What do you say to discussing in English?
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2022/09/04(日) 12:41:52.930
If you're not accustomed to using a foreign language
in your daily life, your mind and behavior would be declining
into closed Galapagos society with time.

That mean you have fallen to the level of inhabitants
at the bottom of the well. Also using English seems like
to have factors of the Enlightenment for most Japanese people.
Hence you'd better off using more foreign language or English
in your daily life.

Try it immediately!
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2022/09/07(水) 22:05:05.720
Why not?For instance, analytic philosophy is derived from
English-speaking countries. And I assume analytic philosophy
is relevant to computer science and conception of AI significantly.
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2022/09/07(水) 23:00:57.630
Einige langweilige Beispiele.
Wie unterscheidet man dem Sein und dem Seienden, dem Dasein, dem Wesen, der Existenz u.a.?
Und solche arme Ausdre(ü)cke, die teknokratenideologiefreisprachformenunfäig sind.
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2022/09/07(水) 23:43:13.270
You're post is incoherent. Now, I'm talking about analytic philosophy
not continental philosophy. Especially, I'd like to discuss a generality
which is applicable to current problems.
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2022/09/08(木) 00:07:12.410
In arithmetic we are not concerned with objects which
we come to know as something alien from without through
the medium of the senses, but with objects given immediately
to our reason and, as its nearest kin, utterly transparent to it.
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2022/09/08(木) 01:59:11.590
I'm resting now, while listening to music.
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2022/09/08(木) 09:49:38.97ID:IS7oh9I10
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2022/09/08(木) 10:50:59.060
Die generality, die man so nennen kann, d.i. die Allgemenheit,
muss in Ansicht der Wortbedeutung mit allem Seieinden und
dem Sein tun haben.
Was da gezeigt ist >>current<<, nicht allgemein sondern temporell,
oberflächlich, einzeln.

Das Blablabla, das angeblich Philosophie ist, ist in Wirklichkeit nur die >>current<< Technologie.
Sie sollen zuerst nicht die >>objects of senses<< d.i. temporelle Phänomene,
sondern im vernünftigen Niveau die Begriffenanalyse studieren.
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2022/09/08(木) 13:15:43.600
Wie liest man die analytische Sprachphilosophen, z.B. Frege, Wittgenstein?
Auf Englisch, das alles vereinfachende Gespenst?
Sehr schönes Studium.
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2022/09/08(木) 15:48:41.110
I think they're both logical philosopher.
But I evaluate Frege more, because his influence to current computer languages are self-evident.
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2022/09/08(木) 15:52:51.260
Are you Anonymous?
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2022/09/08(木) 15:55:10.850
why are you not familiar with english
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2022/09/08(木) 16:10:09.080
I suppose we need sure premises of our philosophical discussions.
If we didn't that, the discussion would tend to be flawed sterile content.
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2022/09/08(木) 16:16:26.200
can you understand the question? haha
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2022/09/08(木) 17:37:45.090
So, what do you know?
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2022/09/08(木) 17:44:52.500
you may be a russian hacker
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2022/09/08(木) 18:07:05.390
Sie können nur eine Antwort nicht geben?
Haben Sie die mindeste Diskussion-Kommunikationsfähigkeit?
Ein lesbares Wort finden und bloß Ihre Einfälle daran sagen, nicht wahr?
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2022/09/08(木) 18:16:23.510
What do you think of the Hermit?
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2022/09/08(木) 21:50:15.870
Derrida hat recht wenn er zeigt, daß in der Sprachen es viele scheinbar
überflüssige und unlogische aber wirklich notwendige und sprachgrundkonstruierenden
Dimensionen gibt.

Aber Derrida tat nichts besonderes, es ist allzu gemein und bekannt.
Alle wissen davon außer der merkwürdigen sich selbst als Philosophen
nennenden, die die verschiedene Sprachelemente wie Ironie, Scherz,
>>Kyoto-jin Euphemismus<< wohl nicht verstehen.
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2022/09/08(木) 21:54:07.810
Ich liebe dich
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2022/09/08(木) 23:44:42.700
Frege had held a view of adamant negation about psychologism
for objctive epistemology.Because people have different inner state
of mind, he had assumed that would be impossible to conceive
or share objectivity on the plane of mind.

For the purpose of objective perception or cognition,
Frege thought it's need to concentrate just physical plane
not psycological one.

I can agree with Frege, but not full part.
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2022/09/09(金) 00:11:27.390
Therefore, Frege had weighed heavily arithmetical objects or logics.
For instance, "1 + 1 = 2" is easy to share for anybody.

But inner state of minds are different each others,
thus it's not easy to share psychologistic entities of something surely.
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2022/09/09(金) 00:26:55.240
Die Fregeische Denkweise erklärt warum einer die komplexe aber ganz normale
Sprache nicht richtig verseht, nicht warum man solche Ignoranz als Sprachkundig
sehen darf.
Der unabsichtlich den normale Kommunikationsprozeß verkennt, der kennt
die Sprachemechanismen keineswegs.
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2022/09/09(金) 17:32:03.190
I can observe prominent discrepancy between to exist and to be existed.
Almost past slaves were to be existed by compulsion for industrials,
not to exist by voluntarily.

In this mean, obedient almost current Japanese looks like past slaves.
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2022/09/09(金) 17:59:05.130
In Japan, almost nothing such demos like united states.
As if Japan is most successful country in the world. But in fact,
it's not true. Japan is merely tamed slave country.

Do you know the genuine reason why most Japanese like to wear
masks constantly? Is it for preventing pandemic? No way.
The reason is due to Japanese are slaves, so they like to be forbidden
free utterance by wearing masks.
垢版 |
2022/09/09(金) 18:03:18.930
If you watch American news for a while, you can observe many demos
against many matters or issues. For example, it's against banning abortion,
racism, bad educational condition, crimes, global warming, etc.

In Japan, almost nothing such demos like united states. As if Japan is
most successful country in the world. But in fact, it's not true. Japan is
merely tamed slave country.

Do you know the genuine reason why most Japanese like to wear
masks constantly? Is it for preventing pandemic? No way.
The reason is due to Japanese are slaves, so they like to be forbidden
free utterance by wearing masks.
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2022/09/09(金) 18:39:13.390
I assume demo is relevant to democracy crucially.
In terms of this, it would be said, Japan is declining into
incorrigible disfunction of democracy.
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2022/09/09(金) 19:14:53.220
I can observe prominent discrepancy between to exist and to be existed.
Almost past slaves were to be existed by compulsion for industrials,
not to exist by voluntarily. In this mean, obedient almost current
Japanese looks like past slaves.

If you watch American news for a while, you can observe many demos
against many matters or issues. For example, it's against banning abortion,
racism, immigration problem, bad educational condition, crimes,
being threatened human rights, global warming, etc.

In Japan, almost nothing such demos like the United States.
As if Japan is most successful country in the world. But in fact,
it's not true. Japan is merely tamed slave country.

Do you know the genuine reason why most Japanese like to wear
masks constantly? Is it for preventing pandemic? No way.
The reason is due to Japanese are slaves, so they like to be forbidden
free utterances by wearing masks.

I assume demo is relevant to democracy crucially.
In terms of this, it would be said, Japan is declining into
incorrigible disfunction of democracy. 
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2022/09/09(金) 20:23:51.020
Current Japanese soceity has too many severe problems.
Nonetheless most Japanese stay to be tamed silent,
that appearance seems like slaves of past era.
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2022/09/09(金) 20:49:07.910
Anyhow, I think Japanese people should have more decisive will of oneself.
To obey collective decisions tamely are not self-decision.

It's merely slave behavior.
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2022/09/09(金) 21:22:15.490
While I wouldn't go so far to say most Japanese are silly,
but at least, it would be said, just merely obedience
which is not rational behavior in there.
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2022/09/09(金) 21:26:35.830
Paranoia ist ja ok.
Jeder kritische Perspektiv, also jedes Denken des denkenden ist
psychoanalyitsch gesagt mehr oder minder paranoid.
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2022/09/09(金) 23:50:33.780
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over
and expecting different results.
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2022/09/10(土) 02:30:54.390
I like to critique against Japanese society, especially in English recently.
I suppose all things have own critical point for changing.

There're changes of two types, I call that type (a), (b) respectively.
Type (a) has a direction of change for advancing, on the other hand,
type (b) has a direction of change for regression.
In addition to that, type (c) would be being as a sign of stagnant
or state of level off.But, once I reserve the direction of type (c) here.

We'd better be on the lookout for critical point of society.
We must scout around for type (a) and type (b) in the current stagnant
Japanese society or seek for unknown blue ocean.

Don't look for someone's leftovers, we should find just unknown blue ocean.
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2022/09/10(土) 10:51:47.360
Just do it.
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2022/09/10(土) 10:53:20.460
modern people rather than Japanese
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2022/09/10(土) 22:29:42.070
If a person act out as if ones hope is already achieved,
it would be likely to become actual reality.
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2022/09/10(土) 22:48:39.850
If you have bad self-image, it would actually work for worsen direction.
Conversely, If you have good self-image, it would work for better direction.

So which one should we have as self-image?
Also such self-image has reinforcement for feedback loops in same direction.
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2022/09/11(日) 20:21:40.360
Let me know if you get stuck.
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2022/09/11(日) 20:31:32.490
I assume climate change take a toll severely in Japan
in due course like the United States at now.
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2022/09/11(日) 20:51:13.420
And I suppose almost current world problems are due to being overpopulation.
Thus, if population can decrease till one tenth of present level, it would turn 
the heat off many problems.
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2022/09/13(火) 22:20:27.650
Most Japanese don't have determinate criteria
due to oneself nor does it have own opinions.
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2022/09/21(水) 21:22:07.830
On top of the comments, “Ok we can all agree that she invented slay” got 15 replys, surplize.
What does “slay” mean in this context?
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2022/09/22(木) 20:26:28.470
Queer corners of the internet have solidified a budding new class of
gay pop icons. Many place Sawayama in that arena, alongside
other artists who have developed rabid fandoms online that have
maintained their stardom — Charli XCX, Carly Rae Jepsen, Kim Petras.

For Sawayama, who speaks to her fans in the language popularized
on queer Twitter spaces, preserving that relationship is of the utmost importance.

On social media, she’s alternately funny and on the pulse when it comes
to trends on each individual platform. She teases songs in their acoustic
form before release and retweets fans. She posts her stationery hauls and
funny things she thinks of.

It’s not polished or strategized, but rather Sawayama just shows you
the things she finds most interesting about her work and her life.
She and her fans talk in the same language.

“Hold the slay,” one wrote. “rina slawayama,” another said.

“if the word slay becomes illegal,” Sawayama posted later,
using a filter that put her in the back of a police car.

You may guess from this article's cite as regards your question.
I could almost do it, but the detail isn't clear, though the situation
which was caused by her hateful post through the SNS is imagined vaguely.
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2022/09/22(木) 21:02:37.910
I've heard Rina Sawayama was influenced by 🍎Ringo Sheena, so
I guess from it, Sawayama prefer to using aggressive expressions or
hateful post as fashion through the SNS, and its triggered some awful

And then, I assume her funs attached her nickname as “rina slawayama,”
or just express it “Hold the slay,”or "she invented slay".
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2022/09/22(木) 21:45:12.350
Or I also guess another possibility, if Sawayama used the word
or expression 'slay' effectively somewhere in her music's lyrics like
🍎Ringo Sheena used, and it's impressive or gave something
impacts for her funs and so on.

But actually I'm not sure, because I've just known today about
🍏Rina Sawayama from post of >>19 , and I can't answer exactly it yet.
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2022/09/22(木) 23:04:39.650
Things changed after Sawayama was accepted into 🏫Cambridge University,
spending three years getting a degree in political science. There, she experienced
a new kind of stress, one where she was bullied by girls in her year who made
her sit by herself at the end-of-year dance.

In the music industry, Sawayama said she has faced prejudice and stereotyping
for her race and gender (LGBTq) — and still struggles with the aftereffects of it today.
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2022/09/22(木) 23:05:30.850
And there have been some monumental firsts. In 2020, #SAWAYAMAISBRITISH
trended on Twitter after Sawayama announced that she would not be eligible
for nominations for the country’s major industry accolades like the BRITs and
the Mercury Awards, due to the fact that she held an “indefinite leave to remain”
visa instead of citizenship. It was a movement that sparked mass attention
and changed the United Kingdom’s music award eligibility rules.

“Her talents have been shaped by a cross-cultural mix of musical influences
and Britain is a richer place with her creating music here,” singer Elton John tweeted.

“We need to recognise artists like Rina because they reflect the beautifully
diverse world we all share.”
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2022/10/06(木) 07:56:28.120
The precise borders of the areas Moscow is claiming remain unclear, but Putin has vowed to defend Russia's territory — including the annexed regions — with any means at his military's disposal, including nuclear weapons.
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2022/10/16(日) 13:07:40.940
Let's talk about writing English
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