
039 名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ササクッテロレ Sp75-7QOf) 2018/12/27 23:40:22

There are so many people who say that a university degree in the humanities has lost its relevance in today's society, but I disagree with this idea.
There are three reasons to support my idea.

The first reason is that academic fields of humanities are the basis of our ways of thinking, even if we have already graduated from universities.
For example, studying philosophy often improves our skills of critical thinking, and comparing our culture with different cultures can make our views wide.
These facts must be the evidence that academic fields of humanities are useful for us, even in today's society.

The second reason is that academic fields of humanities are also the basis of other sciences.
For instance, history is the important aspect of examining economics, political science, and so on.
In addition, humanities often affect the way of comprehending sciences, such as physics and mathematics.
We can say that there are no sciences which are not related to humanities.