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0002名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 2589-p1/t)
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2021/04/02(金) 07:39:32.90ID:Bpgga1iY0

something fuckted up happened and the floor of my shower sank
a couple inches and gaps showed up between the tiles, so I cut some wood and... (1/2)


>>This is the best thread, on any board, I've seen in ages.(久しぶりに見た)

>>thank you OP this is why I browse diy
0003名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 2589-kjVL)
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2021/04/08(木) 07:18:17.57ID:vRF78zao0
Me (age 13), My dad (age 48) and Jackie Chan,(here 58) in honor of the legend's67th birthday today

>>As a Hong Kong Chinese, it's very heartening to see a fellow Hong Konger be so well-liked overseas. However, I would also just like to present some different perspectives on Jackie Chan as a person.

In general, Jackie has a far more complicated reputation here at home than he does overseas. There is no doubt that he popularized his school of physical comedy/acting, and honestly no-one else has even come close to being able to replicate it, but at the same time his personal actions and views also has earned him a fair share of disdain.

I'll be starting off with stories that are purely anecdotal and rumour-based before moving on to bigger issues, so skip a couple of paragraphs if you don't like celeb gossips.

Jackie is somewhat of an infamous sex fiend within the Hong Kong entertainment industry, quite often he has been sighted taking younger starlets into hotels from nightclubs (have personally heard stories from friends who work at clubs). His biggest scandals are probably from his numerous and quite public affairs during his wife's pregnancy, which he has gone on record to defend by saying that he was just trying to test out his best options. His irresponsibility in his love life is also why his son (known as Jaycee Chan in the west) has a different family name (that is neither his own nor the mother's), basically preventing him from being instantly recognizable as his own (illegitimate) son.
0004名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 2589-kjVL)
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2021/04/08(木) 07:25:01.55ID:vRF78zao0
He is also known as an extremely strict parent. As in "punching your child" strict, not that it really stopped his son from being arrested in Beijing on drug charges (weed, which may or may not change your opinion of the charges depending on your views on recreational drugs). He is very cold to his child. During the above arrest instead of support he basically completely ignored Jaycee(no visit during custody, refused to appear in the trial as proof of character). Instead Jackie seemed more interested in addressing the press about how disappointed he was in him, constantly setting up press conferences to apologize for his son's actions
(which, what the fuck, you don't apologize on behalf of a grown-ass 30-something adult).~~ He has also gone on public record to say that he will not be leaving Jaycee anything after he dies. Personally I think expecting your child to make his own fortune is one thing, but publicly saying that you are afraid he will just waste your money is another.~~ Basically, he constantly feels the need to establish how fair and just a person he is to the public at the expense of his own bastard child.

His biggest criticisms come from his political leanings, though. The records are out there, so feel free to google it if you are interested in further reading. He consistently acts as one of the more prolific mouthpieces for the Chinese Communist Party (NOT China, see below). His statements are always incredibly inflammatory ("People's freedom should be restricted" etc.), poorly-supported, very heavily propagandized, and not to mention reductionist and biased. There is no logical or reason at play in most of his political rants. His entire strategy towards commenting on any political issue is basically "I'm famous so fuck you. Hail the Party."
0005名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ササクッテロラ Sp5f-PaoR)
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2021/04/15(木) 06:13:42.59ID:aSbF4sLnp



0006英語職人 ◆azN58fWNzw (ワッチョイ a796-MmH2)
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2023/09/10(日) 18:09:59.25ID:9g3tHbou0
ma cher a mi-o というフレーズは、歌や詩の中で愛情や仲間意識を表現する遊び心のある、ややナンセンスな方法である。特定の言語における標準的なフレーズではないが、芸術的または叙情的な目的のために創造的かつ様式化された言葉の使い方であると言える。

"Because tonight I'm gonna see my ma cher a mi-o"は、「私」が大切な人に会ったり一緒に過ごしたりすることへの興奮や期待を表現している。「ma cher ami-o」の使用は、詩的または芸術的な表現であり、相手への愛着やつながりを伝えるためのものである。

「ma cher ami-o」は文字通りの意味ではなく、むしろ歌詞や詩にリズムや感情、親密感を加える方法として使われる。言葉そのものに特定の辞書的な意味がなくても、印象的で感情的に響くセリフを作るのは、曲作りではよく使われる手法なのだ。
