スレッドを立てるまでもない質問スレッド Part 356

■ このスレッドは過去ログ倉庫に格納されています
0001名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 735a-8jP0)
垢版 |
2019/07/15(月) 20:04:58.61ID:eejamiJ/0
■ 質問する方へ

■ 回答する方へ

■ 辞書

■ ChMateなどのアプリを使っていて、音声入力で英語を書き込みたいときは:
・(Androidの場合) 書き込む→工具マーク→入力方式の切り替え→音声入力に切り替え 。
・(iOSの場合) キーボードを表示させて左下のマイクのアイコンをタップする 。
0049名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ fff0-3Dfo)
垢版 |
2019/07/18(木) 21:23:10.80ID:VoqnSDxl0
次のby ってどういう意味ですか?

According to the review, the book gives readers some good insight into the conditions suffered by refugees living in their country.

辞書のby を照らし合わせてもしっくりくる訳が載っていません。
0052名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 0fcc-YVOd)
垢版 |
2019/07/18(木) 23:34:13.40ID:mfAynsfh0

0053名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 8f23-a4LL)
垢版 |
2019/07/19(金) 01:41:07.30ID:23lS8E1e0
>the conditions suffered by refugees living in their country.

→ the conditions are suffered by refugees living in their country.

→ refugees living in their country suffer the conditions.
0059名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ fff0-3Dfo)
垢版 |
2019/07/19(金) 16:09:47.35ID:Mv6Py1es0
>>50 >>54 です。
1.→ refugees living in their country suffer the conditions.  彼らの国に住んでいる難民たちはその状況に苦しんでいる。

2. → the conditions are suffered by refugees living in their country.

3.→>the conditions suffered by refugees living in their country.  彼らの国に住む難民たちの→状況

0060名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 8f39-k+pP)
垢版 |
2019/07/20(土) 12:00:20.32ID:CIamT6Mf0
(5) Carpenters "Music Music Music" Medley 1980 HD
Karen Carpenter が30歳のときにテレビの "Muic, Music, Music" という

(6) Karen Carpenter/Ella Fitzgerald medley, recorded for "Music, Music, Music"
1980 年の "Music, Music, Music" という番組にて、Ella Fitzgerald と共に歌った

(7) Bacharach Medley-The Carpenters-Live
1970年、20歳の Karen がドラムを叩きながら歌っている映像。
0063名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 8f39-k+pP)
垢版 |
2019/07/20(土) 18:57:41.58ID:CIamT6Mf0
I'm lovin' (something) という言いまわしが話題になったのは、このスレの前スレで


上のリンク先の 53m40s にて、女性が婚約相手の男性に対して

Tom Burris, I am lovin' this ring.
0064名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイWW 3fe3-CpDH)
垢版 |
2019/07/20(土) 23:37:31.24ID:WgTmLWY+0
映画ソーシャルネットワーク見てたら wired inって言葉が高頻度で出てきたんですがどういう意味ですかね?「作業中」に近い意味な気はするんですが
0065名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウウー Sad3-teQf)
垢版 |
2019/07/21(日) 00:30:02.16ID:nz0dMY3fa

む (何かに気付く)



0066名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 7f29-7vAl)
垢版 |
2019/07/21(日) 01:53:49.46ID:Ycl91aCV0
It's all a matter of experience.

0068名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 8f39-k+pP)
垢版 |
2019/07/21(日) 06:49:33.10ID:XoZ+giVO0
Wired In という会社が出している広告

(1) Stop Work Interruptions

Interruptions come from everywhere. Using a ●Wired In● sign,
you can show you're focused and need to be uninterrupted.

(2) ★Digital Do Not Disturb Sign★

Set colors to match your company and your team. With clear
text and status color people around you will know to leave you alone.

出典: https://wearewired.in/

上のリンク先に飛べば、"wired in" がどういう意味がよくわかるし、
The Social Network (2010) の映画の videoclips がいくつも
YouTube 上にあるから、それを見ればその意味合いがさらによくわかる。
0069名無しさん@英語勉強中 (選挙行ったか? 8f39-k+pP)
垢版 |
2019/07/21(日) 07:04:58.53ID:XoZ+giVO0VOTE
(1) It's all a matter of experience.

"it all" がそもそも everything と似たような意味だから、上記 (1) も
その変形みたいなものだと俺は理解し、Everything is a matter of experience.

(2) He knows it all. (He knows everything. と似たような意味)
(3) I ate it all. (I ate everything. と似たような意味)

We are all [名詞]. という言葉においても、we all が all of us という
ような意味で使われていることがわかるので、上の (1) も同じような

(4) Astana Times-12 hours ago
As chairman of the assembly Nursultan Abishevich [Nazarbayev] said,
in Kazakhstan, we are different, but abroad ★we are all Kazakhs★,” he said.

上の (4) では、"we all" が "all of us" みたいな意味だと考えればよいと思う。

(5) National Geographic-Jul 16, 2019
If ★we are all migrants★, then possibly there is a kinship between the suffering
of the woman who has never lived in another town and yet has ...

上の (5) も同様だ。以上のようなことを踏まえれば、この下の (6) の all も、その次に出てくる
still とか in shock を修飾しているのではなくて、あくまで "we all" というふうにつながっているだろうと

(6) PrinceGeorgeMatters.com-7 hours ago
... her beloved boyfriend Lucas were recently found deceased. They were bright
and beautiful souls. ★We are all still in shock and heartbroken.★”.
0070名無しさん@英語勉強中 (選挙行ったか? 8f39-k+pP)
垢版 |
2019/07/21(日) 07:09:56.17ID:XoZ+giVO0VOTE
単数形の it が all と同格になることそのものは、不思議ではない。

I am all ears. (私は、全身が耳である。つまり私は一生懸命にお前の話を聞くよ。)

上の例では、単数形の I と all とが同格になっているはずだ。つまり
All of me is ears. みたいな意味合いだと思う。「私の存在全体が、耳である」というような

all of this, all of that, all of it などにおいてもやはり、単数の this と all, that と all
0071名無しさん@英語勉強中 (選挙行ったか? 7f29-7vAl)
垢版 |
2019/07/21(日) 14:22:55.16ID:zZnQJLgY0VOTE
0072名無しさん@英語勉強中 (選挙行ったか?W 4f7a-8EV2)
垢版 |
2019/07/21(日) 16:45:00.83ID:joAsg6h/0VOTE
0073名無しさん@英語勉強中 (選挙行ったか?W 8f39-K2PJ)
垢版 |
2019/07/21(日) 18:06:33.14ID:ZDYcneP50VOTE
0074名無しさん@英語勉強中 (選挙行ったか?W 4f7a-8EV2)
垢版 |
2019/07/21(日) 18:23:07.73ID:joAsg6h/0VOTE
0076名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウカー Sac3-5oOw)
垢版 |
2019/07/21(日) 22:07:19.32ID:zUDPkXiJa
Magic tree houseの4巻で海にサメが現れたときに、海賊のキャプテンが
Hold’er steady!
と叫んでるんですが、この’erってhold more steadyの略だと考えていいんでしょうか?
0078名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウカー Sac3-5oOw)
垢版 |
2019/07/22(月) 03:00:32.34ID:UWucJHsua
0079名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 8f39-k+pP)
垢版 |
2019/07/22(月) 09:50:08.68ID:EleABZ2I0
確かに、昔の船員たちはみな船のことを she と呼んでいたらしいから、

船だけではなくて、車のことを her と呼んでいる例についてもよく話題になる。

Difference Bytween Fill It Up And Fill Her Up?


(1) Fill it up.
(2) Fill her up. (または Fill 'er up.)

she とか her ('er) と呼ぶ人がいることは確かなようだ。

0080名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 8f39-k+pP)
垢版 |
2019/07/22(月) 09:52:53.51ID:EleABZ2I0
>>78 への回答の後半

she とか her と呼ぶ男性もいる」と言っている。

同じように、自分の愛するオートバイのことを she とか her と呼ぶ男の
Val (Valerie のことか?)という女性の名前をつけて、そのオートバイを she とか her と呼んでいる。

she とか her と呼びたがるくらいに可愛がっている男を描いた小説や映画に

There was something appealing about the dirtiness of ●her●. Both tires were a little soft,
but however long ★she'd★ been hidden away, ◆her◆ tires hadn't gone flat. ... that the CME
event would have destroyed. I was so tempted to roll ●her● up the hill
and try coast starting ★her★, but like the first time you make love,
it has to be special for the girl. So I went to see Dwite.



0081名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 0f5b-k+pP)
垢版 |
2019/07/22(月) 11:35:41.51ID:UR7RJHIF0

5ch の英語版みたいなサイトってありますか?
ここ(英語版)のChat in Englishスレは、システムとコンセプト的には理想的ですが、人が少ないことと、書き込みの大半が白人への僻みか性的話題で

0082名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 8f39-k+pP)
垢版 |
2019/07/22(月) 11:58:26.92ID:EleABZ2I0
場所としては、俺としては Twitter が気に入っている。ただし、他人が何かを
0083名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウカー Sac3-Jgj+)
垢版 |
2019/07/22(月) 12:21:05.10ID:ov2rmIwca
0085名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 3fc4-jGuh)
垢版 |
2019/07/22(月) 13:39:11.60ID:65XxikwH0
What point is passing the test if you can’t actually speak?
I told them that if we focus on speaking, the kid will pass the test too, but they’ll have usable skills.

0086名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウカー Sac3-5oOw)
垢版 |
2019/07/22(月) 14:32:42.77ID:1IRO4Gfra
0087名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 0f5b-k+pP)
垢版 |
2019/07/22(月) 19:25:36.73ID:UR7RJHIF0


(この板の雑談スレやChat in Englishスレのような場所。)
0088名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 8f39-k+pP)
垢版 |
2019/07/22(月) 19:40:57.37ID:EleABZ2I0
僕自身も、長文を書きまくっています。Twitter では、確かに基本的に
(1), (2), (3) というふうに番号を振っています。
0089名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 8f39-k+pP)
垢版 |
2019/07/22(月) 19:45:16.40ID:EleABZ2I0

同じだというのが、僕の考えなのです。だから、Twitter での距離感が
0090名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 0f5b-k+pP)
垢版 |
2019/07/22(月) 20:23:01.85ID:UR7RJHIF0


0091名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウカー Sac3-8EV2)
垢版 |
2019/07/22(月) 21:20:42.34ID:PD6lk27pa
Big Bang Theory字幕版見てやけにスピーシーズって聞こえる気がしますが
0092名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 7f32-ShKg)
垢版 |
2019/07/23(火) 03:51:45.28ID:va6j9QEG0
He will be greatly missed

0094名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 8f39-k+pP)
垢版 |
2019/07/23(火) 06:14:00.47ID:zyqVQvdu0
たとえばこういう場面での species のことかな?

Sheldon: That woman in there’s not going to have sex with you.

Leonard: Well I’m not trying to have sex with her.

Sheldon: Oh, good. Then you won’t be disappointed.

Leonard: What makes you think she wouldn’t have sex with me, I’m a male and she’s a female?

Sheldon: Yes, but not of the same ●species●.


前後のそれぞれのセリフがほんの 80% でもわかっていれば、この場合の
species がどういう意味かわかるだろう。
0095名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 8f39-k+pP)
垢版 |
2019/07/23(火) 06:29:05.90ID:zyqVQvdu0

Leonard: You know what I mean, could you just give us a little privacy?

Sheldon: You want me to leave the apartment?

Leonard: Yes.

Sheldon: You mean just go someplace else and be… someplace else?

Leonard: Yes.

Sheldon: Well, why should I leave, this is my apartment too.

Leonard: I know it is, and if science ever discovers a second member of your ★species★
and you two would like some privacy I would be more than happy to get out of your way.

0096名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 8f39-k+pP)
垢版 |
2019/07/23(火) 06:32:59.21ID:zyqVQvdu0

Penny (in hallway): Okay, you guys, look, I know this is none of my business, but I just,
I have to ask, what’s Sheldon’s deal?

Leonard: What do you mean “deal”?

Penny: You know, like what’s his deal? Is it girls? Guys? Sock puppets?

Leonard: Honestly, we’ve been operating under the assumption that he has no deal.

Penny: Come on, everybody has a deal.

Howard: Not Sheldon. Over the years, we’ve formulated many theories
about how he might reproduce. I’m an advocate of mytosis.

Penny: I’m sorry?

Howard: I believe one day Sheldon will eat an enormous amount of Thai food and split into two Sheldons.

Leonard: On the other hand, I think Sheldon might be the larval form of his ★species★,
and someday he’ll spin a cocoon and emerge two months later with moth wings and an exoskeleton.

0097名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 8f39-k+pP)
垢版 |
2019/07/23(火) 06:41:54.72ID:zyqVQvdu0
次の一節では、species が二回も出てくる。

Howard: No, no, not this time. I know insects, my friend, I spent many childhood years capturing them with nets,
putting them in glass jars, sticking pins through them, mounting them on corrugated cardboard
with Dymo labels underneath, identifying the genus and ★species★. In Latin.

Raj: Oh, dude, you are never getting a shiksa goddess.

Sheldon: That is a snowy tree cricket. Oecanthus fultoni. I was done with Latin by fifth grade.

Howard: Okay, okay, tell you what. I am willing to bet anything that’s an ordinary field cricket.

Sheldon: I can’t take your money.

Howard: What’s the matter, you chicken?

Sheldon: I’ve always found that an inappropriate slur. Chickens are not, by nature, at all timid. In fact,
when I was young, my neighbour’s chicken got loose and chased me up the big elm tree in front of our house.

Raj: Chickens can’t climb trees

Sheldon: Thank God.

0098名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 8f39-k+pP)
垢版 |
2019/07/23(火) 06:42:09.31ID:zyqVQvdu0
Howard: Okay, I believe a chicken made you his bitch. But the cricket thing, I don’t buy. Bet me.

Sheldon: Fair enough. What stake do you propose?

Howard: I will put up my Fantastic Four number 48, first appearance of Silver Surfer against your Flash 123,
the classic Flash of two worlds issue.

Sheldon: All right, you have a wager.

Howard: Hmm.

Raj: Great. Now how are you going to settle it, hmm? There is no way to determine the ★species★ of the cricket without examining it.

Slight time shift. The guys are searching for the cricket

0099名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 0f5b-k+pP)
垢版 |
2019/07/23(火) 09:09:16.34ID:rGCw/htq0
I'm 81.
I'm thinking of creating an account at Reddit and asking people there if they have any place to talk about any random topic.
Yesterday I came across this post.
Reddit Is Tearing Itself Apart
We have similar things here in 5ch and that's one of the reasons why I wanted to leave 5ch. I don't like to stay in an environment where I see lots of superficial propaganda like posts made sololy to attack or manipulate other people.
I prefer deep thoughtful well considered conversations.

Thank you for 82 san for sharing with me your place and your thoghts on the place.
It made me sad though to read the last sentence you wrote at >>89.
We long for feeling connected with people, but it might not be very easy to be able to have such a feeling. (Or possibly it's nearly impossible.)
But it's also true, I believe, that sometimes good things happen. I think it's worth trying to find a new environment if you are not satisfied with your current environment, and I'm going to give it a try.
0100名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウカー Sac3-8EV2)
垢版 |
2019/07/23(火) 09:35:23.63ID:h4o0BhuOa

Leonard: I know it is, and if science ever discovers a second member of your ★species★
and you two would like some privacy I would be more than happy to get out of your way.

0101名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 8f39-k+pP)
垢版 |
2019/07/23(火) 09:46:41.16ID:zyqVQvdu0
if science ever discovers a second member of your ★species★
and you two would like some privacy I would be more than happy to get out of your way.


0102名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 8f39-k+pP)
垢版 |
2019/07/23(火) 10:07:24.65ID:zyqVQvdu0
>>It made me sad though to read the last sentence you wrote at >>89.
>>We long for feeling connected with people,
>>sometimes good things happen. I think it's worth trying to find a new environment

Perhaps you're young, or at least young at heart. I'm 63 and long past the stage where
I used to believe in heat-warming relationships. I don't believe in humankind or
love or friendship any longer.

I said I'm past that stage. But then again, it could be that I never believed in people or
love or anything of the sort, even when I was an infant. My parents have always been
my worst enemies, although they have always been well-intentioned. They've always believed
that they loved me from the bottom of their hearts. But I say that they, and the rest of the world,
without a single exception, are simply doomed to the everlasting, diehard illusion that
people may somehow be connected, and that people are basically capable of love.

< To be continued >
0103名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 8f39-k+pP)
垢版 |
2019/07/23(火) 10:07:44.19ID:zyqVQvdu0
But I say again that no one has ever actually witnessed a shread of real love in relationships.
All we've been seeing throughout the entire history that war, including wars between states and
wars between classes or between the sexes, has been going on incessantly
everywhere and that parents need children not because they love them altruistically but
because they need someone else to take it out on, to find meaning in their own empty lives.
In short, people have always been using each other and want to enjoy this grand illusion that
they actually do love others.

I've been blabbering and most probably you don't care for this monologue of mine. So go right ahead
and ignore all my talk, which must sound like nothing but a pack of mumbo jumbo. But to me,
this kind of talk is serious and real and downright honest. And this kind of talk is precisely I crave
everywhere, including on Twitter and YouTube. I'm part of a community on Twitter and YouTube
where there are lots of people who think like I do.
0105名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 3fb0-7t59)
垢版 |
2019/07/23(火) 11:41:06.17ID:rGKXBmGI0

「マイセルフ」は "myself" で確定ですが、「コンヘル」の部分が思い付きません
意味としては "show" のようなものだと思うのですが、"compel" や "confess"では
0108名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 0f5b-k+pP)
垢版 |
2019/07/23(火) 12:17:03.14ID:rGCw/htq0
Thank you for your reply. It was interesting.

I'm not young, but I have been very sensitive since I was very little. Even though I consider myself as a logical type rather than an emotional type,
my feeling is considerably strong, and my interest and desire to seek love and a feeling of connected with people are also not weak.
I'm an introvert, and I don't need to feel connected with many people, but I want to find just one person in my life when it comes to wanting to have a feeling of being connected with people. That is enough for me.

I understand what you've said to some extent. We see the world and people through the lens of our brain.
We perceive things not as they are but through the interpretation of our brain.
In this sense, we see things subjectively, not only on your side but also on the side of the other person who you are talking to.
Both sides see it and feel it subjectively and you can't objectively prove that such thing as love surely exists.
I sometimes think that possibly the world itself might be an illusion created in our mind for us (or for me) to experience some things with our physical body.
But this assumption cannot be objectively proven either.

I'm so sensitive and spiritual when it comes to some things including metaphysical things that I even believe the existence of soulmates.
And also, I'm more inclined to believing in God (not as a symbol of something or somebody, but as a hidden will of the universe).
But again, there is no proof about them.
0109名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 0f5b-k+pP)
垢版 |
2019/07/23(火) 12:17:17.23ID:rGCw/htq0
I have gone a bit off topic. I think that not only loving (or being loved) each other but also understanding each other might be difficult.
You might feel that you understood someone, but it might just be that you are feeling that way. Understanding yourself is not very easy for many people.
I'm living with this assumption that it's difficult to understand each other. Often times I forget this assumption and ended up hurting my emotion.

If you seek for love, you feel lonely when you don't get it. If you give up love altogether, you must feel lonely, I guess, even though you might be able to avoid getting heartbroken by rejections or failures.
From your comment, it seemed to me that you might still have a desire for love or a feeling of being connected with people.
Otherwise you must have lost your interest on this theme already.

I guess I have been being too emotional. I didn't expect that I had a conversation like this here. It was fun. Thanks again.
0111名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 8f39-k+pP)
垢版 |
2019/07/23(火) 13:58:13.51ID:zyqVQvdu0
Just as you suspect, I do tend to seek love and friendship. In fact, once in a while I encounter people who
see through my mind and sense a strong desire for love and connection. Yes, ever since I was born,
I believe I've always been a profoundly loving person. In fact, my love, compassion, and desire for connection
have always been excessively intense. That's why lots of people have been taking advantage of me and,
in the course of my life, some mal-intentioned people have abused me.

I long strongly for the extinction of humankind not because I really loathe people, but because I
actually love people so much that I just can't bear the thought of anyone suffering because of war,
racial, gender, or other discrimination, rape, and things like that.

By the way, all these comments that you've been making in this thread in English would be highly welcomed
on Twitter. I've always been writing these kinds of things there, and people from all over the world
seem to be welcoming me very warmly.
0112名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 8f39-k+pP)
垢版 |
2019/07/23(火) 13:58:33.80ID:zyqVQvdu0
You don't have to read my tweets, but should you care to have a quick glance at what people around me
seem to be saying there, here's my Twitter account:

Few people actually do talk to me these days, but I don't expect too much from them. They silently
follow, like, and retweet many of my comments. That's enough for me. And I reciprocate.

By the way, these days I find YouTube a much better way of communication. There on YouTube
I have an account under the same nickname as on Twitter. I upload tons of videos there.
There I speak in English most of the time, but I sometimes do talk in English as well.
When I speak there, I speak a lot, say, for half an hour to more than two hours per video.
I don't think many people want to actually talk or write a lot. Most of them are actually rather
quiet. Besides, when it comes to something academic, there are few people knowledgeable enough to
talk extensively on a certain subject. So I've stopped caring too much about it. I talk and talk profusely
and try not to give it too much of a damn about whether people respond or not. When two or three people
watch one or two of my very long videos and give me a comment either in English or Japanese, saying that
they've enjoyed my talk and have learned a lot, that's enough.
https://twitter.com/5chan_nel (5ch newer account)
0113名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 8f39-k+pP)
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2019/07/23(火) 14:27:31.80ID:zyqVQvdu0
By the way, if you're a Japanese native speaker and don't mind speaking English,
then I suggest you upload lots of videos on YouTube where you speak
both in English and in Japanese.

Most people, I believe, whether Japanese or foreign, just don't seem to like talking
or writing that much in either language. They don't seem to have that much
to talk about - not as much as you care to write or speak anyway.

If you can one day settle for just engaging in a sort of monologue, then
you might as well start considering uploading videos where you speak about just about any
topic, whether politics, literature, love, friendship, art, music, sports, or anything else
that happens to interest you.
0114名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウカー Sac3-8EV2)
垢版 |
2019/07/23(火) 14:29:29.72ID:OYD7hoDZa
0116名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 0f5b-k+pP)
垢版 |
2019/07/23(火) 17:31:40.46ID:rGCw/htq0
Thank you for your reply. As always I enjoyed reading your message, and now I
just want to write something before some of my thoughts might have disappeared
from my mind when I had a chance to reply to you some time later.

First off, thank you very much for sharing with me your Twitter and YouTube
accounts. I took a look at them and I watched a few videos. (Two videos to be
precise, but not till the end.) In one of the two videos you were talking in
English about yourself, and now I have a little knowledge about you. (I just
watched less than the first 10 minutes of the video, and started writing this
with the video stopped. I can't do two things at a time. I'm a single processor

Your message was very informative and potentially very helpful for me as to
what kind of path I should follow. Starting to live in an English community is
what I have been thinking of, and I also think YouTube has a big potential as
more and more people including myself are spending more time than before on
YouTube. I'm not young any more, and seeing that most popular YouTubers are
young, the fact that I'm old has been a discouraging factor for me. (I don't
intend to become very popular on YouTube, though.) Also, I haven't encountered
many Japanese people, especially who are older than me, are doing some
outputting activities with or in English. Seeing someone doing that kind of
thing on the internet is nice and has some significance to me.
0117名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 0f5b-k+pP)
垢版 |
2019/07/23(火) 17:32:10.24ID:rGCw/htq0
As for speaking in English, I prefer speaking in English to in Japanese. If I'm
to create my own videos on YouTube, I want to speak in English rather than in

You talked about your thoughts on love and friendship. You seek love while
longing for the extinction of humankind. It seems that it's a flip side of the
same coin and you are still interested in love.
Some people decide to give up having children because of their views of the
world. But in my opinion, you and your children are totally different people.
They might, and actually are, similar to each other physically, but mentally
they can be very different. I just respect the will and views of each
I just hope that the world stay as peaceful as it is now. (I don't think it's
very peaceful, but it's a lot better than in the past.) I also don't want to
see anybody unnecessarily suffer from anything.

I might watch your YouTube channel from time to time. Thank you for giving me
hints and suggestions for my future activities on the internet.
0118名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 8f39-k+pP)
垢版 |
2019/07/23(火) 18:34:31.29ID:zyqVQvdu0
>>116 >>117
Wow, I'm really glad to hear you've actually bothered to come to my Twitter
and YouTube accounts and even started to view some of my videos.

As for my talk in Japanese there on YouTube, I stick most of the time
to giving my potential Japanese viewers some information about
songs, novels, and poems in English and trying to explain what each
interesting text means by giving translations of them in Japanese,
while telling them what each word means, how to memorize each such
seemingly difficult word, and all the points that are potentially
difficult for Japanese learners of English to understand. So, when
talking about such things, I tend to use Japanese.

When talking in English, I naturally try to address viewers from abroad.
There, I can't talk about English study. They don't need it because most of them
must know English better than I do. So I try to talk about international issues
(such as China's oppression of the Uyghurs, antinatalist issues and philosophy,
literature, and so on). Since I don't like small talk, I try not to talk about
everyday matters. But to talk about all those issues in English is really tough.
Even in Japanese, it's really hard. So, although I have tons of stuff that I wish
I could talk about in English, I tend to postpone such opportunities until later.
0119名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 8f39-k+pP)
垢版 |
2019/07/23(火) 18:34:58.77ID:zyqVQvdu0
>>116 >>117
For the past seven months, on YouTube, I have been into translating, explaining, and analyzing
popular songs in English, such as those by Carpenters. I particularly love Carpenters,
so I've already made about 120 videos (each lasting 30 to 90 minutes) where I
explain and analyze each Carpenters song in Japanese. Such popular songs enjoy
so much ubiquitous presence that people tend to think that they're rather easy to
understand and explain to students of English, such as those from Japan.
But actually, songs are poetry and therefore very hard, far harder to fully understand
than novels are. So I've been having a very hard time, but I enjoy it and learn a great deal
from all that process.

Thanks again for taking your precious time to view my YouTube videos. I hope I'll get
to see some videos you'll be making yourself in the near future, if you ever care to make any.
After you make any such video, just drop me a line in either of my comment fields under
any video of mine, and I'll fly over like a bird to your YouTube station. Thanks.
0120名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 8f39-k+pP)
垢版 |
2019/07/23(火) 18:35:11.83ID:zyqVQvdu0
>>116 >>117
By the way, as you say, most Japanese YouTubers are young and their videos are typically
very, very short, more like five to 15 minutes. And they never try to delve deeply into
any serious issue, like something political, linguistics, literature, philosophy or anything of the sort.
Even when they're trying to teach English, they produce nothing but very short videos where
they engage in nothing but how to quickly memorize enough vocabulary to get high scores
in TOEIC or other English proficiency tests, or how to pronounce seemingly difficult sounds in
English, or how to understand very basic grammar rules, which 15-year-old Japanese students of
English should have mastered while they were at school.

Very few, or even none, of such videos by Japanese YouTubers inspire me. So I never view more than
two minutes of any such video. As for older YouTubers, especially college professors and professional
writers, for example, they just don't seem to be interested to share any of what they know with
the rest of the public. Or are they just plain lazy or selfish, not motivated to work hard enough to
get through their potential messages to the public, I wonder?
0121名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 0f5b-k+pP)
垢版 |
2019/07/23(火) 21:46:10.78ID:rGCw/htq0
Yes, I will let you know when I made some videos on YouTube. But please don't
expect too much as it's not what I'm focusing on at the moment.

I'll try to make my reply as short as I can. We have been occupying here and as
someone said it has becoming a place where two ossans talk about love (and

As for why Japanese people don't talk much on YouTube, not only in English but
also in Japanese. It's an interesting topic. As for talking in English, my
guess is that maybe they are not confident enough to speak in English in
public. It seems to me that when it comes to learning foreign languages, except
for Korean and Chinese which are somewhat close to Japanese, we Japanese people
struggle more than people from other countries do. As for talking in Japanese,
maybe we are not used to talking about such topics, or I should rather say that
we are not good at having deep conversations. We Japanese, in general, try to
avoid talking about sensitive topics in order to avoid having conflicts. In my
opinion, I suspect it has something to do with the Japanese language (and the
culture behind it,) but I won't go deep into it. As for me, it feels more
natural and comfortable to express myself in English than in Japanese even
though my Japanese is way better than my English. I initially wrote my question
at >>81,87,90 in Japanese. I felt very uncomfortable for some reason writing
them and I switched to writing in English. Maybe this is just my thing.

If there is a factor that is hindering Japanese people from making certain
kinds of videos, it also can be a chance to those who can overcome it, I think.
0122名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 7f6c-nsgh)
垢版 |
2019/07/24(水) 00:42:12.89ID:4aLj8LHG0

↑の 0:05-0:10 の間のBoris Johnsonさんの英語がはっきりと聞き取れません
loving see u といつ飛行機で来たのって言っているのはわかるのですが、
0124名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 3f0a-ER2d)
垢版 |
2019/07/24(水) 02:44:35.35ID:MiWAQ3fC0


0125名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 8f39-k+pP)
垢版 |
2019/07/24(水) 06:32:13.34ID:emIut4oG0
Don't feel pressured to make videos just to indulge me. If I suggested
you make some, it's just that you write great English, delving into every topic,
all of which is very unusual for a native Japanese speaker. You're a rare asset.
So I thought you'd be a great YouTuber. That's all.

Give yourself time and if you come to feel like talking on youTube one or two years later, do so.
But if you don't, then that will be okay for me. I myself had given a tremendous
amount of time before I finally started to speak on YouTube, even in Japanese,
much less in English.

As for writing in either language, I feel rather comfortable, far more comfortable
than when speaking. Just like you do, I feel comfortable when delving into some deep issues when
writing in English, not in my own mother tongue, even though I've never been
in an Anglophone country or had long-lasting friendship with any foreigner before.

As for friends, I've never had many Japanese friends either. When younger, even I
enjoyed some stages where I thought, or rather, had the illusion, that I did have
some, or even many, friends. But not any more. It was all an illusion.
0126名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 8f39-k+pP)
垢版 |
2019/07/24(水) 06:32:26.85ID:emIut4oG0
And I strongly suspect that the same applies to everybody else in general. But
as for people belonging in the majority (or the big portion of the bell curve),
who are rather "normal," not like me or you, they should find it far less
hard to find (or have the illusion that they find) so-called friends. Why?
Because they're a huge bunch of people who are more or less alike.
Birds of a feather flock together. That's all. But that's doesn't mean they do
enjoy real friendship.

But I am a rarity in every sense, so I guess it's only natural that I find it
extremely hard to feel comfortable in the company of anybody else.

By the way, just as you say, I think it'd be better for us to stop talking
here. If you care to keep talking to me, you can always do so on Twitter or YouTube.
If you opened up an account on Twitter and/or YouYube, that would be
great. Thanks. And don't feel obligated to reply to me here. Just like you did,
I wanted to make this reply of mine very short, but I kept on blabbering
just like always. Sorry.
0130名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 1f7a-uG1+)
垢版 |
2019/07/25(木) 15:36:40.38ID:m+wVys7d0
Chat in Englishスレでも前に聞いたんですけど字幕ない映画やドラマ観るのってどこが良いでしょうか?
0131名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ a339-wm0+)
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2019/07/25(木) 16:43:30.48ID:Uht9HuLn0
0133名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW 1f7a-uG1+)
垢版 |
2019/07/25(木) 16:57:22.19ID:m+wVys7d0
0134名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 7b5b-wm0+)
垢版 |
2019/07/25(木) 21:11:49.22ID:vynv52D90
Each of us add something to our conversation and it makes us want to add more.
Our conversation seems to continue forever. But maybe not. We have been talking
on various topics already, although we have just touched the surface of each
topic. I have been enjoying this open-ended style of conversation.

The other day I came across someone mentioning that We Japanese people process
both vowels and consonants with our left brain whereas non-native Japanese
speakers process only consonants with their left brain and they process vowels
with their right brain. I did some research on it and came across this article.
I'm not trying to bring up this new theme. Rather, what I want to say is that I
was impressed by his command of language. For some reason, some people who are
older than me acquire a very good command of language through their life
experiences. (Maybe from reading?) I receive a similar impression when I read
your messages. Your messages are concise, precise, honest with yourself, and
not forceful.
(By the way, I don't know about the legitimacy of what's written in the article
above. You don't need to read it, it's just an example.)
0135名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 7b5b-wm0+)
垢版 |
2019/07/25(木) 21:12:52.10ID:vynv52D90
About friends. We talked about love and friendship the other day. I was kind of
for the idea (or existence) of it. But I admit that it seems to me that many
people, possibly most people including myself, are struggling with having true
friendships. Most people, to my eyes, are not even capable of telling if they
are having a deep connection with other people. Maybe I'm not an exception. In
this sense, possibly you are right, maybe there are no such things as true
friends. Or, maybe it just depends on our attitude or determination whether we
want to believe something, like when we do to (or not to) believe in God. We
came to this world alone, and we leave this world alone. It might feel sad, but
it's the truth.
0136名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 7b5b-wm0+)
垢版 |
2019/07/25(木) 21:13:21.11ID:vynv52D90
You mentioned about rarity of yourself and being normal. I'm aware that I'm
very different from other people, to the extent that it doesn't feel natural
for me to use the Japanese language. We talked about the fact that we Japanese
don't talk much, didn't we? I have this illusion that maybe in the English
community I can find more (or some) people who I can feel connected than in the
Japanese community. It's not that I don't like Japan or Japanese people. I like
them. But when it comes to feeling connected with people, I find it hard to
find someone among Japanese people who I want to talk to. Someone was asking a
question in this thread the other day about the word "species" and you (?) were
answering to it. Maybe I have been feeling as if I were of a different species.
I think a lot, and at times I feel a bit lonely. But fortunately for me, I
haven't felt very lonely for the past 2 years or so because I had some people
to talk to. (I don't know if I should have used the word "friend" here, because
the border between a friend and other people is unclear to me, and we talked
about friendship somewhat deeply, and I just wanted to be a bit precise here.)

I have been going nowhere. I just received a work related message now from
somebody and was pulled back to reality.

I haven't decided yet whether to create an account on either of the platforms
you suggested. Maybe it'll take some more time, so I decided to reply to you

Maybe we could keep talking like this. (But I believe we should slow our pace
down.) I indulged myself in writing a long message once again. I feel that I
have talked kind of enough already, and if you feel the same way you don't need
to give me a long reply. Just a short one or even no reply is fine. (Sorry for
the long reply. I indulged too much without realizing.)
0137名無しさん@英語勉強中 (FAX! a339-wm0+)
垢版 |
2019/07/26(金) 07:39:17.26ID:jR2KFpxQ0FOX
>>134 >>135 >>136
Thanks for your further response. I appreciate it.
Seeing what a good command of English you have
and how well you express yourself on just about
any topic, I can't help wondering why in the world
you haven't yet even bothered to open up your
own accounts on YouTube or Twitter or to
answer questions raised in forums like this one.

As for me, since I basically didn't think I could ever
relate seriously to anyone, whether Japanese or foreign,
I had settled a long time ago for just exploring
some issues, especially language and literature, all on my own
and just answering questions from Japanese learners of English
in such forums as this one. I do talk a lot on YouTube but
most of the time I simply upload videos where I pick up
songs, novels, and other materials written in English and
explain how each sentence works grammatically and what
it means and how beautiful it sounds to me from the viewpoint of
the beauty of language, together with linguistic issues and etymology.

Most of the time, no one responds. Some 150 people have subscribed
to my channel but very few of them respond. Most of those subscribers
are completely anonymous too. That is, out of these subscribers, most
remain completely unidentifiable. I don't know what kind of people they are.

As for small talk, life issues, and things like that, I don't expect
any longer to relate to anyone. As I said before, I don't think there will
ever come a day when I can finally relate to anyone, whether Japanese or
0138名無しさん@英語勉強中 (FAX! a339-wm0+)
垢版 |
2019/07/26(金) 07:52:58.75ID:jR2KFpxQ0FOX
Everyone was born with a particular set of genes and in a particular
pattern of environments that have programmed them to think, feel,
and behave the way they do. I'm the same way.

People who have not been in the same shoes as mine can't ever get to
know how I feel and what I think. In the same way, I can't identify with them.

Let me pick up a rather extreme example. Can I, for example, get to
understand a centipede or earthworm? I may be able to examine and
observe how they feel or behave through microscopes and scientific
experiments. But I don't think I will ever truly emphathize with them.
In the same way, centipedes and earthworms won't ever get to
understand or identify with me, either. But those centipedes probably do
understand and empathize with each other.

The same is true of me and other people. I can't ever identify with them.
Nor can they. If most people in the world seem as if to enjoy
the company of others, seeming to identify with them, seeming to
share some ideas and feelings among themselves, that is precisely
because they happen to have been born with more or less similar genes, under similar
environments. As for me, I'm diametrically, extremely, horribly different from any of them.
So it's better to give up expecting any of them to relate to me.
Besides, it can even be cruel to expect those other people to try to understand
and relate to me.

If I do find anyone or any group of people who can share some ideas and
feelings with me, identifying with me, enjoying the company of me, then
they must be either antinatalists (those who believe that the human race
should gradually go extinct) or people with extremely strong desires for
art and knowledge.
0139名無しさん@英語勉強中 (FAX! a339-wm0+)
垢版 |
2019/07/26(金) 08:09:17.27ID:jR2KFpxQ0FOX
But then again, if I had met anyone early in my life who can
feel relaxed with me and whose company I can enjoy without
pretending to be just like them, I might have enjoyed my life
and might have not become an antinatalist or pessimist.
I could have enjoyed my life fully and become someone
influential and contributing positively to the rest of society.

But I've never ever met anyone that way. Everyone in my family
was diametrically different from me, especially my parents.
No one in my neighborhood, school, or anywhere else in the world,
including abroad, seemed to share even the tiniest shread of
idea or feeling with me. No one understood, identified with, or
agreed with me in any way.

As I grew up in such an environment, I think I've always been
acting. As a child I was a good actor, constantly pretending to be
downright cheerful, ready to please everyone around me,
never antagonizing them, always living up to the expectations of
my parents, teachers, and other adults.

Everyone, at least those who don't know me enough, thought
- and still thinks - that I am a happy guy. Even when I do my best
to make them understand how I truly feel or what I really think,
it's all in vain. They never understand. The more I try, the less
they understand. After 63 long years of my desperate effort to
make my parents understand at least one tenth of me, I realize
that all this has been futile.
0140名無しさん@英語勉強中 (FAX! a339-wm0+)
垢版 |
2019/07/26(金) 08:09:30.80ID:jR2KFpxQ0FOX
Although they mean well and they are never such bad parents,
they are still someone just like most other people. That is, they are
normal. They belong to the majority. They never get to understand
or attempt to delve into the psychology of how, for example, schizophrenics,
anorexics, antinatalists, terrorists, homosexuals, or criminals may
have come to feel, think, and behave the way they do.
If those other people can't ever get to understand such seemingly
abnormal people, then they won't ever be able to understand me, either.
If so, how can I ever feel even a little bit comfortable in their company?
Never. All I can do is to keep pretending that everything is all right,
which those other people (who form the majority of society) expect me to do.
0141名無しさん@英語勉強中 (FAX! a339-wm0+)
垢版 |
2019/07/26(金) 10:42:04.24ID:jR2KFpxQ0FOX
古いテレビドラマとか映画でよいのなら、たとえば Journey to the Unknown とか
いうドラマシリーズを YouTube 上で探し出せば、

DVD などが買えて、ボタンを押せば字幕を消すことができるのだから。
第一、新しい DVD が出たとしても、最初のうちは値段が張るけど、

たとえば Downton Abbey のテレビシリーズの最終回に至るまで、
全編で確か 23 枚くらいだったと思うが、俺はそれをイギリスから
この23枚のセットは、中古品で確か 8,000 円くらいで買ったような気がする。
23枚もの CD を全部で 8,000 なんだから、安いのではないかな?

0142名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウカー Saeb-uG1+)
垢版 |
2019/07/26(金) 13:49:49.75ID:PTe3MeZza
0143名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ a35b-wm0+)
垢版 |
2019/07/26(金) 13:55:03.90ID:5v+nZiO70
I'm writing this on my tablet. I just want to say something before it slips my
mind. It won't be a long constructed response, but I think it's fine, or it
could be even better, because the thought of having to give a full, well
constructed response may make you feel kind of obligated. (I might write more
later. I might not.)

I was thinking while I was writing my previous reply that if there is any way
for us, us people in general, to feel less separated from and more connected
with other people. When I was writing my previous reply, I felt as if I was
making myself feel more separated than connected. The more I tried to explain
about myself, the more I felt that way. Maybe it was because I was trying to
focus on it logically, not emotionally. (Maybe we should try to give more
control to our emotion than to our logic when it comes to this kind of things,
because emotion must play a big role in human relationships. I'm more of a
logical person than emotional, and it's not always easy for me to do so,
And one thing that occurred to me while reading your reply was that one
potentially big difference in us, even though I find myself quite similar to
you in the way I see myself or people or things around me, might be that I
noticed I'm not focusing on trying to find similar or like minded people to me.
(I don't know if you were doing it or not, though.) Instead, as friends I have
been always trying to find people having moderately different personality than
I do. I don't think, feel or act the way they do, but I like to see they think,
feel or act in the way they do, and I like being around them and talking with
them. It makes our relationship more dynamic and I get more stimulated and
energized. In other words, I noticed that I haven't been focusing on myself
that much.
0144名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ a35b-wm0+)
垢版 |
2019/07/26(金) 13:55:35.61ID:5v+nZiO70
I'm interested in psychology and I'm guessing you as a person with a certain
kind of personality type. (Everybody has his own type.) I'm guessing your type
is different from mine. (I'm not trying to make you feel excluded.) If my guess
is correct, people with the best compatible personality type to your type are
very rare, and it could be a reason why you think or feel the way you do. (I'm
not trying to say it's bad, nor am I trying to change you or how you think.)
I didn't intend to come this far when I first asked a question here. I don't
know whether you will enjoy this, a bit non scientific concept or theory, but
maybe you can take a look at this and see if it describes you or not.
(I'm glad if you let me know if you can identify yourself as this type or not.
I'm sorry if you don't like this.)
It's got long. I'll end here.
0146名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウカー Saeb-uG1+)
垢版 |
2019/07/26(金) 14:59:39.57ID:PTe3MeZza
0147名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ a339-wm0+)
垢版 |
2019/07/26(金) 15:01:56.06ID:jR2KFpxQ0
I read a little of what's written at the link. If what it describes is
the philosophical introvert who tends to delve into their own mind,
then I think I belong to the category and most people describe me
that way.

By the way, you're saying you don't particularly seek to find something
in common with people and that you rather like to find differences
between you and them. I understand that.

But when I was saying that there is a wide gap, or even a gaping gulf,
between me and the others can't ever be something you can enjoy.
It's maddening. The difference is such that people around me,
even my own father, even after these 63 years of mutual desperate
efforts to understand each other, declares me almost insane.
Well, he's not such a terrible person, so he doesn't call me insane
in so many words.

But whenever I tell him how I really feel or think about
any issue in life, like how I feel about homeless people, he says to me,
as if to give a good piece of advice, "You know, my son, I don't think
it's a good idea to tell any such thing to any member of the general public,
like to your friends or acquaintances."

I ask him why. He then moves on to say things like, "Because they'll surely
think of you as insane ("kichigai" in Japanese, which is a very harsh,
discriminating, derogatory word). Then I ask him, "Then would you also
want to call me insane when talking that way about the homeless?"
Then he says, "Yeah, I would regard you as nothing but insane."
0148名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ a339-wm0+)
垢版 |
2019/07/26(金) 15:02:34.67ID:jR2KFpxQ0
All my life, conversations between me and my parents or anybody else
in society, like so-called friends and colleagues, have been that way.
Whenever I tell them even the tiniest shread of how I feel or what I think,
they almost call me insane, or tell me I must be just joking, or they may
even get mad and stop me from talking any further.

That's precisely why I've never shared my true feelings or ideas for more than
one minute with anybody else. Do you understand what I'm saying?
Put yourself in my shoes. There just CANNOT be any joy or pleasure or anything
at all between me and the others, unless I pretend that everything is all right and
I don't have anything different from them. They just expect me to feel almost the same
way. If you really enjoy the differences between you and the others, those differences are
tiny, whereas the differences between me and the others are like a huge, terrifying gulf
that makes you and everyone else go insane or something. Absolutely no one in the whole
world has ever understood me or enjoyed talking with me unless I pretend to engage in
small talk which makes them happy. To me, all the others seem like a bunch of kindergarteners.
They are actually not alive, if I may say so. They have never given any issue in society or life
a really serious, honest thought. That's why I don't want to talk to anybody any more.
I wish I were dead already. But I also know that I'm supposed to quietly put up with all this
and live on until I reach an age where I can die a natural death. Until that time, I'll
keep my mouth shut and pretend to "enjoy" my life just like the rest of society,
who are just like swines to me. This world is nothing but a pigsty.
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