
#RedSox fans who were angry about them missing out on early free agent targets and implored them to "set a price for your guys and go get 'em" are not allowed to be mad about the perceived overpay of Masataka Yoshida. Deal with it. I expect you to be rooting hard for him.

The #RedSox have been throwing good money after bad for years. That's how they got here. And, sadly, there's no sign of that changing. Here's hoping Masata Yoshida isn't the latest example, since other organizations are already viewing him as a massive overpay.

Anyone who thinks keeping X would have been an overpay is probably a casual #redsox fan who likes gambling on Yoshida on a massive deal

The Redsox paid Yoshida more money than any other team was going to come close to , and also Trevor Story last year. Let’s just overpay for guys no one else wants. Cool.