
・・・Based on DNA analysis and comparison to modern populations,
they found that people genetically similar to modern Danes and
Norwegians generally headed West in their raids and trading, while
“Swedish-like” people mostly headed East. ・・・

However, they found that this was only a general pattern. Sometimes
Swedish-like groups headed West, and the others headed East.
They also found considerable genetic variety in the ancient remains,
indicating migration of Southern Europeans, before the Viking Age,
o the area of Denmark, which undermines any idea of a single
Nordic genetic identity. Some of the earliest inhabitants of Britain,
the Picts, were buried as Vikings, for example.

The researchers also found people of mixed Sami and European ancestry.
The Sami are reindeer herders with some Asian genetic background
who have lived throughout Scandinavia and in other countries for
thousands of years. They have been thought to be in conflict with
the Scandinavians of European heritage during the Viking age.・・・