>>884 に関するコメントの後半

しかし、purpose の場合はそうはいかない。

(b-1) 正しい: The purpose for which Fred has been...
(b-2) 間違い: The purpose why Fred has been...
(b-3) 間違い: The purpose that Fred has been...
(b-4) 間違い: The purpose Fred has been...

したがって、(b-1) だけが ★文法構造上は★ 正しい。だから、問題集に出ている purpose の選択肢は、

次に、(b-1) の形は、もしかしたら文法構造上は正しくても、全体的に不自然かもしれない。自然なのは、

(c-1) The purpose for which Fred has been studying French is to work in France after graduation.


(c-2) The purpose of Fred's French study is to work in France after graduation.


(c-3) Fred has been studying French, hoping to work in France after graduation.
(c-4) Fred has been studying French in the hope of working in France after graduation.