0001名無しさん@英語勉強中 (スフッ Sd32-LuWU)
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2020/09/23(水) 18:53:19.33ID:9sS+uNBhd





0061名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウエーT Sa13-XqKq)
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2020/11/12(木) 07:57:28.47ID:3dPwQP/za
> ・・such "I-need-your-clothes-your-boots-and-your-motorcycle" thing・・

This expression is very cool and very interesting !
‘Terminator’ has progressed from mere violence action movie to more intellectual future
suggestive apocalyptic movie, I think. So, I recommend you to see‘TerminatorV&W.’

You may surprize that at last cyber-robot become to have consciousness and emotion.
We can’t distinguish cyber-robot and human being.
‘TerminatorV&W’cast us the profound question what is the human being?
0062名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウエーT Sa13-XqKq)
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2020/11/12(木) 07:58:35.53ID:3dPwQP/za
I want to believe my English is improving. Writing English every day is tough work. But I try.
. Practice makes perfect.
0063名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウエーT Sa13-XqKq)
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2020/11/12(木) 08:02:15.04ID:3dPwQP/za
Book review: 1Q84 by Murakami Haruki

Murakami is a popular novelist not only Japan but foreign country. His books translated into
many languages. They talked that he was nominated for the Nobel Prize of literature
several times. His books are always best seller.

This time ,I introduce one of his books to you. It is ‘1Q84.’
As a matter of fact, 1Q84 is conscious the title of George Orwell’s ‘1984.’
His other books titles sometimes borrow from other famous work or writer.
It aimed sensationalism. (next follow)
0064名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウエーT Sa13-XqKq)
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2020/11/12(木) 08:40:24.57ID:3dPwQP/za

I don’t agree your opinion.
I suppose you mistake China for Japan.

It is said that the pressure to follow government is strong in Chaina.
So, some people feel it cramped to live there.
And, police arrest people who don't obey government order
0065名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウエーT Sa13-XqKq)
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2020/11/12(木) 09:11:39.89ID:3dPwQP/za
Police arrest scum.

" ・・ police are proceeding investigation, presuming that the large-scale fraud group which
contains men repeated an unfair unlawful actions. Police arrested an unemployed man ( 23 ),
and the 20 year-old college boy who lives in Oosaka city ,
and Korean nationality bar executive ( 24 ) who lives in Oosaka - Ikuno Ward.
Three applied for the lie that the undergraduate runs the restaurant business of takeout
this year in June according to the police and that they fooled out of 1 million yen of lasting
benefit.” (according to yesterday’s news )
0066名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウエーT Sa13-XqKq)
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2020/11/12(木) 22:16:12.47ID:QtFEXCcEa
I suppose you try to translate famous Izumi Shikibu Diary’s beginning sentence.
I correct error of your translation.

It was April 10 , leaves of trees grew and shadows became dense , I looked lively green
weeds on the tile-roofed mud wall. It was so beautiful.
0067名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウエーT Sa13-XqKq)
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2020/11/12(木) 22:17:06.75ID:QtFEXCcEa
To tell the long story to short・・・・
If I were・・・・
I have a dream・・・
How is this phrase to be accepted?
What does this word mean?

These are my favorite phrases.
0068名無しさん@英語勉強中 (スフッ Sd43-hx+J)
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2020/11/12(木) 22:51:58.78ID:Vx3kx8ugd

A.D. 1002-1003

MANY months had passed in lamenting the World,1�more shadowy than a dream. Already the tenth day of the Deutzia month was over. A deeper shade lay under the trees and the grass on the embankment was greener.2�These changes, unnoticed by any, seemed beautiful to her, and while musing upon them a man stepped lightly along behind the hedge. She was idly curious, but when he came towards her she recognized the page of the late prince.3He came at a sorrowful moment, so she said, "Is your coming not long delayed? To talk over the past was inclined." "Would it not have been presuming?Forgive meIn mountain temples have been worshipping. To be without ties is sad, so wishing to take service again I went to Prince Sochi-no-miya."

0069名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウエーT Sa13-XqKq)
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2020/11/12(木) 23:11:52.64ID:zVFukbzha
Do you know the book which Iris Chang’ wrote, it titled “The Rape of Nanking.”
Iris Chang had suffered a nervous breakdown after publishing this book, and killed herself
by gun in the backseat of her car.
She had mentioned, more than 300thousands mass killing occurred after the Battle of Nanking
capture, in 1937.

How…by rifle, bayonet, hand- grenade, machinegun, gasoline, tank.
When…after the fall of Nanking, six weeks.
How many…300,000.
Whom…Chinese citizens, Chang Kai-Shek’s army soldiers.
Where …Nanking, capital city of China Republic.
What …by imperial Japanese army’s order.
Why …Revenge, enjoy killing.

To tell the long story to short, if you believe this book, you are very naïve person.
0070名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウエーT Sa13-XqKq)
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2020/11/13(金) 20:42:37.50ID:qHUrQ7Lta
Today’s subject is difficult to write for me. But I try 1000 writing marathon!

I visited Shoshazan Engyoji Temple in Okayama prefecture a few years ago.
Engyoji Temple was located in mountain top. I got on the ropeway to go there.
Through the gate, there were lined up billboards one-side of the pass; each billboard depicted
main event of Izumishikibu’s life,with pictures and comments, in chronological order. .
I read carefully these billboards, and interested in Izumishikibu since then.

Izumishikibu was a daughter of governor of Hukui prefecture, one of the excellent poet in
the Heian Period. She had served as imperial household court lady.
She wrote many excellent Japanese style poetry, and praised master of poetry.
She was passionate woman, having been involved with many royal princes.
“She was love machine!” Murasakishikibu blamed on her.
0071名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウエーT Sa13-XqKq)
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2020/11/13(金) 21:37:41.06ID:aYSPZs0ma
NHK radio 2 broadcasting will start new lecture program “ to read Izumi- Shikibu’s diary”
from tomorrow evening to next march. I recommend to listen the new lecture.
To prepare to tomorrows lecture, I have read Izumi- Shikibu’s diary since last week.
And I incline to try translate as a practice.
0072名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 759d-Pj7A)
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2020/11/13(金) 23:24:26.36ID:Yd9wT9bQ0
0073名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 9bc5-gFAA)
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2020/11/14(土) 00:05:51.55ID:8kQV+iK70
It is really interesting that in Shoshazan Engyoji in Okayama there were billboards
drawing pictures of a female noble lady, as into the mountain of the temple only male people were allowed to enter. And, it is interesting as well that the name of the mountain is Shoshazan, as the name of the mountain in Himeji, where Benkei was said to have studied, is the same.
0076名無しさん@英語勉強中 (スフッ Sd43-hx+J)
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2020/11/14(土) 05:15:00.93ID:mQCHtMcgd
0077名無しさん@英語勉強中 (スフッ Sd43-hx+J)
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2020/11/14(土) 05:18:08.12ID:mQCHtMcgd
0079名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウエーT Sa13-XqKq)
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2020/11/14(土) 05:38:04.76ID:bN/aWwGoa
Thank you for your comment and advice.
But I have enough income to live on.
If you wrote in English, it would be more welcome.

Did you do?
I don't want to be bother with the unnecessary thing.
Self practice can do at any time, I think it is the best way to improve my English writing.
0080名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウエーT Sa13-XqKq)
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2020/11/14(土) 05:39:36.51ID:bN/aWwGoa
Thank you for your comment.
Engyoji Temple is famous as a location for films.
The chief priest is a man of enterprise; he speak very good English ,and guide foreign tourists
by himself.

What is your problem?
Everyone has their ups and downs.
Try to see the funny side of life.
Please take it easy.
0081名無しさん@英語勉強中 (スフッ Sd43-hx+J)
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2020/11/14(土) 06:04:40.13ID:mQCHtMcgd
The art of fending off stress.

People in the modern world, one way or the other, cooperate with each other to maintain the high standards of living.
Where some produces crops and other provides processed food in a specialized manner that every job is neatly coordinated together in order to make a high productivity.
However, when it comes to work, people are constantly exposed to stressful situations under which they perform their tasks.
Just because you happen to face those awkward moments doesn't necessarily mean that they can stress you out.
Please read the article below 😁

0084名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウエーT Sa13-XqKq)
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2020/11/14(土) 21:55:06.77ID:G/AqfzHJa
Don’t overrate a native speaker of English who live in Japan.
They are almost dropout of mother-countries.
They can’t show you clear and sharp aesthetic English.
They can correct some words spelling and some basic grammatical mistakes at the most.
But wrong composition is wrong. Crows are never the whiter for washing themselves.

Good teacher is able to rewrite your awkward English composition, keeping essence of your
outlook and intention, and could show you the example of clear and sharp aesthetic English
sentences, like reconstruct the wrong design building.

Most effective way to improve English writing is practice.
Next is reading great numbers of English books.
0086名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウエーT Sa13-XqKq)
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2020/11/14(土) 22:11:22.84ID:G/AqfzHJa
Don’t give advice unasked.
Please write your experience in English.
Don’t write Japanese in this thread.
0087名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 9bc5-gFAA)
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2020/11/14(土) 22:55:34.94ID:8kQV+iK70
Not having seen me before around the age of 20,
you might have spent a different life.
I should not have called out to barefoot you and asked your name in the white summer.
Lucky guy and unlucky one
Mens are always either type
Shy girl. I feel sorry for you, you living in a barren hut.
No more than happiness No more than happiness.
Oh, you follow me.

The back of childish you are seen frightened by a knock demanding to pay the rent of our room.
WIth kitchen work, you suffer frostbite.
It would have been better if we could not find a room to live together.
Thorny rose and Chinese milk vetch.
Women are either type.
Shy girl. Look for a cleverer man of a good birth.
No more than happiness No more than happiness.
Oh, you're crying over my shoulder.

Those who have a spot or those obscure.
We are either type.
Shy girl. Though you like good-looking guys,
why did you choose me not popular with girls?
No less than happiness, no less than happiness.
Oh, we are set up to look for happiness together.
0091名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウエーT Sa13-XqKq)
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2020/11/15(日) 19:09:01.92ID:+6jA3aFRa
On November 15th, 1835, Sakamoto Ryoma was born.
On November 15th, 1867, his birth day evening, he was assassinated by unknown attackers
at Oumi- hotel in Kyoto.

At first newly selected security police of Kyoto city, popular name ”Sinsen-group” were
supposed to be assailants.
The truth was later revealed. Attackers were less known another security police
Today is the anniversary of Sakamoto Ryouma’s death.
Do you like Sakamoto Ryouma?
0092名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウエーT Sa13-XqKq)
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2020/11/15(日) 19:36:59.80ID:+6jA3aFRa
When we write sentences, we need conscious of the person who will read our sentences.
No matter how brief sentences we write, we never stop on the way, and should finish with
clear epilogue.
Compact and clear-cut sentences are best.
0093名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 9bc5-gFAA)
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2020/11/15(日) 20:52:37.36ID:62x5MmhJ0
In the morning at a slope with the a geranium smelling sweet,
you asked me bending the stem of the flower,
whether you can be alive without me.
I replied as I'm OK pouting my lips.
Im bad at telling a lie. I really love you.
You are bad at seeing it through. I can see your tears behind your laugh.
Oh, while there are as much as 100 lies between couples,
the whisper "I love you" was the truth.

At the light blue hill with geranium having changed its color,
Hearing you murmuring, "You are not good at kiss," with some hunch, I pressed
you for an answer:
"Do you have another person whom you compare with me?"

You said, "Oh, it has come out!" and showed the tip of your tongue.
You are bad at telling a lie. You have a secret in your mind.
I am a very sensitive person. In your face, I can read that I will become unhappy.
Oh, while there are as much as 100 lies between couples,
You are truly honest. I believed it.

Time having passed without any sound, geranium is about to fall.
You say that we cannot meet until finishing his graduation thesis.
Both of us are bad at telling a lie, you saving faces at the time of separation.
Left is only turning back for us behind the border tears draw.
Oh, while there are as much as 100 lies between couples,
the word I say to you is Good bye. I cannot tell even a lie other than that word.
0094名無しさん@英語勉強中 (アウアウエーT Sa13-XqKq)
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2020/11/16(月) 07:39:18.20ID:8glvfcH5a
(My 1,000 writing marathon practice)

When Virginia Woolf was bereaved by the death of her beloved mother, she was 13 years old.
When she was 15 years old, she lost elder sister- in- law. When she was 22 years old, she
lost her father. When she was 24 years, she lost her elder brother- in- law.
Then Britain plunged to the First World War. Britain lost great number of people in the war.
She also lost her many friends.

Death is unreasonable. Bereavement is most sad.
Departed person still remain in a memory of our mind. We could remember their smiling.
We could even remember their whispering. We could remember their warmth.
But we have no means to tell them in this real world. It is very sad.
When Virginia Woolf' had start to write her novel, "To the light" house, these sorrow feeling
surely prevailed in her mind.

On the bases of her individual experiences, and she combined it with total lost and nostalgia
feeling which pervaded through British society after the World WarT, Woolf wrote "To the
Light House." I love this book.
0095名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 9bc5-gFAA)
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2020/11/17(火) 22:55:14.06ID:IA4Rj1lR0
Such a noisy sound of the sea fell silent abruptly behind you.
I cannot move an inch while you gazing at me.
Though like at the time of screaming out in a dream I can move my lips,
words I utter is lost in the wind.
I love you, but...
Maybe, surely....
0097名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 4ec5-Eq0c)
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2020/11/18(水) 00:05:48.57ID:Zqy/L+iZ0
Still early sunshine steps back.
On the bottom of the water
transparent broken piece of grass flashes.
So, please take care of it.
I love you but
maybe surely.

Like crying in a dream,
I can move my lips.
But, the word I utter turns to be a wind.
I love you but
maybe surely

Leave from me and don't gaze at me.
0098名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ fb92-Eq0c)
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2020/11/21(土) 23:45:52.30ID:lhRj7w4U0
At the end of the brick path with weeds budding
is your house located.
I rang the doorbell, but
no one appears.

Not realize for myself, but
surely disobedient was I.
I am alone not allowing a little disagreement between us.

It is not until she happens to lose happiness that she notices it.
And, she turns back and seek to find it: a thing left behind by time.

Unwilling to be hurt and cry,
I hurt you.
Sorry for going out
even not saying good bye.

I heard from other the rumor that
you will go to the far a way place.
Though looking by the window into your room,
I cannot see any furniture.
0099名無しさん@英語勉強中 (スフッ Sdbf-WfKT)
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2020/11/25(水) 03:05:18.66ID:lOi71Thud
Have you heard of Play Station 5?
It's one of Sony's gaming consoles, which has just came out earlier this month.
You don't see any of them in stock if you are looking at Japanese websites because of popularity and their marketing strategy for Japan.
I mean they intentionally provide much less than the actual demand because it makes people feel more special about the product, further driving the local purchasing power.
This only works in certain markets like Japan where they dominate the market like a monopoly.
They know how to sell things!
But the problem is there are many PS5s on sale at double the original price!
These resellers are Sony's business partners.
0100名無しさん@英語勉強中 (スフッ Sdff-e9Fy)
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2020/12/13(日) 14:57:45.83ID:m6KB7HWod
Despite the fact that a term, technological singularity is much thrown around these days, I found out surprisingly that many people actually refer it without knowing of what it precisely means.

Technological singularity is a point in time at which technological growth becomes uncontrollable and irreversible, transforming human civilization as a whole in unprecedented and unimaginable way that we can't predict even a bit.

So why is this happening?
First of all, history tells us that the rate at which new inventions are made is accelerating at an exponential rate.
See the paragraph below. You can see what I mean by the acceleration.
This is mainly because new technology usually born from conventional technologies that are combined to apply in a totally different way.

Years ago/The year gap in-between/Invention
1,800,000 800,000 Simple handcrafted tools
1,000,000 700,000 Spoken language
25,000 15,000 Drawing, Premitive City
10,000 5,000 Agriculture
5,000 2,490 Writing, Wheel
2,510 1,960 City-state
550 325 Printing, Scientific method
225 95 Industrial revolution
130 65 Telephone, Electricity, Radio
65 38 Computer
27 14 Personal Computer

Last invention Human-like Artificial Intelligence
0101名無しさん@英語勉強中 (スフッ Sdff-e9Fy)
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2020/12/13(日) 15:21:39.91ID:m6KB7HWod
Technology can bring a change about our society as it did in the past and it will.
Take Internet for example, it has change our lifestyle.
We arrange our daily schedule to squeeze out as much free time just to spend more time on it.
It made everyone accessible to all the information they needed and even provides opportunities with them to the free education.
As for yet-to-be-seen future technologies, it is undeniable that they will follow this trend.
0102名無しさん@英語勉強中 (スフッ Sdff-e9Fy)
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2020/12/13(日) 15:32:24.34ID:m6KB7HWod

The U.S. has been the most important partner for Japan economically, politically and culturally since the end of WWll.
But it is on the cusp of losing its grip on world supremacy, seeing the rise of China.
As a matter of fact, China is attempting shaking up the current system the U.S. established to ensure its global dominance such as a partnership with its neighbors, international currency system driven by U.S. dollar and presence of overwhelming military power.
There are three reasons to support the idea.

Firstly, the most important foundation work to be a superpower is to establish partnership with neighboring countries.
This association among allies forms a front line of defense.
This then endows the country with a great defense capability against any harmful attempts from the opposing force including invasion, securing the opportunities for its economy and culture to be full-fledged.
0104名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW cf92-mZBx)
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2020/12/28(月) 04:28:41.99ID:J0zwfBIM0
In my work place, some people are witched abnormally.
On earth, a person who has been a president since this April is a person
who has done hurtful things to me.
He has an abnormal history of getting married with his seminar student after
seeing each other in his seminar.
And, just before I started to work as his colleague, an old person had been forced to quit the
workplace as he had met his retiring age. But, the old man insisted that he should continue to
be hirered as he had been promised it by the former president.
The next president who had been in that position one year before I started to work had ignored that
promise by the former president of his, and had forced the old person’s to quit the job.
Actually, that president was a seminar teacher in an graduate course, of the abnormally wicked
person with whom I started this story. And, the abnormal person recommended his teacher as a
would be president in the workplace and that person won that position as a new president then.

And that president had attended the wedding of the abnormal person.
And I heard from that president that the reason he had forced the old person to quit was to
avoid a young person to be pressured by the old person.He rejected saying the name of the
young person he mentioned, but it is not a mistake to think that the person is his seminar student
of him, the person who had gotten married with his seminar student.

I continue this story later.
0105名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW cf92-mZBx)
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2020/12/28(月) 04:39:21.40ID:J0zwfBIM0
people who appeared till now.
1 abnormally witched person, who married with his seminar student, and became a new president
eight months ago.
2 an president who had been a president, who had been a seminar teacher
of the abnormally witched person.
3 an old person with promise to be hired continually after his retiring age from the former president,
but actually was forced to quit in his retiring age by the president of 2.
0106名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 5951-BbU2)
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2021/01/31(日) 18:20:29.41ID:WubHIiFt0


74 ハバナブラウン(茸) [DE] ▼ 2021/01/31(日) 18:06:06.08 ID:qKcHCqgI0 [1回目]

77 キジ白(茸) [TW] ▼ New! 2021/01/31(日) 18:08:05.54 ID:RnLFqMUN0 [1回目]

81 スミロドン(茸) [ZA] ▼ New! 2021/01/31(日) 18:13:54.25 ID:6tOXFozN0 [1回目]
0107名無しさん@英語勉強中 (スフッ Sdd7-4yLN)
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2021/05/16(日) 20:09:14.15ID:WAhKF9nzd
If you are unemployed, you can seek advice from someone who's been through the same struggles.
You are doing your absolute best to make as much money as possible and secure a living.

If you are facing unavoidable death by cancer, there is nobody in the world who could give you down-to-earth advice.
Your dreams of future suddenly shut down and your attention turn to the inside, away from the materialistic world.

I'm not talking of religion but you will need to embrace the reality of death that up until now has been so farfetched to imagine.

FYI, a lot of cancer patients regret the very same thing. They wish they had known more about religious things.

This is not their fault, just a part of human nature. We're only conscious of the present and our own immediate future imaginable.
0108名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW ffe3-Q0I5)
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2022/10/05(水) 21:21:57.86ID:3Ayd/Py80
People do not have the ability to recognize or confirm everything as real things. Or rather, we recognize only little things as reality, and the range is limited to your own watching, smelling, and touching. Besides these, everything is nothing but the “plausible reality”, which is virtually built in the virtual world of words and just connected with the reality we recognize.

It is not because we are lacking of susceptibility, much less psychopathy that we don't cry in a miserable scene over our monitor, and few seconds later, zapp the channel, laughing out loud.

Only when we developed artificial instruments for communication such as letter and signal technologies, we were able to know the incidents that happen some kilometers away. It is the very recent event that has happened over the last 5000 years or so.
Human traits are incapable of adapting and changing in such a short time.

The further away from us are things, the more not being "reality" are these, which are actually not "reality" in our own subjective reality. If we heard of a tragic story and so on from somewhere far away  in the universe, would it be a "real" event? It is only "Distance" or "a sense of distance" that rules what is "reality", or we might say "a sense of reality" is the fear of threatening our own suvival itself.
0109名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイW ffe3-Q0I5)
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2022/10/05(水) 21:23:08.75ID:3Ayd/Py80
Our peace depends on incapablity of adapting to the accumulation of information that remains inflated. If we recognized all of "reality" expanded by the rising of various media and signal technologies, as the same experience which we actually watched by own eyes and heard by own ears, we would break down cring everytime a tragic event happen, and our daily life will collapse. In the end, insensitivity is none other than the feature for our surviving.

I like walking over to the strange-colored buildings in the distance and touching them.  To make the distant mirage a reality, to make it my reality.
0111名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ニククエW df9c-KpJc)
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2024/04/29(月) 17:07:39.99ID:AEmRrxqE0NIKU
My English diary.
