Chat in English (英語で雑談) part 205

■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
0001名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイWW ca24-wpzq)
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2018/01/01(月) 09:07:06.35ID:WkdCaekD0
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Previous Thread:
Chat in English (英語で雑談) part 204

Hey!!! All you NEETs, nerds, YouTube link spammers, pedophiles, neo-Nazis,
Yukorin enthusiasts, Nanako SOS admirers, Part-Time-Preachers,
Diplomats' spoiled sons, losers who can't remember Kanji characters,
Big-boobs fans, Weeaboo from around the world, learners of Japanese
who are too lazy to update their Japanese blogs very often, cunning
linguists, stupid fan girls of Johnny's Boys, Touhou pirates, and
that electrical super-gay who suffers from mental disease - This is your thread!
Let's hope the Internet-addicted housewife will come back soon!

We all wish for permanent world peace!
0291ゆえ (CA 0H85-JHka)
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2018/01/16(火) 22:53:43.50ID:xm94cz/JH
Well I managed to get my self to be not angry anymore. I swear no one else is capable of this job (be God), I am the only one who can do it. So I decided to do it in about 2011.
0293ゆえ (CA 0H85-JHka)
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2018/01/16(火) 23:33:53.55ID:xm94cz/JH
Right now, when I get angry at Japan, I usually read Washington Post or play with my white pure American/British friends or watch white pure American/British content ..

When I get angry at Americans, I sometimes look for good Japanese porn/hentai. I think that video I posted a few posts ago can be used by me many many times ..
0294ゆえ (CA 0H85-JHka)
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2018/01/16(火) 23:36:54.11ID:xm94cz/JH
However, it seems that usually white people piss me off less often than Japanese ..
0295名無しさん@英語勉強中 (GB 0H39-fRkW)
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2018/01/16(火) 23:51:02.63ID:OuCUWFrKH
White people suck. Source: I'm a white people
0296名無しさん@英語勉強中 (トンモー MMc9-/rX+)
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2018/01/16(火) 23:52:11.65ID:pmUS03WsM
I ment the passport for free drink and topping.
0297名無しさん@英語勉強中 (トンモー MMc9-/rX+)
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2018/01/16(火) 23:58:58.91ID:pmUS03WsM
0298名無しさん@英語勉強中 (トンモー MMc9-/rX+)
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2018/01/17(水) 00:00:03.27ID:J80hvoFbM
Don't spit around get away.
0299ゆえ (CA 0H85-JHka)
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2018/01/17(水) 00:04:43.03ID:zRAAAt+eH

Most of them suck.

But the good ones, are pretty damn good.

Right now I have 3 heavily screened and basically hand-picked relatively quite high tier American friends (Zach, Cody, last person's name I don't think I've asked him yet but his character has a particular name, SR_Nine.)

I'm not certain about Zach right now since he recently decided to pursue goals instead of a carefree life. So I'm keeping an eye on him.

They agree with my views in looking down at "shithole countries."

I have one good British friend, Matt.

We play Diablo 2 a lot, which is usually where I hang out with these friends. I play on USEast server, non-ladder.

I ran into someone the other day I thought was basically someone using a Japanese name, but she said she was a Japanese girl. She pissed me off so I left.

There's lots of low tier people who somehow have relatively pale skin, but the higher tier ones are relatively rare. I always have a knack for running into them some how ..

Trust me, these guys are fucking GOOD.
0300ゆえ (CA 0H85-JHka)
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2018/01/17(水) 00:08:47.10ID:zRAAAt+eH
I have many white friends, but no Japanese friends. Japanese people never respond to me as if they are too shy, and I get tired of that.

So this is the situation of Japan vs White People. Right now I don't like French, German, Russian, etc. I like the old fashioned good character British and American. I think some Canadian white people are finally waking up.
0302ゆえ (CA 0H85-JHka)
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2018/01/17(水) 00:25:32.18ID:zRAAAt+eH

The white supremacists in England are very interesting. Especially those who tried to arrest the fucking Paki London Mayor.

I like white supremacist British/Americans who get rid of basically all the black people/muslims/pakis/arabs/vietnamese/philipino/chinese.

I believe that group in England may be called the Pendragons and some of them tried to arrest the Paki mayor by citing the Magna Carta, which I find makes sense personally.
0304ゆえ (CA 0H85-JHka)
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2018/01/17(水) 00:26:12.34ID:zRAAAt+eH

Fuck you trying to make me jealous ? I'm better at that game than fucking any one.
0306ゆえ (CA 0H85-JHka)
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2018/01/17(水) 00:52:58.66ID:zRAAAt+eH
Fucking China is trying to take over the EU one country by one country .. it's the fucking greatest threat to world peace right now ..
0307ゆえ (CA 0H85-JHka)
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2018/01/17(水) 00:54:50.57ID:zRAAAt+eH
So far the best source of anti-China news I know is China Uncensored (YouTube, website) ..

I read Nikkei Asian Review but they sometimes support China too much. I want more and better anti-China news.
0308ゆえ (CA 0H85-JHka)
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2018/01/17(水) 01:07:45.40ID:zRAAAt+eH
Come on guys .. even my white friends want me to have good relationship with Japan .. it's just that always something happen that make this relationship very not smooth ..
0309ゆえ (CA 0H85-JHka)
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2018/01/17(水) 01:16:16.74ID:zRAAAt+eH
Like come on .. I tried to use fucking Japanese Sleipnir browser for a long time .. do you even understand how much pain that browser caused me ..
0310名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウオー Sa12-/rX+)
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2018/01/17(水) 01:20:15.22ID:UC5RwW6qa
Did you see the new star wars?
0311ゆえ (CA 0H85-JHka)
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2018/01/17(水) 01:26:10.17ID:zRAAAt+eH

No, I have never seen any Star Wars ..
0312ゆえ (CA 0H85-JHka)
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2018/01/17(水) 01:28:32.98ID:zRAAAt+eH

The best Western movie I saw is probably Sucker Punch .. probably because of the part where the girl was holding a Katana .. lol
0313ゆえ (CA 0H85-JHka)
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2018/01/17(水) 01:30:26.88ID:zRAAAt+eH
To erase any Ambiguity .. the Sucker Punch movie I am referring to is the one from 2011 ..

Here's basically the main Western site for movie info .. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0978764/
0314ゆえ (CA 0H85-JHka)
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2018/01/17(水) 01:56:04.24ID:zRAAAt+eH
That Nippon steel shaft I posted earlier [ >>267 ]

Well I have it between my butt but not inserted. It feels good in basically all my holes ..
0316ゆえ (CA 0H85-JHka)
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2018/01/17(水) 02:59:36.99ID:zRAAAt+eH
Well, I made a Japanese girl feel rejected after she responded not on time.

Probably, very few people have made her feel that way so I imagine it must have been a shock.

Don't worry, I'm just getting revenge.
0317名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウオー Sa12-/rX+)
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2018/01/17(水) 03:20:31.91ID:UC5RwW6qa
You have posted too much .
In this site that make all of you feel so bad in custom
0318ゆえ (CA 0H85-JHka)
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2018/01/17(水) 03:31:05.44ID:zRAAAt+eH

Lol Russian.
0319ゆえ (CA 0H85-JHka)
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2018/01/17(水) 03:39:18.23ID:zRAAAt+eH
At this rate my only sex partner in life might be my mom .. LOL
0321名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウオー Sa12-/rX+)
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2018/01/17(水) 04:24:07.00ID:UC5RwW6qa
Recently no missile action from north korea.
So weird.
0322名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウオー Sa12-/rX+)
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2018/01/17(水) 04:27:43.39ID:UC5RwW6qa
Get out!
0324ゆえ (CA 0H85-JHka)
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2018/01/17(水) 05:13:44.81ID:zRAAAt+eH

This is my fault how?


0325ゆえ (CA 0H85-JHka)
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2018/01/17(水) 05:22:42.10ID:zRAAAt+eH
The story of my name, part 2. [ >>289 ]

That was a unique name. I was given a different surname than the rest of my family members. Even to this day, people in my family born after me don't use the same surname as me.

The name my family calls me at home is 大宝. In their language, this means Big Treasure.

My dad's younger brother's son was at one point given a fancier name than me, but that was a failure. So now sometimes people call him Dong Yu. It's like my name but instead of Eastern Mountain it means Eastern Small Mountain.

I have a hidden surname ..

(to be continued)
0326ゆえ (CA 0H85-JHka)
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2018/01/17(水) 05:37:43.75ID:zRAAAt+eH
Lightning continue !

Part 3.

One emperor of China gave my grandfather's family the surname 讷. This word sometimes means difficulty speaking.

The Pinyin for this word is Ne.

My grandfather is from Daur tribe in China. So to protect himself from Chairman Mao (father of CCP) we don't use this name.




So when we arrived in Canada, my name was flipped. I was called Dong どん by basically every body.

When I was small, one day I discovered that my name on my passport did not match my name in the school system; given name and surname were switched.

As for the pronounciation of this word "Yue" ..

I immediately recalled that there was a character from Cardcaptor Sakura anime named Yue. I saw the show with English voice on TV, and it was pronounced ゆえ.

So I didn't think anything and thought this was simply the correct way to pronounce it.

Well, that's most of the story. But my story will never end, I'll be back here making a post again .. lol ..
0327ゆえ. (CA 0H85-JHka)
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2018/01/17(水) 06:01:10.74ID:zRAAAt+eH
So basically, if we use the weird ass name from the Emperor, my name would be

ね ゆえ

Saying this name reminds me of something a こども would say. ね、ゆえ、どうする?ね、ゆえ、だいじょうぷ。

In a critical moment I said だいじょうぷ instead of だいじょうぶ and it has stuck with me since .. originally it was a mistake but the Japanese girl who heard it thought it was funny .. I forgot to use the dakuten or the other one ..
0329ゆえ (CA 0H85-JHka)
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2018/01/17(水) 06:30:55.79ID:zRAAAt+eH
Fuck. すこしかなしい。
0330ゆえ (CA 0H85-JHka)
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2018/01/17(水) 06:34:22.11ID:zRAAAt+eH

Well my last post was not meant for you but it was expressing what i felt at the time. But it's coincidentally a possible response to your post ..

At least you are surrounded by Japanese people, I have basically no real life friends now except my mom.

If you take advantage of the benefits of going a lone, you can may be do some thing ..

0331名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ササクッテロレ Spbd-P3q+)
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2018/01/17(水) 07:00:22.47ID:ZcUAA0z+p
sometimes I wish I was white so people will like me more
0332ゆえ (CA 0H85-JHka)
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2018/01/17(水) 07:11:12.03ID:zRAAAt+eH

Come on man.

To be honest, in Critical Situation, it is not White People that are able to help me, It is Japan.
0333ゆえ (CA 0H85-JHka)
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2018/01/17(水) 07:13:07.68ID:zRAAAt+eH
When nobody can help me and I don't know what to do .. what do I do ? Sometimes I come here. But in these cases I think Only Japan can help me ..

Sure Japan sometimes gives me hard time but in the end I need Japan.
0334ゆえ (CA 0H85-JHka)
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2018/01/17(水) 07:15:46.37ID:zRAAAt+eH
I probably need Japan more than anything ..

It's my ultimate back up.
0335ゆえ (CA 0H85-JHka)
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2018/01/17(水) 07:57:18.92ID:zRAAAt+eH
Well, some how I found this app


But what's the point .. even if I somehow manage to install it I doubt they will be able to speak English. Are we supposed to communicate by Emoji only ?
0336名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイWW eadb-FScQ)
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2018/01/17(水) 08:48:17.69ID:KimTMToh0
Why are you speaking so much even if you are alone.

maybe you just かまってちゃん I suppose so.
0337名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイWW ea24-ryjU)
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2018/01/17(水) 08:51:06.29ID:5FQL7I3Y0
Your Japanese level is beyond my assumption. Japanese language is derived from Chinese so it may be easy for you to learn Japanese if you speak Chinese.

I initially intended to learn Chinese after mastering English. But English is difficult more than I've expected...
0338ゆえ (CA 0H85-JHka)
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2018/01/17(水) 09:12:31.96ID:zRAAAt+eH

Goddamn Korean.


I have unusual connection to Japan, I have said this already many times.

I have seen Chinese struggle to learn Japanese. Basically the only Chinaman I saw attempt to learn Japanese, well he was basically the worst in the class.

To be quite frank, Japanese are better at English and Chinese than White People and Chinese People. I have seen this.
0339ゆえ (CA 0H85-JHka)
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2018/01/17(水) 09:55:09.27ID:zRAAAt+eH

There are a lot of English speakers that give low quality advice when teaching English.

If you try to study from my English, I have a feeling you'll be fine.

Naturally, I speak the most standard accent English, Chinese, and Japanese ..

As for English (UK) vs English (US), I believe my use of English which is similar to both of them is the best.
0340名無しさん@英語勉強中 (JPWW 0Hc9-/rX+)
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2018/01/17(水) 19:39:47.25ID:NGTnQzxeH
The amazing journey.
0342名無しさん@英語勉強中 (JPWW 0Hc9-/rX+)
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2018/01/17(水) 19:49:48.72ID:ebUPz7wJH
You'll find out.
0343名無しさん@英語勉強中 (JPWW 0Hc9-/rX+)
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2018/01/17(水) 19:50:32.93ID:ebUPz7wJH
No.You're serious problem.
0344名無しさん@英語勉強中 (JPWW 0Hc9-/rX+)
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2018/01/17(水) 19:57:18.98ID:ebUPz7wJH
He's maybe just trying to kick out his
building up stress.
0345名無しさん@英語勉強中 (JPWW 0Hc9-/rX+)
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2018/01/17(水) 20:10:22.79ID:ebUPz7wJH
I guess you need another message board for your unlimited chatting desire.
So,why don't you take a look at the site?
0346名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アークセー Sxbd-plQP)
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2018/01/17(水) 20:17:44.74ID:KVwDbi9jx
how’s life? is there anyone here who took the Center Exam?
0347名無しさん@英語勉強中 (トンモー MMc9-/rX+)
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2018/01/17(水) 22:07:24.20ID:tki0LnclM
It's getting warm recently.
How's things are going?
0351ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/18(木) 01:27:15.02ID:9P5EOfljH
You fucking pieces of shit Japanese always piss me off. Tell me, do you like doing that or what ?
0352名無しさん@英語勉強中 (GB 0H49-CwG6)
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2018/01/18(木) 01:29:10.53ID:oRBW/NgTH
good day
0353名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW d5bd-k8/r)
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2018/01/18(木) 01:30:30.01ID:L36MYHPU0
I want a big white dick in my mouth right now
0354ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/18(木) 01:34:37.41ID:9P5EOfljH
lol .. (-_-'')
0355名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ adde-RdiW)
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2018/01/18(木) 02:13:41.74ID:y+IL8Rl30
I want to go to Japan and see my wife, Minase Inori.
0356名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW d5bd-k8/r)
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2018/01/18(木) 02:14:16.29ID:L36MYHPU0
Misae Nohara?
0358名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ adde-RdiW)
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2018/01/18(木) 03:33:58.62ID:y+IL8Rl30
No, my wife Minase Inori is a seiyuu and singer who plays characters such as Chino, Rem, and Hestia.
0359名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウオー Sa13-gm/z)
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2018/01/18(木) 04:07:32.63ID:JXM0OFz1a
No kidding.
0360ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/18(木) 04:16:49.24ID:9P5EOfljH

I like it. ^^
0361ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/18(木) 04:33:04.18ID:9P5EOfljH
However, basically all Gaijin can't stand the pressure exerted by a Japanese girl ..

It's like facing a Legendary Pokemon. All your moves cost more energy than you have.

Me? I have no nationality and no specific gender. I don't have any plans because maybe it is the case that I am a plan ..
0362ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/18(木) 04:38:12.18ID:9P5EOfljH
I had a thought/idea .. maybe the reason I can't have any goals at all is because I am a goal. If the central stabilizing goal has goals, it fucks everything.

So I have no goals.
0363名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイWW 23db-C4oa)
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2018/01/18(木) 07:50:05.74ID:+pNDD+cv0
no one asked your case.
0364ゆえ (CA 0H01-hYQh)
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2018/01/18(木) 08:28:25.12ID:9P5EOfljH

What are you, Chinese? They should really ban Chinese and Koreans from using Japanese proxy/vpn/internet.
0365名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウカー Sa21-C4oa)
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2018/01/18(木) 12:41:00.39ID:d55+eYZ7a
I think you are not human. maybe just stupid animal.
0368名無しさん@英語勉強中 (トンモー MMe9-gm/z)
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2018/01/18(木) 17:05:21.77ID:kzjwFw9GM
Your story is all boring.
0369名無しさん@英語勉強中 (トンモー MMe9-gm/z)
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2018/01/18(木) 17:06:01.60ID:kzjwFw9GM
0370名無しさん@英語勉強中 (トンモー MMe9-gm/z)
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2018/01/18(木) 17:31:48.71ID:kzjwFw9GM
No kidding.
0371名無しさん@英語勉強中 (トンモー MMe9-gm/z)
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2018/01/18(木) 18:29:29.99ID:kzjwFw9GM
You're streaching the truth.
0373名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW d5bd-nauq)
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2018/01/18(木) 21:04:34.41ID:o3YSAhNI0
Feeling ugly is messed up even if everybody else says "you're beautiful" or "beauty comes from the inside", you simply know that theyre full of shit
0375名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイWW 23db-C4oa)
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2018/01/18(木) 21:59:25.89ID:+pNDD+cv0
anyway your heart is so ugly
0376名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 4dbe-x9d5)
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2018/01/18(木) 22:30:38.08ID:u43vcZcn0
Now reading “Where angels fear to tread” by Forster.
What do you recommend for the next?
I'd like to enjoy British novels.
0377名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW d5bd-k8/r)
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2018/01/18(木) 22:42:42.30ID:L36MYHPU0
The ultimate question....

Which is better... Chinese or Korean
0378名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 4dbe-x9d5)
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2018/01/18(木) 22:45:48.79ID:u43vcZcn0
It depends.
Evreything has both good and bad aspects.
0379名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW d5bd-k8/r)
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2018/01/18(木) 22:48:09.45ID:L36MYHPU0
Really? I think they have only bad aspects.
0380名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 4dbe-x9d5)
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2018/01/18(木) 23:11:50.39ID:u43vcZcn0
You're poisoned with the Internet, man.
0381名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウオー Sa13-gm/z)
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2018/01/18(木) 23:30:01.58ID:PIrKV9HHa
You're ugry and so boring.
0382名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウオー Sa13-gm/z)
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2018/01/18(木) 23:35:43.76ID:PIrKV9HHa
Be more productive!
0383名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウオー Sa13-gm/z)
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2018/01/18(木) 23:38:33.21ID:PIrKV9HHa
He's not female!
0384名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW d5bd-k8/r)
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2018/01/18(木) 23:53:26.22ID:L36MYHPU0
Maybe you’re right. But when it comes to food, Chinese is so much better
0385名無しさん@英語勉強中 (GB 0H49-CwG6)
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2018/01/19(金) 01:55:55.17ID:DoyyI/MQH
My favourite novel of all time is House of Leaves. I think it can be complicated for non-native speakers, maybe a translated version would work better. It has been compared to Murakami's work.
0386名無しさん@英語勉強中 (GB 0H49-CwG6)
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2018/01/19(金) 01:57:42.66ID:DoyyI/MQH
I agree. But when it comes to the robotics program, I don't think China have much.
0388名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW d5bd-k8/r)
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2018/01/19(金) 02:15:16.19ID:HW7T7/1t0
Yes. Koreans tend to be slutty. So many Korean prostitutes in Japan.
0389名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウオー Sa13-gm/z)
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2018/01/19(金) 03:06:58.29ID:B+0BoiT7a
Asians don't love.Why?
0390名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウオー Sa13-gm/z)
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2018/01/19(金) 03:07:35.71ID:B+0BoiT7a
don't love Australia.Sorry.
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