Let's Talk about Political Issues
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0749名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 613a-/7mv)
垢版 |
2016/06/30(木) 08:25:54.87ID:jReLIq3H0
オンライン英会話の比較をしてみたよ ^^;
0751名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 993a-CcYd)
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2017/03/25(土) 21:07:16.86ID:izs1wezN0
0753名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 87cf-z+eH)
垢版 |
2017/07/13(木) 04:29:45.91ID:ALigOCVF0
globalization destroies cultuers specific to individual regions
it has procuced many migronauts and terrorisms, and widend economic disparities around the world.

at first I welcomed the emargence of the president Trump
because I thought he is the man who stops excessive globalisation like now.

however, i'v known Trummp is not the man. he is a complete armature about politics,
come out whoever a powerful anti-globalist !
0754名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 87cf-z+eH)
垢版 |
2017/07/14(金) 22:49:01.18ID:74acW0aG0
I feel like Japan will be over anytime soon
because of people without any thought of national defense
not only politician but also the people can not see reality as it is
what brought on this situation in japan?
0757名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 07cf-dE0h)
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2017/08/05(土) 22:13:37.21ID:7ZUTniXt0
I think the western countries now perfectly took saids with china and koreas.
the world has changed. they do anything for money.
if china cracks down on its own people and is an awful dictatorship, they don't care.
0764名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 07cf-dE0h)
垢版 |
2017/08/06(日) 11:26:55.45ID:Hg2Rm6Fi0
An American journalist's pinpoint analysis about the history war between Japan and China-Koreas

For the most part Japan has problems understanding how Americans and the West communicate
Information. It's quite different Japan. From 1953-1989 Japan only had to deal with US/UK
perceptions on the war, as China and South Korea had not formed fully their revision of
history and promote it to the world.
The Chinese and Koreans were very smart about marketing their version of history. And that's what
it is Marketing.Japan believes that the truth and pure intent will be enough. And if the truth is heard,
people will naturally believe it if they have pure intent.That's not the case in the West at all.
We have to market and sell ideas as much as products. Civil Rights was not won only by
marches and speeches, but by movies, TV shows, books, etc. The Japanese don't seem serious
in presenting their side of the story. Compare other nations and how they have to constantly
market their views in the US....

Japan needs to show how their version does not reduce the American military individual
sacrifices. Each sides soldiers fought for what they believed was right.Japan is also up
against a very powerful lobby that spends of money enticing American press, academics, and politicians
to China and Korea treats them well. This "charm program" sadly wins over to many. Promises of
big profit in a Chinese market for media companies compound this problem, and
the Chinese government has no problem playing
hardball with a media outlet that they don't like by barring entry in the Chinese market. Everyone
in the US from Hollywood to New York knows this and sadly too many play along.
0768名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 99c7-RI0g)
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2017/08/17(木) 18:41:54.66ID:5HfvsOCY0
0772名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ cfcf-6h2J)
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2017/09/01(金) 12:59:53.64ID:WxaMjyTr0
As an Asian country, Japan understands Kim’s motivation.
But Japanese politicians his behind the curtain,
hoping that the nuclear issue would be resolved by other countries in the lead.
Moreover, Japan’s response was muddled by domestic politics.
There is a strong constituency of North Koreans living in Japan.
They are not very visible in society, but have grown wealthy controlling the “Pachinko” gambling industry.
They gained clout through their donations to the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP).
Some LDP politicians thought they could influence Kim using North Koreans living and working in Japan.
Professional diplomats at Japan’s Foreign Ministry quietly disagreed with this strategy.

0774名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ e53e-3TZr)
垢版 |
2018/06/16(土) 13:36:19.59ID:2ABpQmJ20

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