次に示す英文は、僕なりの英訳案。>>247 を少し修正した。

(1) 言葉や態度、声のトーンは大事だと思う
  I believe words, attitude, and tone are important.

(2) 彼が選んだ言葉で相手に与える印象は変わるんだから
  Why? Because different words he chooses give different impressions.

★なお、tone をここでは可算名詞にすべきだという意見もある。確かに可算名詞に

(1) ★Tone★ is sometimes difficult to ascertain in an email.
(New Zealand, 2017, news website)

(2) There are different forms of writing and different forms of engagement
with politics, and ★tone★ is going to differ.
(USA, 2017, news website)

(3) When conversation is the medium through which interactions take place,
tone is arguably the defining element that determines character, and therefore
brand identity. Apple's voice assistant Siri is already known for its sass.
Tone is notoriously tricky to define.