousand fifteen days past the Water,

この "the Water" について、俺はもともと苦しい解釈をしていた。みんなのコメントを
the Water (小文字ではなくてあくまで大文字の "the Water") は、どうも
Hurricane Katrina (2005) のときに起きた洪水のようだな。

そして、この上に挙げた "4,015 days past the Water" とは、文字通り
「あの洪水から4,015日後 (およそ 11 年後)」という意味のようだ。
2005年の洪水のあと11年後と言えば 2016年なので、著者 Sarah Broom が
検索してみると、次のような passages が見つかるから、ますます
the Water は「Hurricane Katrina のときの洪水」のことだろうと思えてくる。

(1) ... house I could find in a market where most rentals were $1,300 and
$1,400 a month, four times what they were ●pre-Water●, not much less than
the rent I paid in Manhattan.

(2) ... ... not much less than the rent I paid in Manhattan. Fifty-five percent
of New Orleanians rented ●before the Water●. My sister ...

(3) Michael worked as a chef at Jacques-Imo's for six years ●before the Water●.
0197名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 5b39-f9m4)
垢版 |
2020/05/21(木) 14:57:22.54ID:O9icSCha0
(4) An engineer would not use the word "dilapidated" to describe the house
in its ●post-Water● state.

(5) A stone monument to those who had perished in ●the Water● was talked
about but ....

(6) The city's homeless population had doubled from 6,000 ●pre-Water●
to 12,000 post.

(7) This is also why, when, in 2017, the local nonprofit the Data Center
published a census story about how 92,348 black people -- about a
quarter of the city's total population -- had yet to return to the city
●after the Water●.

(8) You will go by Causey's Country kitchen, the soul food restaurant where,
●after the Water●, a luxury bus from the parking lot lodged itself into the
lunch counter.
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