

私は armour = boby armour 軍用防具一式 と思ってたので鎧ほどには浮いた想像をしてなかった。
途中 armoured vest =ミリタリー用の防刃・防弾チョッキ が出てくるんで、違和感なかったんだけど

I must confess that I've failed in my attempt to close down Cardshrp's gaming venue - it wasn't the best way to get him.
After dressing myself in some armour I went to the Bowling club.
They offered me a special discount as a new visitor.
I guess I looked out of place in my armour, and had to remove my helmet whilst bowling!
However, I was afraid of taking off my armoured vest.
They have a plaque which reads... "The manager does not bear responsibility for personal items left without supervision."
Though they figured me out, luckily the evening went by without a single incident.
So I've decided to change my tactics.

What are you talking about?

※armour : armor (防護服、鎧)のイギリス式綴り
※whilst = while イギリスでよくみられる while の代わりの単語